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That Precious Little Thing: Chapter 10: Solace

I've built a bridge All of my strength can not cross over I stand at the edge The end of the road that I have followed Sinking, from the waves of my own world Wanting, the waves of your ways to wash my feet

Oh-oh-oh-oh, healing waters Oh-oh-oh-oh, healing waters Solace flows Through the river of forgiveness to my soul Ohh, I need your healing waters

Pour over me Water to clean all my intentions Baptizing streams I swim in the freedom of redemption Floating, on the sea of purity Knowing, I can dive in the love that rescues me

Oh-oh-oh-oh, healing waters Oh-oh-oh-oh, healing waters Solace flows Through the river of forgiveness to my soul Ohhh, I need your healing waters...

...Carry me, carry

Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh, healing waters Oh-oh-oh-oh, healing waters Solace flows Through the river of forgiveness to my soul Ohhh, I need your healing waters

Healing waters Oh-oh-oh-oh, healing waters Solace flows Through the river of forgiveness to my soul Ohhh, I need your healing waters

-Healing Waters, by Michelle Tumes

~ * The Next Morning * ~

Kindlin awoke to someone's arms wrapped tightly around her, and the sound of children scampering down the hall, laughing and teasing each other. The children part was nothing new, but the arms around her she hadn't felt for a while now. Her eyes glanced up and came in contact with Nick's sleeping face. Sudden deja vu crept over her, and then she remembered everything that had happened the night before. She shuddered, but was glad that Nick was there with her. She had to pee so bad, but didn't want to leave Nick's arms any sooner than she'd have to. She knew she'd have to leave his condo soon, and return home, her kids staying with him until the end of the weekend. Pushing away the thoughts of staying in Nick's hold all day, Kindlin quietly slipped from the bed, and his arms, and snuck quietly into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her.

After Kin was done using the restroom, and washing her face with the face wash that was sitting on the counter, she opened the bathroom door and stepped back into the bedroom, jumping when she noticed Nick was sitting up in the bed, now fully awake. She gave him a shy smile, which made his stomach ache, and went to slip her shoes on. As she grabbed her purse, Nick's eyebrows furrowed.

"Where are you goin'?"

Kin looked up at him, shocked that he hadn't been expecting her to leave, "Um... home."

"Why? I think the kids would like if you at least stayed for breakfast," he smiled, now becoming the shy one, as he looked down at the bedspread. The truth of the matter was... he was the one wanting her to stay for breakfast. He was the one wanting her to stay forever. No... he was the one wanting to return home. How had he been so completely and utterly stupid?? Why had he left her in the time of their lives when they'd needed each other the most? At that moment, he felt like the stupidest man alive. When he came from his thoughts, he realized Kindlin was now standing next to the bed, in front of her, her face full of concern as she snapped her fingers together in front of his face.

"Where'd ya go there?" she smirked, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"I uh... was just thinking. Look, Kin... um..." How could he tell her how much of a mistake he'd made? "Do you still resent me for the heinous decision I made?"

"Heinous? Wow, Nick, you're using big words now!" Kin mocked, her eyes widening.

"Kin, don't be flippant. Answer the question."

She smirked, before heeding to his requests and becoming serious again, "I um... No, Nick. Since when is it a 'heinous' decision in your opinion?"

Nick's eyes glued to hers, his hands moving to hers. He held them in a tight grip. "Since the moment I made it."

Her breathing sped up as her heart fluttered, but her eyes told Nick what he had just said made her mad. She pulled her hands from his, "Don't do this to me, Nick. YOU were the fatuous one. Don't you dare do this to me. I gotta get home..." she grabbed her purse and headed for the bedroom door, preparing to leave, but Nick's voice kept her rooted to the ground, her hand on the doorknob.

"Kin, who says you ever have to leave?"

Kindlin paused, not knowing what to do, as her lower lip quivered. Exactly what was he saying? He had been the one who had left her. Sure, she'd sort of kicked him out, but he'd known she was talking out of anger, and he had been the one to leave. When she needed him the most. Why would he suddenly feel any different?

Nick sighed, running his fingers through his hair as he rose to his knees and crawled to the end of the bed, leaning against the bed frame. He knew nothing better to say than what he did, "I'm so sorry."

