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That Precious Little Thing: Chapter 4: The Beginning

"Go, go, go, go, go, go!!!" Kindlin could hear Nick, Brian, AJ, and Kevin screaming at the football game as she walked into the house, from hanging out at the movie's with Leighanne and Amanda. There was suddenly a cheer that rose throughout the living room. Obviously something good had happened.

Kindlin rolled her eyes with a small smile at the way that guys acted over sports... sure, she understood and liked basketball and baseball... but football? No. Especially not golf! Who could find that sport entertaining?

She headed up the staircase, so she could shed her clothing and take a quick shower, before changing into pajamas and heading back downstairs. She went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, before going into the living room and plopping down on the couch, going unnoticed by the guys, but not really caring. She sat there, trying to pretend as if she were a guy - trying to grasp the concept and reasoning behind football. She laughed when she found it physically impossible to pretend to be male. Or maybe she was laughing at the fact that she was trying in the first place.

Kindlin gave up and headed back upstairs, suddenly tired and wanting to sleep. Maybe, if she were lucky, she'd be able to drown out the sound of their chanting voices.

~ * ~

Nick stepped into the bedroom, hours later, exhausted. Seeing that Kindlin was curled up in bed, fast asleep, he crept quietly into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Going back into the bedroom he stripped down to his boxers and crawled into the bed, cautious not to wake Kin. He knew she'd been really tired lately, because of being pregnant, but the other 4 children had been wearing her out, especially when he had to go to meetings for the Backstreet Boys and he couldn't be there to help her.

Kindlin stirred as he snuggled down next to her, before finally awakening and curling up next to him with a sigh, some space in-between them where her slowly growing stomach was.

"I saw you come watch the game for 5 minutes, you got bored?" he smirked down at his wife, who was looking up at him with newly awakened eyes. He knew how much she wasn't interested in football. She was the most excited fan in the arena when they would go to basketball games... but not football.

"Yeah, I did. I just couldn't get into it. Sorry, babe?" she smiled gently, knowing he didn't care. "Was the game good?"

"M-hm, we won. I missed you."

Kin laughed, "Sure you did, Nicky."

Nick frowned down at her, sincerity in his eyes, "I always miss you."

"I always miss you too," she kissed him gently. "I love you."

"I love you too."

~ * ~ 3 1/2 months later ~ * ~

Kindlin woke with a start, tugging at Nick to wake him.

"Yeah, sweetie? What is it?" he rubbed his eyes tiredly, sitting up in bed and looking down at his alert wife.

"My water broke."

~ * ~

Two days later Nick and Kindlin brought their new baby girl, Andraya Gabrielle Carter, home. She was beautiful and perfectly healthy, as the doctors had ensured. It was a month later, when Nick and Kindlin had forgotten Kin's bad feelings about the baby in the beginning... that's when everything fell apart.