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The Proposition: Chapter 18: Mr. and Mrs. Nick Carter

...I'm so excited And I just can't hide it I'm about to lose control And I think I like it

I'm so excited And I just can't hide it And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I want you...

-!!Unknown!!, by !!Unknown!! (CD: !!Unknown!!)

Kindlin grinned at Nick from across the breakfast table.

"What?" he smirked. "What are you up to, Kin?"

"Nothin'!" Kin laughed. "I'm goin' over to Leighanne's today and Sarah's gonna meet us there... we're all gonna head to a bridal shop to look for a dress for me and bridesmaid dresses for them, though."

Nick smirked, "Cool! You excited?"

"You think??"

He rolled his eyes at her.

"I made an appointment for you and the rest of the guys to go and get fitted for tuxes."


Kin laughed. "Oh! Our parents are gonna be getting their invites soon, ya know. Therefore... we have to call them and explain that our last marriage was a fake, as soon as possible."

Nick took a deep breath before spouting some sarcasm, "Wonderful. That's not gonna be easy."

"Yeah, tell me about it! You know my mom... She's gonna flip. I mean, when I called her to tell her about Alex, after we'd gotten him back, she practically had a cow. Then when I told her that we were divorcing and that I was pregnant with your child again, she had... something along the lines of a... an elephant."

"Wow, I don't wanna know what she's gonna have when we tell her about this!" Nick said, purposefully acting melodramatic.

"Shut up," Kin laughed. "I remember that she just kept saying over and over 'Why are you divorcing him?? Are you stupid? He's the best guy you've ever had!'"

Nick rolled his eyes, before standing up and walking over to her. He kissed the top of her head, "I'm sure everything'll be just fine, K. Don't worry. Do I need to take Ashley or Alex anywhere today?"

"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot... Ash has a check-up at the doctor's office; could you take her, so I can get everything done?" Kindlin got up and took the dishes to the kitchen.

"Sure," Nick called after her, before going to get Alex and Ashley out of bed so he could get them ready to leave.

~ * ~ Later That Day ~ * ~

"You nervous? Excited? Scared sh*t-less?" Sarah giggled, while fixing Kindlin's vail in front of the bridal shop's full-length mirror.

"Sarah!" Kin laughed. "No... not really. A little nervous, but other than that I'm just really excited."

Sarah grinned at her, once she'd finished with the vail. "You look beautiful, Kin. Absolutely beautiful."

"Good, because this is my choice. I love this dress. Let's get it!"

"Awesome. It looks wonderful. Okay... where'd Leighanne go?"

Kin stepped down from the little platform she'd been standing on. "To find shoes to match your guys' dresses. You know, you look babalicious in that dress, Sar."

Sarah laughed, "Uh huh, sure."

"You don't think mine shows too much cleavage, do you?"

"It shows it," she giggled. "But I wouldn't say it's TOO much. And I'm sure Nick'll agree. Hahaha. You know... you really deserve him. You deserve each other. You're perfect together."

Kindlin smiled, while looking down for a second. "Thanks, Sarah! For everything! You've been so understanding through all of this."

"Hey... I just knew you guys were meant for each other!"

They hugged just as Leighanne walked back into the room.

"Okay, stop with the mushy scene. Wow! Kindlin, you look... stunning!" Leigh beamed at her.

"Thanks," Kin laughed. "You look pretty darn sexy yourself. Brian's eyes will pop out."

Leighanne smirked. "Whatever. Okay, c'mmon. Let's get out of these things, so we can buy 'em!"

~ * ~ The Next Day ~ * ~

"Okay, we need to make the arms a little longer," the fitting lady said, while tugging at them a little bit. "I'll be right back, Mr. Carter."

As soon as she left the room, Brian spoke up. "So... ya nervous?"

"As hell." Nick took a deep breath.

He laughed, "Why?? You got nothin' to be worried about. You and Kin will make it. Trust me."

"I know... it's just... Kin's 20 and already has 2 young kids... And now she'll have a husband too-"

"Who's like a baby."

"Shut up," Nick laughed. "I just... hope she can handle all of this."

"Well, you're only 20 too. Do you think you'll be able to handle all of this?"

"Yeah... but it's different for Kin. I mean, I'll be going on tours and stuff, and she'll be stuck at home with the kids. You know?"

"Yeah," Brian sighed. "I hear ya."

Nick took a deep breath as the fitting lady came back into the room.

~ * ~ 2 Weeks Later ~ * ~

We said we'd walk together Baby, come what may That come the twilight Should we lose our way

If as we were walking, A hand should slip free I'll wait for you And should I fall behind, Wait for me

We swore we'd travel together Darlin', side by side We'd help each other stay in stride Each lover's steps fall so differently So I'll wait for you And should I fall behind, Wait for me

Everyone dreams of a love lasting and true But you and I know what this world can do So let's make our steps clear That the other may see And I'll wait for you And should I fall behind, Wait for me

Now there's a beautiful river in the valley ahead There 'neath the oaks bough, soon we will wed Should we lose each other In the shadow of the evening trees Oh, I'll wait for you Should I fall behind, Wait for me

Darling, I'll wait for you And should I fall behind, Wait for me

Wait for me (If I should fall behind) Wait for me (Wait for me)

-If I Should Fall Behind, by Faith Hill (CD: Breathe)

Kindlin groaned as she caught sight of her mother coming into the room, through the mirror where she was fixing her dress.

Sarah, who was once again placing Kin's vail on her head, smirked. "Nervous now?"

"No... just extremely agitated." Kin put on a fake smile as she turned around to greet her mom, "Mommy! How are ya?" she gave her a hug.

Kindlin's mom sighed, "Kindlin... I am very disappointed in you. Why didn't you tell me that your first marriage to Nick was fake?? I mean, first I learn that you'd gotten married without even telling your father and me first... And then that you had been pregnant and had given him up for adoption. Then I learn that-" she stopped talking when Leighanne brought Alex into the room. Walking over to them, she took him from Leigh's arms. "But now... this little boy... he makes it all okay." she kissed Alex's forehead. "They're darling. I love him and Ashley already."

Kin smiled before taking Alex from her mother, "Hey, baby boy. How are you doin'?"

Alex smiled cheekily - the grin he'd inherited from his father - before yawning.

"You tired, sweetums?" she smoothed his hair away from his forehead. "How about you and grandma go and find your daddy?" she handed Alex back to her mom.

The two of them left the room, before Kindlin sighed.

"Well... that wasn't TOO bad."

~ * ~ An Hour Later ~ * ~

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Nick smiled before leaning down and kissing Kindlin. They pulled away, grinning, before turning to face the guests.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the pastor spoke again. "I'd like to introduce to you for the first... er, uh... second time..."

The guests laughed, all knowing the story of Nick and Kindlin's first "marriage."

"Mr. and Mrs. Nickolas Carter."

Nick's mom stood up and brought Alex to him, while Kindlin's mom brought Ashley to her. All four of them walked back down the aisle as all of their family and friends cheered.

The End