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The Proposition: Chapter 15: Bundle of Joy

I wanna be the face you see When you close your eyes I wanna be the touch you need Every single night I wanna be your fantasy And be your reality And everything between

I want you to need me Like the air you breathe I want you to feel me In everything I want you to see me In your every dream The way that I taste you, feel you, breathe you, need you I want you to need me, need me Like I need you

I wanna be the eyes that look deep into your soul I wanna be the world to you, I just want it all I wanna be your deepest kiss The answer to your every wish And all you ever need

I want you to need me Like the air you breathe I want you to feel me In everything I want you to see me In your every dream The way that I taste you, feel you, breathe you, need you I want you to need me, need me

Cuz I need you more than you could know And I need you to never never let me go And I need to be deep inside your heart I just want to be everywhere you are

I wanna be the face you see When you close your eyes I wanna be the touch you need Every single night I wanna be your fantasy And be your reality And everything between...

I want you to need me Like the air you breathe I want you to feel me In everything I want you to see me In your every dream Cuz baby, I taste you, feel you, breathe you, need you...

I want you to need me Like the air you breathe I want you to feel me In your everything I want you to see me In your every dream Cuz baby, I taste you, feel you, breathe you, need you

I want you need me (Need me) Like I need you (Need me) Like I need you (Need me) Like I need you

-I Want You To Need Me, by Celine Dion (CD: All The Way... A Decade of Song)

~*~ Many Months Later ~*~

Nick wiped the sweat off of Kindlin's brow with a cool cloth as the sound of a baby's cries filled the room. He kissed her forehead, never having been so happy in his entire life, and Kin merely looked up at him with her eyes twinkling, yet looking tired.

A little while later, the doctor walked over to them, "Would you like to hold your little baby girl, Mr. Carter?" he asked with a wide grin on his face. Nick and Kindlin's daughter was laying in his arms.

Nick took her into his own arms, his eyes wide. He bent down next to Kindlin so she could look at her. Kindlin smiled at the baby, playing with her tiny fingers. She looked up at Nick with joyful tears in her eyes, before looking back down to their tiny baby girl.

"She's beautiful," the two parents whispered at the same time.

A nurse walked into the room with a clipboard in her left hand and a pen in the other. "Mr. Carter and Miss Thompson, have you decided what to name her?"

"Ashley Gwyneth," Nick smiled over to Kindlin. That had been the name that they'd picked if it had been a girl... which it obviously had.

The nurse looked up from the board, after writing the name, "Last name?"

Nick looked down at Kin. They'd had had a few problems deciding on which last name the baby should have.

She looked back at him, before turning to the nurse, "Carter. Ashley Gwyneth Carter."

Nodding, the nurse wrote it down, before thanking them and exiting the room, quietly.

Nick smiled lightly at Kindlin, sitting down next to her and kissing her cheek lightly. "Thanks, babygirl," he said quietly, as he wrapped his arm around her and ran his finger over Ashley's cheek.

"No problem, Nick." Kindlin rested her head against Nick's shoulder gently, and together they gazed at their new baby.

~*~ In The Hallway ~*~

Sarah sighed as she looked through the window into Kindlin's room. "They'd be such a perfect couple," she murmured to herself. "If only they'd realize it."

Brian walked up and stood beside her, looking in on Nick and Kin. "You're his girlfriend and you're thinking up ways to get rid of yourself?" he chuckled lightly.

"Well, do you disagree with me?" Sarah turned to look at him, a small smile on her face.

Brian shook his head 'no'. "Of course I don't... Who would? No offense to you, of course."

"None taken, Mr. Littrell."

~*~ 12 Hours Later ((It's true... some hospitals kick the woman out of the hospital in 12 freaking hours... That is so unfair.)) ~*~

Nick got Kindlin's bag and put her in the wheelchair. "You ready, Miss Thompson?" he smiled down at her.

She laughed lightly, still feeling tired. "Yea, Mr. Carter, I'm ready. Take me to my hooooome."

Nick grinned and pushed her out to his vehicle, helping her into it. Closing her door behind her, he walked around to his side and got in, starting the engine.

"Nicky, who's at home with Alex?" Kindlin asked curiously as they pulled out of the hospital parking lot and onto the freeway.


"Ohh okay, cool." putting the seat back, Kin laid down and fidgeted for a while until she got comfortable, then fell asleep until they got to her new condo.

