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Yes, I Will:

Chapter 12: ...Again

I was forgotten until you called my name Lost in the shadows until you shined your light my way Now I believe again in all my dreams again I'm wide eyed and innocent Those doubting days are so far away and oh

I will fall and you will catch me always Time has taught me this, ohh oh I will fly and you'll be there to guide me straight up to my heart's highest wish I feel you close to me and I know what love is

Now there's no mountain too high for me to climb No ocean so wide that I could not reach the other side Now I believe in me 'cause you live and breathe in me Nothing can come between We are one star no night can darken, ohh

I will fall and you will catch me always Time has taught me this, ohh oh I will fly and you'll be there to guide me straight up to my heart's highest wish I feel you close to me and I know what love is

It's an unspoken thing A quiet opening There's no words that go that deep but I know, I know

I will fall You will catch me always Time has taught me this I will fly You'll be there to guide me straight up to my heart's highest wish I feel you close to me and I know what love is

Ooh... Ohh...

-I Know What Love Is; Celine Dion

(Album: One Heart)

The sun felt hot against his face as Nick took his time opening his eyes. He didn't want to face the world quite yet. He didn't want to lose the wonderful feeling of Leah in his arms. He was afraid that once she awoke she would panic, start making excuses about how she needed to pick up Nicolea from her neighbor's house, and she would never talk with him about what had happened between them the night before.

"I just want you to stay right where you are," Nick whispered when he finally allowed himself to look down at her peaceful face. He'd never known anyone who looked so beautiful while sleeping. "I never want to leave this spot."

"Then don't."

Nick looked at her in surprise. Her eyes were still closed. He'd thought she was asleep. "I thought you were asleep."

"Think again," Leah smiled and finally her eyes fluttered open slowly. Yep, he was definitely more gorgeous every time she looked at him. Though she didn't know it, Nick was thinking the same about her. "The sun's too bright to sleep through."

"I can close the curtains--" Nick started to get out of bed but Leah grabbed him around the waist and pulled him back down.

"No, don't. The warmth feels good."

Nick laughed quietly and laid back down beside her. "So hard to please."

"Really?" Leah looked coy as her fingers ran gently across his chest. "I thought you did it quite nicely last night."

Nick looked down at her and couldn't believe this was Leah lying with him and teasing him. "I thought you were gonna be freaking out."

"I love you," Leah shrugged. "What about that is there to freak out about?"

"Well, I'm your ex-husband and you just slept with me--"

"I was too fast to file for divorce."

Nick looked at her in surprise. "It was my fault, Leah. I wasn't there for you and Nicci. I was too worried about Lisa naming me a bad father for Nate."

"Nicky, I wasn't very understanding. I'm sure my constant nagging didn't make it really easy for you when you were at home."

Nick shook his head. "It didn't have to do with you or Nicci. I loved every moment that I spent with you. I just felt so guilty when I wasn't with Nate."

"Either way, Nick," Leah sighed as she sat up and rested her back against the headboard. "I had no right to give up on our marriage as quickly as I did."

Nick lay quietly beside her, his hand running gently along her outer thigh. "Hey, why don't we stop talking about all we could have done differently and start focusing on fixing what we did wrong."

Leah smiled as she ran her fingers through Nick's messy hair. "We should have taken showers last night."

"I don't think I could've moved. One thing sure hasn't changed: you're still a little firecracker in bed."

"Nick!" Leah laughed before bending down and kissing him gently. "Let's go get that shower now."

"No," Nick growled and pulled her back down to him, settling above her. "Let's not."

Leah giggled but was quickly silenced.

* * *

Nick felt wonderful as he walked into the house he had once shared with Leah. His arms were full of grocery bags but he quickly put them down when he felt Nicolea tugging on his jeans. He grabbed her and swung her through the air as she giggled.

"Hi, baby. Daddy missed you."

Nicolea snuggled her head against Nick's shoulder, her little arms wrapped securely around his neck.

"Nick, the ice cream will melt."

"I know." Nick smiled back at her before grabbing the bags in the arm that wasn't holding his daughter, and made his way into the kitchen to help Leah put the groceries away. He set Nicolea down in her jumper seat and got to work. "I guess I shouldn't take chances with this ice cream. It was the only good thing about grocery shopping."

"Hey," Leah smiled coyly as she walked to Nick and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind him. "I thought making out in the produce aisle was pretty good, if I do say so myself."

"You're right." Nick turned in her arms and bent to kiss her. "I guess that was better than the ice cream. Now, you with ice cream all over your body... hmmm..."

Leah laughed as he began to nibble her neck, and pulled away. "Later, big boy. Later."

"With ice cream?"

She rolled her eyes at his hopeful expression and moved away to continue putting away the groceries. "Maybe. So... um... when are you moving back in?"

"When are we getting remarried?"

Leah looked surprised as she turned around to face him again. "Are you sure, Nick?"

"Why not? I loved having you as my wife. Why would I want to go back to just dating?" Nick looked over at his daughter who looked very content in her jumper seat. "Especially now that we have Nicci."

Leah looked away and bit her lip. "I don't know. Maybe we need time to--"

"Lee, I know you. And you know me. We know each other better than we know ourselves. There's nothing more to learn. We don't need any time to do anything. I want to be married to you."

She smiled up at him and Nick felt his heart skip a beat. "I want to be married to you, too, Nick."

Nick pulled her old wedding ring from his pants pocket. "So then, Leah, will you marry me..." He glanced around the room before smiling down at her. "...again?"

Leah laughed and nodded excitedly. "Yes, Nicky, I will." She pulled his face down to hers and kissed him passionately. When she pulled away, they were both breathless. "I will marry you... again."