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That Precious Little Thing: Chapter 1: Christmas Delight

It was Christmas Eve and Nick and Kindlin's house was full of relatives and close friends. Kindlin's parents were in a strong debate, which would soon turn into a "healthy" family argument, with Nick's parents about God only knew what; All the kids in the family ran around the house like they'd just been injected with speed; And Nick's siblings - the youngest being Aaron, at the age of 18 - were carrying on happy conversation as they played board games.

The house was hectic, the house was noisy, and Kindlin was feeling stressed, and as she looked over at Nick, who was watching their parents with a 'Oh puh-lease' look on his face, she sensed that he was feeling the same way. Sneaking over to him, quietly, she grabbed his hands, from behind him, and quickly snuck away with him.

"Where are we going?" Nick laughed as she led him down to the cellar below, which held a whole bunch of shelves of wine.

Kin turned around, her eyes lit up at the adventure of sneaking away and making love to him, while their family was upstairs, arguing. "Shhhh," she whispered, before kissing him and jumping up onto a counter.

Just as Nick'd managed to get her shirt unbottoned, Jane came down the stairs and into the cellar, to get a bottle of wine, "Oh! I'm so sorry!" she shrieked, before sprinting back up the staircase.

Nick laughed, "Well, that was embarassing."

"Oh c'mmon," Kin giggled. "It can't be the first time your mom's caught you making out before."

Nick rolled his eyes with a chuckle, "C'mmon, we should get back upstairs. We'll finish... this... later," he smirked.

"No!" she grabbed his hand, to stop him. "I have to tell you something."

"We can't talk about it tonight?"

"No. Nick... I'm... pregnant."

His eyes grew wide at her confession, "Again??"

Kindlin laughed with a roll of her eyes, "Nooo, I was just kidding."

He glared at her for a minute, before wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace, "That's great, baby."

"Is it?"

"Kin, are you having doubts about this or something?" Nick sounded worried.

"No... I just... feel like... nevermind, it's stupid of me, I'm sure everything'll be great."

He held her head in his hands, looking her square in the eyes, "I love you, okay?"

Kin smiled gently, "I love you too, Nick," she gave him a quick peck on the lips, before jumping off of the counter and buttoning her blouse back up.

Nick tugged on her hand, before she could ascend back up the stairs, "C'mmon, be happy about this! We're having another baby!" his eyes lit up.

Kindlin bit her lip with a grin. Seeing him excited about this immediately eased her worries. She wrapped her arms around his neck in a long hug.

"We should bring up some wine," Nick laughed quietly.

Kindlin giggled, before grabbing a bottle and heading up the stairs, with Nick behind her.