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The Proposition: Chapter 6: Once Again

Even though you're not my lover And even though you're not my friend Oh, no no no no... I would give my all to have you here Just to hold you once again... Just to hold you once again

-Just To Hold You Once Again, by Mariah Carey (CD: Music Box)

~*~ The Next Day ~*~

Nick walked over to the CD player and looked through the CDs. Kindlin had added her collection to his, making a whole heck of a lotta CDs. He looked over Kindlin's and saw the Message in a Bottle soundtrack. Okay, so he was feeling a little mushy... so he popped it into the CD player.

Nick skipped through the songs a bit, checking out what was on it, when he came to track #12... One More Time, by Laura Pausini.

Nothing I must do No where I should be No one in my life To answer to but me

No more candle light No more purple skies No one to be near As my heart slowly dies

If I could hold you one more time Like in the days when you were mine I'd look at you 'til I was blind So you would stay... I'd say a prayer each time you smile Cradle the moments like a child I'd stop the world if only I... Could hold you one more time


I've memorized your face I know your touch by heart Still lost in your embrace I dream of where you are

Oh... I dream of where you are Ooh... Ooh...

If I could hold you one more time Like in the days when you were mine I'd look at you 'til I was blind So you would stay... I'd say a prayer each time you smile Cradle the moments like a child I'd stop the world if only I... Could hold you one more time

One more time... One more time

Nick sighed, a vivid image of Kindlin popping into his head. He didn't know what he was feeling anymore. He just wished Kin would talk to him... tell him who had called the previous night, and why it had upset her so much. He hadn't seen her come out of her room since the phone call, and it was beginning to scare the crap out of him. He sighed again, while resting his head against the wall and listening to the song begin to play again, now that he had put it on repeat.


Kindlin sat in her room, feeling miserable. Not as bad as when the nurse had first called... but still, miserable. She was pregnant. Again. It was obviously Nick's baby, and she felt stupidly ridiculous. Here she was... pregnant, yet again, with Nick's child and they weren't even dating. They weren't even friends! They had just been bed buddies and there had been bad consequences to their actions. ((AN: Do ya SEE the moral of the story?! hehehe))

Kin was trying to think rationally about this. She was about a month and a half along, meaning she had conceived the night she had told Nick that she'd given up their first child for adoption. Kin knew that in a few months she'd start to show and she couldn't keep this away from Nick for long... but she couldn't bring herself to tell him, now. There would be no harm in just letting him figure it out... right? I mean, she was already beginning to get morning sickness... he'd figure it out, and all would be dandy. Probably not, but she could dream.

Kindlin heard music coming from the family room, which she found odd because Nick was supposed to be rehearsing for some performance from 9 a.m. 'til 5 p.m. and it was only 2 p.m... But not like she knew his schedule or anything! Errr... yeah, that's it! She decided to go see who the heck had decided to come into their house and play the Message in a Bottle soundtrack.

"I swear, criminals these days just don't know what they're doing," she murmured to herself, before getting off her bed and casually walking out of her bedroom door. She walked to the entrance of the family room to see Nick standing with his forehead resting against the wall, his back to her. 'Oh great,' she thought to herself. 'I would have been more ecstatic to see a burglar, than this. What the hell do I say to him? Maybe I can just walk away-'

Nick had turned around, feeling someone's presence. "Kindlin..."


They stood in silence for a while, before Kindlin thought of something to say.

"Listening to the Message in a Bottle soundtrack?"

Okay, so it wasn't much, but it was something.

"Um... yeah. Sorry, I saw it sitting there and I wanted to see what was on it. And... I'm sorry. I won't touch your stuff again." Nick mumbled, as he looked down at the floor and played with the hem of his t-shirt.

"Nick... it's okay. It's just a CD. Why are you home? I thought you had somewhere to be...?"

"I did. But I wan't really concentrating on anything that I was really doing. And they thought maybe I was sick, so Fatima sent me home."

"I see. So, um... how are the rest of the guys?" Kindlin had met them a few times. One time was a slightly embarassing meeting, when Kin had been in Nick's bed... but we won't get into that!

"They're fine," he twittled his fingers and silence found that the perfect time to settle itself inbetween them. 'Okay, this is just gay!' with that thought Nick looked back up at her. "Kindlin, who called last night?" he asked, bluntly.

Kin looked at him in shock, not expecting him to ask that. It wasn't the weirdest thing for him to ask, so she didn't really know why she was so surprised... maybe she had just wished so hard for him not to mention it, that she had started to think, subconsciencely, that he wouldn't. "Nick... I... I can't talk about this."

Kindlin turned to walk away, but with a few long strides over to her, Nick reached her before she could even take her first step. He grabbed her arm and turned her back around, not realizing how close that would make her to him. Their bodies were inches apart and Nick's breathing grew sort of ragged as she, cautiously, looked up at him.

Kindlin went to step back a bit and accidently stepped on the sterio remote, which for some reason had been laying on the floor. Her foot hit the CD change button and the sterio changed the CD to Mariah Carey's Music Box, one of the other CDs that had already been in there. "Sh*t," Kin picked up the remote and accidently hit the #10 button, making the CD skip to song #10.

If you only knew What I feel for you If you only lived for me The way I live for you I'd be in heaven My dreams would come true

'Cause all I've ever wanted is you And you alone And I love you so More than you could ever know All I've ever wanted is you

If you were my own To caress and hold I would shower you with love And drown within your soul 'Cause I live and breathe for you And I really need you to know

That all I've ever wanted is you And you alone And I love you so More than you could ever know All I've ever wanted is you

Everything I do is for you And you are every part of me And I don't want to face another day Alone Without your love

'Cause all I've ever wanted is you And you alone And I love you so More than you could ever know All I've ever wanted is you

All I've ever wanted... Is you Is you... You...

- All I've Ever Wanted, by Mariah Carey (CD: Music Box)

The odds of Kindlin pushing all the right buttons, on accident, were slim to none... and that's what shocked her the most. She didn't want to look too deep into the situation, but she couldn't help but think... fate? ((AN: Okay, I just want ya'll to know that I actually don't believe in fate. I believe that everything happens for a reason, but that it's God who let's everything happen - and he has a reason for all that does. But I guess in this story Kindlin believes in fate. So I just thought I should tell you all that! lol)) Throughout the song they sort of just stared at each other, neither knowing what to say or do. The whole thing was just... weird, to them.

The song had ended a few minutes previous and Kindlin finally snapped out of her daze. "I... I'm gonna go for a walk, okay?"

Without even thinking, Nick kissed her. Ohhhh, how she could've killed him! Didn't he know what he was doing to her?! Okay, so he'd kissed her in the restaurant... but when asked why, he "didn't know". She had slowly gotten past that night and tried to move on, though still falling for him everytime she saw him. Now she finds out that she's pregnant with his child... again... and is already majorly confused about how, and if, to tell him. Then he's just gotta go and kiss her again! And lemme guess, he "doesn't know why"! MEN!

Kindlin's eyes were wide and her lower lip trembled as she stared at him, in utter and complete shock. 'WHY?!!!!!!!!' she screamed in her head. 'WHY IS HE SO F*CKIN' SET ON MAKIN' MY LIFE MISERABLE?!'

Nick was about to say something, but Kindlin said something instead. "I-I'll be home later, to make d-dinner," with that, she ran out of the house, leaving Nick standing there feeling like the total dick that he knew he was.