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The Proposition: Prologue

"You what?!" Nick screamed, jumping out of bed and throwing his clothes on angrily.

Kindlin looked down at the sheets, tears in her eyes as she whispered, "Nick, what else was I supposed to do?"

"Well, surely you coulda thought up something better than giving my first child up for adoption!" he shouted, sarcastically, his arms flailing in the air for affect.

"What did you want me to do, Nick?!"

"Tell me you were pregnant, maybe?!! That woulda been a nice start!"

Kindlin stood up and threw her clothes on. When she was finished she pointed her index finger at him as she spoke, "You think that you can come to town once or twice a year, screw me, and then expect me to tell you that I'm pregnant?! We have no relationship, Carter! All I am to you is a good lay and that's all you are to me! So why put a kid in that sort of atmosphere?! I wanted what was best for our child! So I did what was best, and that was give him to that beautiful couple who was more than happy to have him and raise him in a good environment and a nice home!"

"I am more than capable of taking care of my... s-son," Nick stuttered, adverting his eyes from hers for a slight moment. "They can raise their own children, and give me mine back!!"

"Nick, they can't have their own kids, you idiot! Don't you dare try and take him away from them! He's better off here!" Kindlin sat down on the bed, tying her shoes.

"He's better off in the home of adopted parents?? Kindlin, he needs his real parents! He needs his father! I'd say he needs his mother too, but it looks like you don't care about that! I have enough money to give him everything he wants and needs, Kin."

"I'm not talking about money, Nick. What about when he gets his first kiss and is excited to tell his dad, but he's on tour? Or when he has some important school thing he wants his dad to attend, but he's in the recording studio? Or he's sick in bed with the flu and his dad's doing a concert? Or when he's scared because there's a boogie monster under his bed and he wants to go crawl in bed beside his father, but you're at an awards show late into the night? What are you gonna do then? Stick him with a nanny?"

"Kin, I'll just take him on tour with me. And I'm sure all the other stuff could be worked out," Nick defended.

Kindlin stood up and grabbed her purse, heading for the door, "What happens when he asks where his mommy is?" she whispered. "I won't be with you just for our son. I won't lie to him like that. It's not fair. For him, for me, or for you. If he chooses to find us when he's 18, that's great. But right now they can give him a life that you can't, Nick. Trust me. Right now he can have two parents... he can have a daddy and a mommy to take care of him and be there for him whenever he needs them."

Just as she was about to turn the bedroom door handle, Nick's voice stopped her, "What if I give you 10,000 dollars to marry me and help me get our son back?"