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Wild Heart: Chapter 2: Spit-Sandwhich

Brian stood up from his seat a few moments later. The initial shock at the fact that Monstrosity had punched Nick, had slowly faded away and he now just wanted to make sure his friend was okay. He walked out of the theater and into the bathroom, finding his friend bent over the sink, washing out his mouth. There was some blood mixed in the water, but not much since he'd been rinsing for a while.

"Hey, Frack. Are you okay?" Brian patted his back to get his attention.

Nick stood up from the sink and turned to Brian, looking pissed. "I'll be fine. It's only a small cut. But I swear to God, I hate that f*ckin' b*tch. I think that whore's out to ruin my life."

"Nick, calm down, alright? Let's just leave and forget about her. I'm sure you'll never see her again anyway."

"Yeah, that's what I thought yesterday," Nick said, gloomily, while walking out of the bathroom with Brian behind him.

Brian rolled his eyes. "Shut up and let's go get our stuff off our seats and then we'll go, okay?"


They walked back to their seats and noticed Monstrosity was gone. Grabbing their stuff in a hurry, they got out of the way of the other movie viewers and quickly left.

~ * ~ 2 Weeks Later ~ * ~

"Miss Cohen..." the nurse called through the waiting room.

Monstrosity stood up, quickly and grabbed her purse off of her seat. She walked over to the nurse. "I waited for 30 minutes," she snipped as she followed the middle-aged woman into room #10.

"I'm very sorry about that, Miss. We're very busy today," the nurse apologized, graciously. "It'll be just a moment and then the doctor will be in here to check you out."

"'Just a moment' better not be another 30 minutes!" Strosity called after the woman. "I have a job to get to, you know!" the door clicked shut behind the nurse. Monstrosity sighed, twittling her fingers.

An hour and a half later, Dr. Powell was coming back into the room with her test results. "Alright... I'm happy to report good news for you."

"Well, spit it out." Monstrosity rolled her eyes.

"You're not pregnant."

"Thank God!" with that, she jumped off of the examining table and walked out of the room, hurriedly. Getting into her car, she drove off to work.

~ * ~ QFC: Deli Department ~ * ~

"Hi, can I help you?" Monstrosity asked, unenthusiastically, before looking up and seeing a shocked Nick.

"Oh Lord, I didn't know you worked here! I swear... I would NOT be here if I knew. I just... I need 5 turkey sandwhiches, please."

"5?? You're gonna eat 5?? Well, I guess it's no wonder... I mean, how else did you get so-"

"Don't EVEN!! They're not all for me, b*tch."

She gave him a glare, before putting her head down and beginning to make the sandwhiches. Nick felt like throwing up, that's how much he hated this girl. He didn't understand it. He'd met tons upon tons of people every single day of his life, and had never run into the same person twice... but the one girl that he couldn't STAND he'd run into 3 times in the past 2 weeks.

Nick'd just finished thinking about how much he hated this girl, and Monstrosity'd just finished making the 3rd sandwhich, when Nick - much to his own surprise - looked up at her, sputtering out the words, "Will you go to dinner with me tomorrow night??"

Monstrosity looked up at him, surprised, to say the least. Quickly composing herself, she looked down at the sandwhich she had been working on, before spitting on it. "Does that answer your question?"