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The Proposition: Chapter 7: Get A Clue

~*~ 1 A.M. ~*~

Kindlin sighed as she quietly walked into the house. She was hoping to just sneak up the stairs, but realized she was out of luck when a light flipped on in the family room, showing Nick sitting in the arm chair. She sighed and walked into the family room, knowing Nick wanted to talk and if she didn't it would mean her head. "I'm sorry I wasn't home in time to make dinner. I can make you something now, if you want... I just started walking and just kept on walking. I'm sorry. I'll go make dinner now-"

"Kindlin, do you think I care about that?!" Nick jumped up from the chair and had walked over to her in a few large steps. "It's 1 in the morning and you were out there by yourself! That's not safe and I had no idea where the hell you were!"

Kin looked at him, shocked, before jumping to her defense. "Nick, it's not your business where I go. That's MY business... MY life. If you have forgotten, I'm your FAKE wife." she started to turn around, when Nick called her back.

"Kin... I just wanna know who called you last night. And why it upset you so much. Please. I just want to know why you're sad."

"Nick, I'm not ready to talk about it yet... Not like I understand why you 'care' so suddenly," she walked up the stairs and into her bedroom, Nick behind her.

He was quiet for a while, watching her walk around the room getting ready for bed. When she was done and had sat down on her bed, waiting for Nick to leave, Nick finally spoke up. "The adoption agency people, or whoever they are, called earlier tonight, a little while after you'd left."

Kindlin's eyes widened. "Serious? What'd they say??" she jumped up onto her knees and knelt at the end of the bed, where Nick was standing.

"That..." Nick paused. "our son comes home in 2 weeks from today," he smiled, lightly.

Normally the whole process of getting their son back would have taken longer than it did, but since it was Nick Carter as the father some strings were pulled, of course.

"Wow," Kin breathed. "That's really soon."


"You don't seem as excited as I would've thought you to be."

Nick smiled. "I don't think it's quite kicked in yet. I was so busy worrying about you being out there so late, by yourself, that I haven't really had time to think about it yet. But I am ecstatic." he smiled, yet again, before growing serious. "I'll let you get to sleep, but... before I leave - I just wanted to suggest that maybe you should be thinkin' 'bout whether or not you're gonna live here for a little while, or leave right away, once our son's here. You should probably have it figured out before-hand." with that, he left the room, hoping she'd choose what would be best for their son... and him, though he refused to admit that.

~*~ 3 A.M. ~*~

Kindlin had stayed awake till 2, thinking about what Nick had said. She woke up at 3, suddenly wanting spam... really, really bad. Uh oh. The craving's had come. "Nick!!!!" ((AN: Okay, I know Kindlin's only like a month pregnant, but I asked my mom - who's a nurse - if people can get craving's a month into a pregnancy. And she said it's not likely, but that some people can. So Kin's one of 'em! lol))

Nick bolted up in bed, hearing his name screamed. He ran into Kindlin's room, "Yeah??"

"Do you have spam?" Kin asked urgently.

"What?! You woke me up at..." he looked down at his watch. "... at f*ckin' 3 o'clock to ask for SPAM?? Are you f*ckin' insane??"

"Gosh, I hope your mouth ain't talkin' like that when our sons here. I just wanted some spam," she pouted, her bottom lip sticking out.

Nick sighed, "I'm sorry, K. But no. We don't have spam."

"Bummer! Well, guess I'll just have to go buy some," she got out of bed, peeled her PJ's off and got dressed in jeans and an extra-large sweatshirt... which was really Nick's and she had stolen it from his closet a few days earlier.

"What?! That's insane. For SPAM??" Nick suddenly looked at the sweatshirt, it suddenly seeming familiar. He shrugged it off, not caring. "I'll go get you some. No need for you to go out there this time of... errr, morning. Though this reminds me of when my mom was pregnant with Aaron and Angel. Gee, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were pregnant," he joked as he began to walk out the door.

He suddenly stopped in the middle of a step. Turning around, he saw Kindlin standing there with a 'Well, actually...' kind of look on her face.

"Oh gosh..." he groaned, making Kindlin realize her fears and worries hadn't been in vain. He sighed. "When'd you have time to be with another guy?"

Oh boy! He had to have been the stupidest guy around or something. 'Oh my gosh,' Kin thought, not being able to stop the smirk that was forming on her face. 'Well, if he's too dumb to figure out that it was HIM that I was with, then I don't need to tell him otherwise.' "Um... I managed...?"

Nick took a deep breath. "I see... that who called the other night? The doctor's office, I mean."

"Yeah... the doctor's office," she repeated with a nod, feeling kind of sad.

"Alright. I'll go get your spam now. I'll be back in about 15 minutes," Nick walked out of her bedroom, gloomily.

Kindlin suddenly didn't feel like eating spam anymore... anything, for that matter... but there was no way she was telling Nick that now. She'd shove it down her face, when he got home with the spam, no matter if she wanted it or not.