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Wild Heart: Prologue

"Ugh! Can you watch where you're going?! My gosh, you could have killed me!"

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to - I wasn't watching where I was going," Nick apologized profusely, picking up her groceries that had fallen when he'd accidently bumped into her. He looked up to see a beautiful girl. Though that thought quickly left when she began to talk again.

"Yeah, that's what I just said! Give me my stuff back," she grabbed her grocery bags out of his hands, but not before Nick sa a pregnancy test.

"Poor kid," Nick muttered as the girl stalked off. "Hate to have her for a mother."

Glad he'd never have to see her again, Nick left the grocery store with the bottle of water he'd bought, and got into his car, driving off to dance rehearsal.