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The Proposition: Chapter 17: Amazed

I'm coming, I'm coming home to you I'm alive, I'm a mess I can't wait to get home to you To get warm, warm and undressed

There've been changes beyond my dreams Everybody wants me to sing There've been changes beyond my grasp Things I'm sinkin' in

So keep me, keep me in your bed all day, All day Nothing heals me like you do Nothing heals me like you do

When somebody knows you well Well, there's no comfort like that When somebody needs you Well, there's no drug like that

So keep me, keep me in your bed all day, All day Nothing heals me like you do Keep me, keep me in your bed all day, All day Nothing heals me like you do

When I'm home, curled in your arms And I'm safe again I'll close my eyes and sleep, sleep To the sound of London rain

So keep me, keep me in your bed all day, All day Nothing heals me like you do

Keep me, keep me in your bed all day, All day Nothing heals me like you do Nothing heals me like you do

Nothing falls like London rain Nothing heals me like you do...

-London Rain (Nothing Heals Me Like You Do), by Heather Nova (CD: Dawson's Creek soundtrack - I don't know what CD of HERS it's on)

Kindlin smiled as her and Brian got the last piece of furniture into her friend's house. "Well, Stephanie, I think we've got it all here!" Kin stated triumphantly.

"Great! Thank you!" Stephanie took a sip of her juice. "You guys want something to drink?"

"Nope! But thanks anyway... I wanna get home to my man!"

Brian chuckled, "You know what THEY'LL be doing tonight."

"Shut up, you little sh*t!" Kin laughed, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the door. "Bye, Steph!"

"Bye, K. Thanks again!"

"Nope... Thank YOU!" Once they were outside Kin put her sunglasses over her eyes and turned to Brian, "Y'know, not like this is even ANY of YOUR business, but I'm not going to sleep with Nick until we're married again."

"What?! Why?! You've screwed around with him Many times before... many, MANY times before," Brian snickered.

"Shut up!" Kin laughed. By now they were in the car and Kin was starting the engine. "Look, I have my reasons, okay?"

"Okay, okay. But are you sure Nick's gonna go for this?"

"Does it look like Nick has a choice?"

~*~ 20 Minutes Later ~*~

"Nick baby??" Kin called out as she walked into the house.

"Hey!" Nick chirped as he walked in from outside. He gave her a peck on the lips before turning to Brian, "Hey, man. Sup?"

"Nothin' much!"

"What were you doin' outside?" Kin took his hand and led him outside with Brian, so they could start unpacking her things from her car.

"Oh, Leighanne and I were out there playing with the kids. She's out in the backyard with them right now."

"'Playing' with the 'kids'?" Kin laughed. "Ashley's how old...?"

Nick laughed. "Okay, playing with one... holding the other."

~*~ That Night ~*~

Every time our eyes meet This feeling inside me Is almost more than I can take Baby when you touch me I can feel how much you love me And it just blows me away

I've never been this close to anyone or anything I can hear your thoughts I can see your dreams

I don't know how you do what you do I'm so in love with you It just keeps getting better I wanna spend the rest of my life With you by my side Forever and ever Every little thing that you do Baby I'm amazed by you

The smell of your skin The taste of your kiss The way you whisper in the dark Your hair all around me Baby you surround me You touch every place in my heart

Oh it feels like the first time every time I wanna spend the whole night in your eyes

I don't know how you do what you do I'm so in love with you It just keeps getting better I wanna spend the rest of my life With you by my side Forever and ever Every little thing that you do Baby I'm amazed by you

Every little thing that you do I'm so in love with you It just keeps getting better I wanna spend the rest of my life With you by my side Forever and ever Every little thing that you do

Oh, every little thing that you do Baby I'm amazed by you

-Amazed, by Lonestar (CD: Lonely Grill)

"Hi, Ashley baby! How are you doin', doll??" Kindlin coo'ed, coming into the family room where Ashley was rolling around on the floor, giggling to herself, and Nick and Alex were sitting on the couch watching TV.

Kin picked Ash up off of the floor and sat down on the couch, Alex inbetween her and Nick. Nick smiled over at her and she smiled back, before noticing Ashley had fallen asleep against her. 5 minutes later, Alex was leaning against Nick, completely conked out.

Nick laughed, "Maybe it's contagious."

Kin smiled and stood up, cradling Ash againt her chest. "Grab Alex...?"

"Sure," Nick stood up, picking Alex up gently."C'mmon, let's get these little runts to bed."

They walked up the staircase and to the kids' room. Nick placed Alex into his bed and kissed his forehead, while Kindlin tucked Ashley into her crib. They switched and Kin kissed Alex goodnight, while Nick kissed Ash goodnight.

Leaving the room and shutting the door quietly behind them, they headed to their bedroom and closed the door.

"You tired, sweetums?" Nick wrapped his arms around her, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Very," her eyes fluttered close as she leaned into his body.

Nick laughed, "Maybe you should lay down before you fall asleep."

Kin giggled, before walking over to the bathroom and finding the stuff that she'd put in the drawers only a few hours before. Once she'd finished brushing her teeth and washing her face, she went back into the room and stripped down to her underwear and a T shirt. She climbed into bed and waited for Nick to finish getting ready for bed.

Once Nick had crawled into bed, he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. Kindlin snuggled up to him, burying her face in his chest.

"I love you," he whispered, his voice muffled by her hair.

"I love you too, Nicky. For always." she smiled, loving the feeling of his warm, bare chest against her cheek.

"When can we start planning the wedding??" Nick suddenly perked.

Kindlin laughed, "After we get some sleep."

"Alright, alright," he smiled down at her. "Sweet dreams."

"You too, baby. G'night."

"Goodnight," tightening his grip around her waist, they fell asleep.

Feels like home to me Feels like home to me Feels like I'm all the way back where I come from Feels like home to me Feels like home to me Feels like I'm all the way back where I belong

-Feels Like Home, by Chantal Kreviazuk (CD: Dawson's Creek soundtrack)