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The Proposition: Chapter 8: Totally Undecided

It had been a week since the night Nick had found out that Kindlin was pregnant. He had been nausiatingly quiet since then and Kindlin had just about had it. Just about. She had decided there was no point in ever telling Nick that it was his kid. 'If he's this upset about me being pregnant and he doesn't even know it's his, I don't even wanna know how mad he would be if it was his baby.' she thought. The thing she didn't know was that Nick was upset because the baby wasn't his... or so he thought. 'I'll have the baby and Nick just won't have to know it's his. I just hope the kid won't look like him! Though even then he still might be too stupid to figure it out.' she giggled at the thought.

Nick walked past her bedroom door, hearing her giggling. His curiosity getting the best of him, he knocked on her door.

"Um... come in," Kindlin called, wondering if it were Nick or if one of the other guys had come over.

Nick popped the door open and stepped inside. "What were you laughin' about in here?"

Kindlin shrugged. "I uh... had a semi-funny thought. Um... sorry."

"Not a sin to laugh. You wanna go get something to eat? We have nothing good to eat here. Ever since you started having those cravings, the only thing we've been buying is spam."

Kin faked a hurt expression. "Hey, that stuff is good!"

Nick laughed, "Trust me. You will be disgusted you ate that sh*t once you have the baby."

Kin smiled and stood up, "Let's go." they started to walk away from the room when she stopped him. "Nick?"

"Yeah, Kin." he turned and looked at her.

She was still standing in the middle of the room, Nick standing at the doorway. She took a deep breath and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. "Are you still mad at me, Nicky?" she whispered quietly.

Nick sighed and put his arms around her, returning her embrace. "Kin, I was never mad at you. C'mmon, it's okay," he pulled away and looked at her with a smile. "Friends?"

Kindlin's stomach, heart, and anything else in the way, dropped. "Y-Yeah... Friends."

"Great. Let's go get some grub!"

~*~ A Week Later ~*~

"Okay, clean faster! He's gonna be here in an hour!" Kindlin urged, dusting the banister for the 10th time.

Nick gasped, "Kindlin, there's one little speck of dust over here!!"

"WHERE?!" Kindlin paniced, running over to the piano, where Nick stood, and started to dust it... yet again.

Nick burst out laughing.

Kin looked at him, totally unamused. "What is so funny??"

"Kin," Nick laughed again as he placed his hands on her head, shaking it gently. "Calm yourself! Just slow down, okay? He's a one year old! One... year... old. He doesn't care," he smiled.


"Yeah, sweetie?"

"Thanks," Kin smiled, giving him a hug. "By the way, you haven't told me his name yet!"

"Oh," Nick laughed. "Alexander James Carter - AKA Alex or AJ," he smiled lightly.

"I think it's good that we're keeping the name that the other couple gave him..."

"Me too... Have you decided whether or not you're going to stay here or leave?"

Kindlin sighed. "I don't want to talk about this right now, Nick."

"I thought you were going to have your mind made up by the time Alex gets here."

"I'm working on it. I just don't wanna talk about it, okay Nick?"

Nick sighed. "Okay, hon," he kissed her forehead and left the room.

Kindlin sighed. In "approximately" 53 minutes, 23 seconds her and Nick's son would be arriving... that alone scared the crap out of her. Then she had to decide whether or not she'd stay or go - every time she'd begin to lean towards staying, she'd think about the fact that she was pregnant with Nick's baby and he didn't know it was his. That fact, alone, always made her lean right on back to the center - a position that meant she was once again totally undecided.

Taking a deep breath, Kindlin laid down on the couch and immediately fell asleep.