Kindlin knew what he was apologizing for, and she also knew that he didn't need to say another thing more. She loved him too much to make him say anything else. She turned around and looked him straight in the eye, her voice trembling, "All I needed was you. I just needed your support, Nick. But I didn't have that... since the day after she died. Why couldn't you give me that?"

Nick shook his head, disgusted with himself, "I don't know, baby. I don't know." He took her hand and pulled her gently to the bed, holding her in front of him, by her hips. "But I want to give you that now. And so much more. I love you."

Kindlin climbed up onto the bed, kneeling in front of him. She let his fingers run through her hair, and her breathing grew irregular as he brought his face closer to hers, and when they kissed she felt her heart skip a beat or two.

~ * ~

Go down easy babe, Go down slow Take all the time you need We've no place else to go

Gonna put on my favorite dress Put my hair up too Take me North, South, East or West I guess I'll leave it, I'ma leave it up to you

You threw a noose around my shadow Got me into all this mess I would have dove in head first anyway For less, for a whole lot less

Go down easy babe Go down slow Take all the time you need We've no place else to go

Say farewell to the confines of my own back yard Weeds growin' 'round the flowersSometimes the only way to break the curse Is to leave it all behind

Find the slow curve of a back road, one hand on the wheel Drive till I remember how it feel So this is how it feels Ohhh

Go down easy babe Go down slow If there's anything better than this I'd like to know

-Go Down Easy, by Over The Rhine (CD: Good Dog, Bad Dog)

Nick watched as Kindlin descended the staircase, her hair thrown up in a unique and elegant up-do, the most beautiful and sexy dress Nick had ever seen, hugging her curves nicely. His heart practically palpatated, "Wow," he breathed, staring at her as she walked towards him, shaking her hips in a dance move that reminded him of Jennifer Lopez, as she laughed. Nick grinned at her.

"You know, I feel like I'm on my first date again," she smiled up at him, taking his hand in hers.

"You do realize that we didn't have our first date until after we were already married, don't you?" he smiled down at her, kissing her on the forehead gently.

Kin rolled her eyes, "Which time?"

"Oh, real funny, girl," he spoke sarcastically. "You do realize we'll have to get married again, don't you?"

"Why?? We're still married," she laughed, picking her purse up off of the couch and leading him towards the garage where Nick's Prowler sat, shining beautifully.

"Yeah, I know, but we have to get married again."

Kindlin rolled her eyes again as Nick opened the door that lead into the garage, and guided her to the car, opening her door for her. She stood in front of the door and looked up at him, "Nick, I don't want to have to say I married you three times," she laughed.

Nick shrugged, "Well, personally, I think getting married's fun. Now get in the car, we have reservations, chica."

She gave him a gentle kiss, before getting inside and snickering as he closed the door behind her.

Two hours later they were sitting on the hood of Nick's car, staring up at the stars.

"Thank you for dinner, Nickers. It was wonderful," she smiled up at him, her head resting on his shoulder, and her fingers entangled with his.

Nick smiled, "Good."

"Can we go home now? This dress is cutting off my circulation."

"Take it off."

Kindlin laughed, slugging him in the arm.

"Whaaaaat?" Nick asked defensively. "It wouldn't be considered odd up here. This IS humping hill, you know."

"Shut up," Kin laughed. "You made that up."

He feigned seriousness, his eyes widening, "I'm serious!"

She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder again, "I love you."

"I love you too, baby."

It was an hour later when Nick was kissing Kindlin on the couch in the living room, his hands playing with the straps of her dress.

"Why are you hesitating?" Kin laughed, breaking away from their kiss and looking up at Nick.

He blushed, remembering the times that she'd pushed him away after the death of Andraya. "Are you... sure?"

Kindlin grinned at him, "Nick, you're my husband."

He looked down at her, hoping she'd understand what he was trying to relay to her, "Kin... I've always been your husband."

She sighed, catching on, "I didn't feel like you were."

Nick mouthed an 'Oh,' his eyebrows raising. "Well then..."

"Nick... Don't bring up the past. Not now. It was different then, and it's not like that anymore. I love you, Nickers."

"I love you too."

"Then show me."

Nick smiled down at her, and grabbed her hand, leading her upstairs to the bedroom.

~ * A Month Later * ~

Kindlin looked up at the man standing in front of her, wondering who he was. She found out a moment later.