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What More Could You Want: Prologue

Julia Sheets looked at her best friend incredulously, "Of course!! Why wouldn't I go to prom??"

"Jules... didn't you hear?" Monica Ramones looked back at her in worry. "Jake said he's not going to take you."


"Yeah, he's telling the whole school that he only asked you to help you out... that he never wanted to go, and now he's gonna go with Becka."

"BECKA?! Over ME?!"

Monica sighed, "You're not as popular as you used to be, Jules. Sorry," with that, Monica grabbed her books from her locker and walked down the school hall to leave.

Julia stood there, gapping.

~ * ~

Nick Carter watched as Julia, his ex-girlfriend, walked to her car, looking extremely pissed. He looked at his friend, who was talking to him (though he didn't know what he was saying, since he had completely tuned him out). "What?" he asked distractedly.

Brian Littrell and AJ McLean shared a weird look.

"Nothing," Brian rolled his eyes, turning his gaze to where Nick was looking. "Julia looks a li'l upset."

"Yeah," Nick nodded, wondering what could be wrong.

"Why don't you go ask her what's up?" AJ suggested, looking at Nick expectantly.

"I dunno... she probably wouldn't wanna talk to me anyway."

Brian sighed, "Or maybe she would..."