~*~ 3 Days Later ~*~

Nick and Kindlin walked into the hospital. It was finally the day that they'd get to take Ashley home for the first time. They were both excited and nervous at the same time. They'd never taken care of a baby before, since when they'd gotten Alex he'd already been almost a year old. After a while, they had Ashley in the carseat and were heading back to Kin's condo. Sarah was taking care of Alex at Nick's house for the day, so that the two of them could be with Ash.

Once they got home it was already noon, and for hours they ooh'ed and ahh'ed over the cute little things that Ashley unknowingly did. Before they knew it, it was already 10 p.m. and the sun had long before disappeared.

"Nick, maybe you could call Sarah and ask if you could stay the night here?" Kindlin asked, hopeful. She was scared to death about him leaving and her being alone with Ashley. She didn't know why, but the thought frightened her.

"Yeah, I'll go call her, sweetie." he stood up from where he was sitting on the ground, and went into the kitchen, picking up the phone and dialing his number.

It took 3 rings until Sarah picked up, "Hello?"

"Sarah? Hi, hon... It's Nick."

Sarah smiled, "Hey, Nicky. How are things goin'? How's Ashley and Kin?"

"Things are great, and they are great." he smiled at the thought of them. "How's Alex? He doin' okay?"

"Yep, he's wonderful. We watched Pokemon until he got all extra tired, that way he went right to sleep when I put him to bed about an hour ago."

"Alright, great. That's perfect. Thanks so much for doin' all this for us, Sar."

"No problem, Nick. Now what'd ya need?"

"Oh! We were wonderin' if I could stay the night here and then come home tomorrow... To tell you the truth I think Kin's afraid to be with Ash alone on the first night."

Sarah nodded, "That makes perfect sense. And of course you can stay the night. I'll see you tomorrow then..."

"Thanks so much," Nick smiled. "Tell Alex his mommy and daddy love him, when he gets up tomorrow, for us... please."

"No problem... Have a good night."

"You too, Sarah... Bye."


They hung up the phone and Nick walked back into the family room. "She said that was perfectly fine. C'mmon, let's go to bed." he took a sleeping Ashley in his arms and walked her into Kindlin's room, placing her in the bassinet. He stood back and looked at her as Kin walked up next to him and leaned her head against his shoulder.

"How was Alex?" Kindlin asked quietly as they watched Ash sleep.

"He was good... He's asleep. Sarah said they watched Pokemon for a long time." Nick chuckled.

Kin giggled, "Poor her."

They went to sleep on Kindlin's bed and were woken up about a thousand times during the night, by Ashley's cries. They both took turns getting up and taking care of her and by the time the sun came up, they were both exhausted. Ohh, the joys of taking care of a baby...

~*~ 4 Weeks Later ~*~

Nick and Kindlin had been spending countless hours with each other and their two children. Alex was loving having a little baby sister, but like all little boys he had to constantly be reminded to "be gentle" with Ashley. Nick and Kin were growing closer as friends again and were now becoming inseperable, no matter if they had kids or not. Every now and then Brian and Leigh would watch the kids and Nick and Kindlin would go to the movies, as "friends"... of course. What Nick always found odd was that it was always Sarah's idea for them to go out and have some fun together.

Not only was Nick finding Kindlin to be his best friend these days... but he was finding himself falling in love with her all over again. Not like he'd ever fallen out of it, completely, but it was growing deeper and deeper every second that he saw her face. What he didn't know was that Kindlin was finding the same problem. And yes, it was a problem. They were already divorced. They'd already given up on their "relationship". Kindlin had already switched from Kindlin Carter back to Kindlin Thompson.

Nick and Kin were sitting on the couch watching a movie - already having put Alex and Ashley to bed - when it happened... When they did what would change everything all over again. Kindlin was laying on the couch on her back, with her head turned to see the TV. Nick was sitting on the end of the couch, with Kin's legs draped over his lap. He had leaned over her to grab the control to turn the volume down a notch, when his arm had twisted a weird way. His arm had been holding up his body weight up from her, and once his arm moved he sort of fell on her.

"Oh my gosh, I am sooo sorry." Nick apologized, still not having gotten off of her.

Kindlin laughed it off, since it hadn't even hurt. When she was done laughing and he was done apologizing they were left in silence, him on top of her and her feeling herself getting wet just at the look in his eyes. Before they knew it he'd leaned down and kissed her.