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Wild Heart: Chapter 1: A Not So Normal Name

~ * ~ The Next Day ~ * ~

Nick sighed contently as he stepped out of his house and into the warm California heat. He was in an exceptionally good mood this afternoon and actually noticed all the flowers that were in bloom in his front yard, thanks to the gardener that he had hired.

Nick smiled and hopped into his Durango. He was going to the movie theater to meet Brian so they could watch the latest Sci-Fi show. Cranking up the engine, turning the air conditiong on, and putting sunglasses over his eyes, Nick pulled out of the driveway and sped down the highway, towards the theater.

~ * ~ 20 Minutes Later ~ * ~ At The Movie Theater ~ * ~

Brian stood in line for popcorn, while Nick was saving their seats. He got to the front of the line, placed his "order", and paid. Grabbing the popcorn and two drinks, he turned around, accidently colliding with the girl behind him. Some popcorn spilled down her shirt.

"Ah!" she shrieked. "Watch where the hell you're going!"

"I'm sorry! Really, I am!" Brian apologized profusely.

"Gosh what is it with klutzy guys bumping into me?! Get out of my way!"

Brian scrambled out of her way, extremely scared of the chick. 'For all I know, she could cast a spell on me,' he thought, before shuddering. Brian walked back to their seats and sat down next to Nick. "Man, Nick, I accidently bumped into this chick, and she like totally got pissed."

Nick laughed, "Same thing happened to me yesterday." just as the words left his mouth, Nick spotted her walk in the theater. "Oh... my... gosh. Oh Lord, please not her!"

"You know her?? That's the girl I bumped into a few minutes ago!" Brian said.

"What?! She's the one I bumped into yesterday," Nick noticed her walking towards them and looked to the seat next to him to see a jacket lying on it. "Oh crap, Bri, she's sitting here! She saved a seat, and she's sitting next to me... Ohhh maaannnn," he groaned.

Brian couldn't help but laugh as she walked over to them and glared.

"What are you doing here??" she asked, eyeing Nick evily.

"Uhhh... Well, what do ya know! I'm sittin' here! What a concept." Nick smirked.

"Ugh... Oh, so I see you two klutzy boys are friends, huh? Figures." she sat down in her chair.

Nick gaped at her. "W-what??? You're gonna sit here?? You're not gonna change seats???"

"Of course not! I was here first!"

"Says who?!"

"Uhhh, helloooooo, the coat was here when you got here, wasn't it??"

"Well... yeah."

She rolled her eyes, "Therefore... I was here first."

Nick groaned and looked at Brian to see him biting his lip to keep from laughing, "This... isn't... funny!" Nick muttered through his teeth.

"Yeah, actually it is!" Brian laughed.

"Hey, Monstrosity!" someone yelled from the other side of the theater.

Monstrosity looked to where the voice had come from, "What Tina?? Leave me alone." she said as the younger girl came up to her.

"Stros, mom and dad told me to tell you, since I said I was going to the movies and they knew you were here, that you better be home by your curfew." Tina, her 16 year old sister, said.

"Yeah, yeah. I will be. Now go away."

Tina rolled her eyes and walked away.

Nick burst out laughing, "Wait. Your name's Monstrosity?? Normally I would ask what the heck your parents were smoking when they named you that, but from the first time you opened your mouth I got my answer."

Brian turned around in his seat, so Monstrosity couldn't see him laughing, not wanting to get on her bad side. But the whole thing was just too funny to him... only Nick could get himself into this kind of situation.

Monstrosity glared at him, "Well, what's your name??"

"Why do you wanna know??" Nick asked, cautiously.

Brian rolled his eyes, "Nick. His name's Nick."

Monstrosity sat there for a minute before turning back and looking ahead of her.

Nick laughed, "My name's normal! My name's normal!" he chanted like a 2 year old, until Brian slapped him on the arm. "Oww! That hurt!"

"Shut up! The movie's starting. Quit acting like an idiot."

~ * ~ Halfway Through The Movie ~ * ~

"Oh, no you don't!" Nick whispered to Monstrosity, pushing her arm off of the arm rest. "That one's mine!"

"It is not! It's always the one to the right of you! And since this one is to the right of me, this one is mine!" Strosity whispered back, pushing Nick's arm off of it and putting hers back on it.

"Says who?!"

"Says me!"

"Shut up!!" Brian yelped at the two of them, before getting yelled at by someone in front of them.

Nick growled his mocking response to Monstrosity, "Whatever you say, Strossy."

Strosity glared at him, before turning her attention back to the movie. Some big monster thing popped in the screen all of a sudden, making Monstrosity scream quietly.

"Ah!" she clung to Nick's arm, not really realizing she was doing it.

Nick looked down at her hand, and then back up at her, laughing. "Uhhhh..." he pried her fingers out of his skin, looking at the mark she had left. "Wow, thanks."

Monstrosity looked at him, coldly, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, gosh!"

Nick rolled his eyes, before sticking his tongue out at her. Strosity brought her fist up, fast, and punched his mouth, his tongue cutting on his teeth.

"Owwww!!!" Nick shouted, as blood dripped into his mouth. No one heard him scream though, since the movie was too loud. "I could sue you for that, ya know!" he started to stand up, holding his hands up under his bleeding tongue, so blood wouldn't drop onto the floor or clothes.

"For what? 'She cut my tongue!'" she whined, mockingly. "Oh, wow, real winner of a case ya got goin' for ya there!"

"Ughhhhhhhhh!!!" Nick stormed out of the theater and to the bathroom, leaving Strosity to grin and Brian to gape.