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Wild Heart: Chapter 5: Someday

When you start falling, who's gonna catch ya I'm willing to betcha, it will be me Who's gonna love ya like there's no other Search and discover, it will be me When all the others have gone and hurt you, who won't desert you, it will be me Weighing the options, so much to think of But when you think love, it will be me

You may not see it now Love is strange that way But someday, someway Baby, somehow

When you've been broken and dreams don't oblige ya, who's that beside ya Oh, it will be me

You may not see it now Love is strange that way But someday, someway Baby, somehow

Who'll be your only true romancer You know the answer, it will be me What will it take to bring you to your senses and finally convince you, it will be me

-It Will Be Me, by Faith Hill (CD: Breathe)

Nick was withdrawn and distant from everybody that knew him for a couple of weeks, after Monstrosity had left him distraught and confused. Nobody could understand what was going on with him--at least that's what he continued to tell himself--so he kept silent about his problems, and didn't tell a single soul. Not even Brian (who was beginning to worry deeply about his best friend).

"C'mmon, Nick... All of us always go out after rehearsals; why won't you all of a sudden??" Brian was talking to Nick in the parking lot of the building that they rehearse in.

Nick sighed, unlocking the door to his Durango, "Brian, I'm not feeling well, okay?"

"Nick, do you have some weird disease that you're not telling us about or something? You've been acting really strange lately."

"Brian!" Nick whined, sick of his friends and family meddling in his life. He knew that they only did it out of love for him, but it was getting really annoying. "Just leave me alone, I just wanna go home."

Brian sighed, "Fine. I'll see you tomorrow. Take care of yourself."

"Yeah, bye..." Nick started his car and drove off quickly, before any of the other guys could come out and bother him.

It was an hour later while Nick was standing in his kitchen that he caught sight of something outside his window, in his peripheral vision. Looking down towards the beach he saw someone with dark hair walking along the shoreline. He knew in an instant that it was Monstrosity... he could tell by the way she walked, the way her arms swung by her sides, the way her hair blew in the wind. Grabbing his sweatshirt off the counter, he threw it over his head and ran out the backdoor and down the porch steps.

"Monstrosity!!" he called as he got close enough for her to hear him yell over the sound of the waves crashing loudly against the beach.

Monstrosity turned around and glared at him, "What do you want?! I was having a perfectly nice time here by myself, and you just had to come and ruin it, didn't you?!"

Nick stopped walking and hung back as she gained some distance between the two of them. At the sound--or lack thereof--of Nick not responding, Monstrosity turned around and stood, her feet firmly planted in the warm sand.


Nick stared at her, "Then why are you walking on the beach right in front of my house?"

"You don't own it!"

"Well, you don't live anywhere near it!"

"Shut up, Carter."

Nick sighed, "Look... Just listen to me. I know you love me, okay?? I can see it, so why don't you just stop denying it?"

Monstrosity's eyes grew wide, and Nick didn't know if it was out of anger or surprise. "Excuse me?! Carter, I do NOT love you! I don't love anything or anyone, do you got that?!"

Nick took a deep breath and walked over to her, so that he was standing in front of her. He knew he had to say what had been on his mind for the past two weeks, "I love you. I don't know why, I don't know how. You've done nothing but treat me like sh*t since the moment I met you... but there are times when I can see something deep inside of you that I don't think even YOU can see. I love you. I love the way you put ketchup on almost anything, you wear tennis shoes with skirts, you wear your hair down when it's blazing hot and your hair up when it's cold, how you don't think you should tip waiters 'cause you don't get tipped... I love every weird thing about you; I love you!! And I know that you love me... it may take you a while to see it, but I know you do."

Monstrosity stood there, staring up at him, breathing hard. She was silent. But for once her silence didn't scare Nick. "Stay away from me," she finally said, before running off down the beach, leaving Nick there to smile. He knew he'd gotten to her. He'd gotten under her skin.