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The Proposition: Chapter 16: A Better Proposition

Ohhh... I will be yours

I don't know what to do I can't believe it's true That you can make me feel this way I see it in your eyes It made me realize There's something that I've got to say

I just wanna tell you that I'm sorry For all the things I've done to make you worry And all the time I cared for you from the bottom of my heart (Bottom of my heart)

I will be yours if you'll be mine (I will be yours) I will be there till the end of time (I will be yours) I will be with you until the day that I die I'll be yours I will be yours

I've been around the world And seen a lot of girls But no one can compare to you It's really plain to see That you belong to me 'Cause you're the only one I need

I just wanna tell you that I'm sorry For all the things I've done to make you worry And all the time I cared for you from the bottom of my heart (Bottom of my heart)

I will be yours if you'll be mine (I will be yours) I will be there till the end of time (I will be yours) I will be with you until the day that I die I'll be yours...

-I Will Be Yours, by Aaron Carter (CD: self-titled (Isn't he just too adorable??))

"W-What was that for?" Kindlin asked, once they'd broken away from the kiss which had left them both breathless, her voice soft and quivering.

"Because... Because Kindlin, I love you! I've loved you for so long, you have no idea. I'm not gonna lie and give you that whole 'I'ved love you from the first time I laid eyes on you' bit," Nick sat up and Kin followed suit. "Because, to tell you the truth, I didn't. When we always fought I didn't even like you then and I know for a fact that you didn't love me then either, and probably still don't." Kindlin went to cut him off, but he stopped her. "No... Please. Just let me finish. I need to say this stuff to you. I don't even know when I started falling in love with you, but before I'd even realized it I was head-over-heels for you. Kin, I'm sorry for everything that I've ever said or done to hurt you. I should have told you this a long time ago, but I was basically - to put it bluntly - chicken sh*t. But now I know that I just need you to know how much you really mean to me... how much I love you..."

Kindlin felt overwhelmed as she took in all the new information. How could he love her?! This had to be some kind of sick joke. "W-What??"

Nick laughed lightly, taking her hand. "C'mere," he led her onto his lap. "I'm sorry," he rested his chin on her shoulder, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

Kindlin sighed, tears forming in her eyes. She didn't know what to do. Nick loved her, she loved Nick, Nick was dating Sarah, Sarah was now Kin's friend. "Nick, what about Sarah?"

"To be honest? She was the one who came to me, a week ago, and said that she really likes me, but she knows I'm in love with you. We haven't been 'together' since."

"But... she practically lives at your house."

Nick smiled at her, "She's become a really good friend of mine - and yours too - and she said she wants to help us out and so she's been staying there a lot to help with Alex now that we have Ash and all. Sarah's never slept in my room... she sleeps in the guest room, if that's what you were referring to." he smirked.

Kin took a deep breath and turned herself around, straddling his lap, so she was facing him. Tears slipped down her face as she gently pressed her lips to his. Nick's stomach muscles tightened at her kiss. This was THE kiss. The one that could begin or end everything. It was either her 'I love you' or 'goodbye' kiss.

Kindlin pulled away, after several minutes, and stared at him breathlessly. "I love you."

At that moment Nick felt like his life began. He'd never felt that whole before. He finally had his better half back with him in more ways than he ever had to begin with. He felt like climbing to the top of a mountain and shouting to the world how much he loved her. Pressing his lips back to hers, his tongue explored her mouth, dueling with hers for control of the kiss.

Kin pulled away after a while, feeling like her lungs were empty. "Nuh-uh," she gasped, knowing what he wanted. "We're doing this the right way, that is if you want to be married again...?"

Nick nodded his head, vigorously, waiting for her to continue.

"Okay... you can go home in the morning and take Alex and Ashley with you and watch them and I'll call and ask Brian to come help me pack up all my stuff and I'll come and move it back into your house - I have a friend who'll buy my furniture... and bed, of course, since I won't be needing that anymore..."

Nick grinned at her.

"And then... we can throw a fast wedding in like a week and actually have some family and friends there this time."

"Sounds wonderful!" Nick gave her an excited smile.

"EEE!!" Kin squeeled, feeling excited as she stood up and ran towards the kitchen to call Leigh Ann and Amanda ((AJ's girlfriend, obviously!)). "I'm getting married, I'm getting married!"

...You spoke my name And the world began again You touched my heart And it opened...

-When You Walked Into My Life, by Jaci Velasquez (CD: Jesus - The Epic Mini-Series - soundtrack)