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That Precious Little Thing: Prologue

(From Kindlin's point of view)

Nick pulled me into a tight hug as we stepped into our house, the night that Wendi Kross went to prison. We'd just finished our hour drive home from the court, but I still wasn't tired. I was too happy to be tired!! Too happy to sleep! Anyways, to anybody who's ever said my husband doesn't have muscle: hell yeah he does! He practically killed me with that hug. But I didn't care... I'd never wanted my husband as much as I did at that moment.

Nick ran off to go check the message machine, and I discreetly slipped up to the bedroom, taking my clothes off as I went and dropping them on the ground in a path that he would soon have to follow. Oh! There goes the underwear. Ha.

It was a few minutes later when I finally heard the last message stop playing.

"Niiiiicky," I called from the bedroom.

By the way, our kids were staying with Brian and Leighanne, so we had the house alllll to ourselves.

I could practically see, in my head, Nick's eyebrows shoot up as he spoke slyly, "Yesss?"

I could hear him ascending on the staircase... that's where my shirt and bra was. I heard his snicker when he got to my skirt, followed shortly by my underwear. It was a mere two seconds later when he stepped into the bedroom. He was clad in only his Christmas boxers - yeah, Christmas was coming up. I loved those boxers. I figured he must've made his own clothing pile, outside the bedroom.

"C'mere, bad boy," I purred, seductively. I knew my eyes were doing that thing, that I knew he loved so much, where they sparkle and flash. I could tell just by looking down... if you know what I mean.

"You're my shining star, that is what you are!" he sang goofily, as he salsa'd his way over to me.

I burst out laughing. He was so freakin' hot when he goofed around... okay, well he was hot when he did anything. I stopped laughing when he kissed me with those sweet lips of his.

And now here I am, two months later, knocked up again. Gosh, Nick's fishies sure do swim! I haven't told Nick yet, though I know he'll be happy. And I am too... but c'mmon, this is the fifth! I think after this one, I need to introduce Nick to a little thing called a condom... or myself to the pill. I mean sooner or later people are gonna start thinking we're mormons. Haha.

Oh, gosh I need to find a toilet. Ahh, the joys of morning sickness.