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The Proposition: Chapter 14: The Dotted Line

Kindlin pulled Nick aside, the next morning, at his house while Sarah was playing with Alex.

"What's goin' on?" Nick asked, while looking down at her.

"Nick... I... I've decided we should get divorced now. I mean, I've already moved out - and the fans know, so they know we're having 'marriage problems'. It wouldn't be too weird if we got divorced."

Nick looked shocked. He had had NO idea she was going to say THAT. "What?? But-but... What about Alex??" what he really meant was, WHAT ABOUT ME??

"Nick, if we do this now Alex won't know any different."

That was a good point, but Nick didn't want a divorce at all.

Kindlin had walked away, to go and talk to Sarah, by the time he'd gotten the courage to tell her that. With a sigh, Nick disappeared up the stairs to his bedroom.

~*~ A Few Hours Later ~*~

"Nick! Kindlin's leaving now!" Sarah called up the stairway, so he could say 'bye' to her.

Nick came back downstairs, looking depressed, much to Kin's surprise.

"Bye, Nick," she said as she took her keys out of her pocket. "I put Alex down for his nap, in his crib, while you were upstairs."

"Okay, thanks," he said quietly, looking down at the floor.

Kin sighed, thinking maybe he was mad at her. Did he think it was too soon, for the public eye, to get a divorce? She just needed to get out of this relationship. She knew that in a few months him and Sarah would be living peacefully and he'd thank her for divorcing him as soon as had. "Okay, well... I'm gonna leave now." she gave Sarah a hug and then looked at Nick for a second, before quickly leaving.

"Well, that was odd." Sarah said, thoughtfully.

Nick jumped to defense, "What was??"

Giving him a weird look, Sarah sat down on the couch. "How she was acting. Is she okay?"

"She's fine... I'm gonna go take a nap."

~*~ 2 Weeks Later ~*~

"Okay, sign here and everything will be final."

Once again they'd gotten to do things quicker than normal, due to Nick's status.

Kindlin signed on the line quickly, knowing that if she hesitated she'd chicken out. When Nick faltered, and didn't pick up the pen that was laying before him, Kin picked it up and handed it to him, knocking him out of his daze.

Nick looked over at her, and seeing the urgency in her eyes - he signed the dotted line.