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Yes, I Will:

Chapter 2: Blurry

Everything's so blurry and everyone's so fake and everybody's empty and everything is so messed up Preoccupied without you I cannot live at all My whole world surrounds you I stumble then I crawl

You could be my someone You can be my scene You know that Ill protect you from all of the obscene I wonder what you're doing, imagine where you are There's oceans in between us but that's not very far

Can you take it all away Can you take it all away Well you shoved it in my face, this pain you gave to me Can you take it all away Can you take it all away Well you shoved it in my face

Everyone is changing There's no one left that's real So make up your own ending and let me know just how you feel 'Cause I am lost without you I cannot live at all My whole world surrounds you I stumble then I crawl

You could be my someone You can be my scene You know that I will save you from all of the unclean I wonder what you're doing I wonder where you are There's oceans in between us but that's not very far

Can you take it all away Can you take it all away Well you shoved it in my face, this pain you gave to me Can you take it all away Can you take it all away Well you shoved it in my face, this pain you gave to me

Nobody told me what you thought Nobody told me what to say Everyone showed you where to turn, showed you when to run away Nobody showed you where to hide Nobody told you what to say Everyone showed you where to turn, showed you when to run away

Can you take it all away Can you take it all away Well you shoved it in my face, this pain you gave to me Can you take it all away Can you take it all away Well you shoved it in my face, this pain you gave to me

Oh, this pain you gave to me

Can you take it all away Can you take it all away Can you take away the pain, the pain you gave to me, this pain you gave to me

-Blurry; Puddle of Mudd

(CD: Come Clean)

"Nicky," he heard a whisper in his ear and felt cool breath against his skin. "Wake up." A shiver ran down his spine, making him shift in the chair and slowly open his eyes.

"Leah?" Nick murmured, his eyes taking their time adjusting to the daylight coming through the large bay windows across the room.

Was it possible his tired eyes were playing tricks on him? Or could Leah have really come back?

"Morning," she smiled warily, taking his hand in hers as she knelt on the floor in front of him. "Why'd you sleep in the chair, Nicky? You're gonna have a kink in your neck now."

Nick continued to stare at her, disbelieving what his eyes were seeing. Had his prayers actually been answered?

"Wow," he breathed, reaching out to touch her face and smiling as his fingers made contact with her skin. "You really came back?"

"I only needed some time to think, Nick," Leah sighed and glanced away to look out the window. "I was never going to leave you or anything. I love you, Nicky. You know that."

Nick sighed and bent over his knees, holding his head in his hands. "I'm sorry, Lee," he mumbled into his hands, rubbing his face before looking down at her again. "I'm really sorry. I've messed everything up."

"You have not," Leah smiled gently, trying to keep her tears at bay. As much as she loved him and wanted to support him, the fact that he had a son with another woman was very hard to deal with. "You didn't know, Nick. She was your girlfriend at the time... it's not like you got some stranger pregnant while cheating on me or something."

"I always used protection, Lee. I just don't get it."

Leah watched Nick sigh in frustration and reached up to hold his hand again. "Well... we should get you and... Nathan... tested." She paused, feeling strange talking about someone who was supposedly Nick's son. "I mean, we haven't had the best of luck with Lisa," she rolled her eyes wryly and smiled when Nick laughed lightly. "For all we know she just showed up, claiming he's your son to spite us by ruining our wedding day."

Nick nodded. "I guess I'll have to get hold of the witch and have her bring Nathan to the doctor."

They were quiet for a while, but finally Nick's eyes rose to meet Leah's again.

"What are we gonna do, Lee?"

"I dunno. But we'll figure something out."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

That Night

Nick picked up the phone and sighed. Was it normal for him to be nervous? He wasn't usually the jittery kind... but he was about to call his ex-girlfriend in reference to the son he hadn't known he had until a couple of days before.

The phone rang once, twice, three times... and Nick was about to hang up when a tiny, little "hello" came across the line. Nick knew it wasn't Lisa and that it couldn't be anyone other than Nathan. He felt his heart beat a little bit faster and wasn't exactly sure why.

"Hi, Nathan, um..." Nick paused, not exactly sure what more to say. Why was Nathan answering the phone anyway? He was only a little more than two. Shouldn't he not even be able to understand the concept of the telephone? "Can I talk to your Mom?"

"Yes," the little boy replied.

Nick listened and heard a scuffling on the other side of the line before Lisa finally took the phone.






"Listen, Lisa," Nick sighed, "the last time we spoke wasn't exactly a great moment in my life and I really wasn't wanting to see you again. But I guess there's just no away around that now. I'd like to move on with my life somehow, but before I can make any plans I need to know that Nathan really is my son. I'd like to get a paternity test done within the next couple of days."

Lisa sat silently for a moment, watching her son playing across the room. She knew Nick was his father, but if he needed proof, so be it.

"Yeah, sure," Lisa said quietly, trying to conjure up something more to say. "Nick, about me showing up the night before your wedding-"

"Lisa, I don't want to hear it," Nick sighed. "I, personally, don't want any form of a relationship with you and would like to speak with you as little as possible. I'm doing this for Nathan... if he really is my son, I'm going to be a responsible father. You have nothing to do with that."

"But, Nick-"

"I mean it, Lisa. I don't care. I'll call tomorrow to make a doctor's appointment and then I'll call you with the details. Bye."


He'd already hung up.