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Universe: The Story

!!Rated R!!

Well I'd like to take you as I find you Imagine our clothes are on the floor Feel my caress so soft and gentle So delicate you cry for more

"Nick, just please..." Destiny begged quietly, tugging at the sleeves of his shirt.

Nick looked down at her, feeling torn. "Destiny... I... no. You'll only regret it once it's done. You don't know what you want."

"Yes, I do. I know I want you." she felt like she was trying to convince herself more than him. "Please, Nick. I need you."

But you know baby You know baby does it right And you know baby does it right

As soon as her lips touched his, she could feel him begin to kiss back. Oh, how she loved those perfect lips. She felt this deep passion inside her stomach every time that certain pair of lips touched any piece of her flesh. She'd done what she was about to do a thousand times to him, yet she could never figure out why. She wanted, she needed him so bad... she never regretted it, like Nick had said, but she regretted hurting him... because every time it was finished, she felt so confused and lost... and she left.

Universe inside of your heart You gotta let me know so you can be free, baby You wanted it so much, and now that it's over You don't know what you want

This time she promised herself she wasn't leaving. She needed him with everything in her. She knew that. She just didn't understand why she couldn't say the words.

Destiny slid her hands up under his shirt, feeling his soft fiery skin against her fingertips. She snaked her hands up higher and higher, pulling the shirt along, until it was fully off of his body. Nick hands were busy unbottoning her own shirt, while hers moved deftly to the waistband of his baggy jeans. She unhooked the button, before slowly sliding the zipper down. As they continued undressing each other, she knew this was the night that she'd finally stay until the morning.

Put time in a capsule Two minds consensual Entwined to perfection If we could...

They moved to Destiny's bed and Nick laid her down on her back, gently. He feathered her mouth with small kisses as his hands gently carressed her heated body. Destiny could feel all the familiar sensations floating back to her as he kissed her in places she didn't even know existed on her own body. As she began to feel herself ache, she knew she needed him right then. Pulling him back up her body, she kissed all over his face, before her lips landed on his. As their tongues dueled errotically, she knew she could never let him go...

Cuddle up close Lay your head on my chest now Listen, my heart beat's coming down If you get tired, you close your eyes now When you wake up I won't be found

"Nick, I..." Destiny tried to get out, but she hadn't yet regained her normal breathing and she was finding it hard to form complete sentences with all the jumbled thoughts in her head.

This was it. This was around the time she was supposed to tell him how she's sorry, that she shouldn't have done it and she didn't know why she did, as she quickly pulls her clothes on and runs from the room, not to be seen or heard from for a few days. That's how it always was. Nick didn't want to hear it, he didn't want to hear the rejection from her, for the thousandth time. He just couldn't handle that.

"Shh," he whispered, pulling her closer. "Just don't. Not now."

Destiny wanted to squeel to him how much she loved him, but she felt her eyes beginning to flutter shut.

When Nick noticed her fighting the urge to sleep, he kissed her forehead lightly, "Just go to sleep... alright? Everything'll be just fine."

His voice sounded so soothing and after what they'd just done, Destiny felt exhausted. She shut her eyes and felt herself float to dream land, instantly.

'Cause I know baby I know you're the nervous kind With so much going on in your mind Universe inside your heart You gotta let me know so you can be free, baby You wanted it so much, and now that it's over You don't know what you want

Nick laid there for hours, just cradling her in his arms. He was already regretting what he was going to do, in just a few hours. He loved her with everything in him. He'd do anything for her, but she didn't return the feelings. She was always so confused, and Nick knew that. He hated seeing her hurting. He wanted to love her for the rest of his life, but instead he knew he had to let her go...

But let me tell you that, this time, I'm going to make you mine (I won't let you go) 'Cause I know, this time, I'm going to make sure I look out for me

Nick stood up from her bed, quietly, and walked to her desk. He opened the drawer, slowly, not wanting it to make noise. Once he'd gotten out a piece of paper and a pen, he wrote her a letter and stuffed it into an envelope, placing it on her bedside table. He kissed her lightly, before grabbing his jacket and leaving.

'Cause you know baby Well you know baby does it right And you know baby does it right

Destiny woke up the next morning to find the other side of her bed empty. She looked around the room, slowly, noticing all the clothes that she'd discarded off of Nick's body, the previous night, were no longer on the floor. His coat wasn't hung over the back of the chair, that was in the corner of her room, anymore. And the scent of his cologne was already beginning to fade. She jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs, willing him to be somewhere down there... though she knew he wasn't. She searched the entire house for hours, while crying, until she finally gave up and walked back up to her room, collapsing on the bed. As she sobbed uncontrollably into her pillows, she went to reach for the kleenex box that sat on her bedside table, but instead her hand came across paper. Looking up from the comfort of her pillows, Destiny saw an envelope with her name scrawled across it in Nick's distinct handwriting.

You will only end up lost in loneliness And wake up with the words already on your lips So I'll let you go, baby So I'll let you go...


By the time you get this, I'll be gone. I just want you to know that I love you with everything in me... I've loved you from the first day I met you. You've always been everything I've ever needed. But I was never anything that you needed. I respect that, so I'm letting you go... for good now. I know that you're confused, I'm so sorry for everything I've ever done to hurt you. I didn't realize that by returning your phone calls, or coming to see you, was hurting you more than if I were to just disappear. Which is what I'm going to do now. Please don't call, write, or stop by... this is how it has to be, and I think we always knew that. I love you.


Universe inside your heart You gotta let me know so you can be free, baby You wanted it so much, and now that it's over You don't know what you want

The End

Song Credit: Universe, by Savage Garden