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What Would I Do: Chapter 1

Seven days underpaid Gotta give it up Got no time for this life That I'm livin' up Shackled down, kicked around, Now slave to the grind Need some time for myself

I'll give you anything That you want me to But I don't have the time So I'll get up with you If you don't understand Man you've got to believe There is too much of you But there is not enough of me

There is not enough of me

Same old song World moves on while I'm still in bed Meet tomorrow today Just to get ahead Jump the gun on the run I'm the only one who thinks that I'm fallin' behind?

I'll give you anything That you want me to But I don't have the time So I'll get up with you If you don't understand Man you've got to believe There is too much of you But there is not enough of me There is not enough of me I'll give you anything that you want me to But I don't have the time So I'll get up with you If you don't understand Man you've got to believe There is too much of you There is too much of me

I'll give you anything that you want me to But I don't have time So I'll get up with you If you don't understand Man you've got to believe There is too much of you But there is not enough of me

-Not Enough, by 3 Doors Down (CD: The Better Life)

Quinn groaned when her car wouldn't start. "Stupid piece of sh*t," she muttered, walking back into her apartment building and going towards Bob's office. "Bob, could you call a tow truck company for me? I need someone to tow my car to a mechanic shop."

"Sure, Q... I hope everything works out for you..." Bob smiled, reassuringly.

Quinn smiled back. The older man always put a smile on her face. He was so sweet and caring. "Thanks, Bob..." She headed back outside to wait by her car for the tow truck.

~ * ~

Nick groaned as he hit his head on the bottom of the car that he'd been working on, when he'd been about to slide out from underneath it. He'd been distracted all day, daydreaming, and that had lead to his massive headache and bleeding forehead.

"F*ckin' piece of sh*t," he mumbled under his breath, sliding out from underneath the car and standing up.

He steadied himself against the vehicle and touched his forehead with his fingers, seeing blood on his hand when he brought it back down. He walked into his small office and grabbed a cloth off of his desk, applying pressure to his head with it. He heard the bell on the door chime, indicating the arrival of yet another customer. He walked into the main part of the store to see a young woman leaning against the counter, rubbing her temples with the tips of her fingers.

"Can I help you?" Nick asked politely, setting the cloth down on the table and reaching under the counter for a band-aid, but not finding one.

"Yeah, my car broke down. I need someone to look at it. Is this place expensive?" she asked, without looking up at him once.

Nick's eyebrows rose, "Average, I guess."

She sighed, "All right. It's fine." Finally she looked up and they help each other's eyes.

Nick's lips parted at her beauty, "Um... uh, okay," he stuttered, suddenly feeling nervous. "Want to show me where your car is?"

Quinn blinked slowly, trying to prevent her head ache from getting worse, "Sure, Nick."

"How'd you know my name??"

"It's um... written on your name tag," she raised her eyebrows with an amused smirk.

"Oh..." Nick looked down at his chest. "Right."

"Been one of those days?" she laughed lightly.

"Try years."

"Yeah, I hear ya. Hey, I'm Quinn, by the way," she extended her hand.

"You possess the talent of Dr. Seuss."

"Excuse me??"

Nick shook his head lightly, "Nevermind. I'm getting dillusional."

"How's your head doing?" she asked referring to the cut on his forehead that was still bleeding, lightly.

"Oh, I forgot about that... Fine, I guess. It's still bleeding though, isn't it?"

She nodded, before reaching into her purse and pulling out a band-aid. "Here," she said, while handing it to him.

Nick nodded in appreciation and reached up to put it on the cut but when Quinn noticed that he wasn't going to place it on the cut, because he couldn't see where it was, she took it from his hands and gently placed it on him, herself.

"Follow me, and I'll show you my piece of sh*t of a vehicle," she said after he'd thanked her.

Nick laughed lightly.

Wow, someone actually made me laugh, he thought as he followed her outside.