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Yes, I Will:

Chapter 4: Take Me Away

Nick placed the telephone back on its cradle. He sat down on the couch and stared into space, silently. Moments passed, minutes passed ... the only sound in the room the ticking of the clock on the wall opposite him. Finally, the sound of Leah's feet pounding against the staircase was heard and in another moment she was standing in the living room doorway, looking at him with a strange expression on her face ... one that Nick couldn't read. They stared silently at one another, both too afraid to say what they were concurrently thinking.

Finally Leah stepped into the living room and stood in front of Nick, biting on her bottom lip until she swore she was about to draw blood. "It was the doctor's office, wasn't it?" She spoke softly, but her words sounded so loud in the room's distinct silence.

Nick looked up at her and knew there was no need for him to speak. She knew. He just nodded.

Leah took a deep breath and sat down beside him on the couch, taking his hand gently in her own. More silent moments, and finally, "I'm sorry I wasn't here with you. I was taking a shower and I heard the phone ring, but..."

Nick shook his head and Leah knew she didn't need to talk. The silence was better for now. And then it occurred to her: she didn't really know the outcome of the phone call. She'd assumed, upon seeing Nick's ashen face, that Nathan was his son ... but then again, maybe Nick wasn't Nathan's father; maybe Nick was just feeling slightly overwhelmed. After all, his entire life had been put on hold when Lisa and Nathan had waltzed into it, and suddenly he was finding that there had been no need for his wedding to be called off, there was no reason for him to have gone on the emotional roller-coaster in which he had. Either way, there would be need for some definite damage control ... and Leah was mentally preparing herself for the task.

Nick looked over at Leah and sighed at her inquiring eyes. He knew she had a right to know ... she had more of a right to know than his mother, his father, his siblings, his friends, his fans, the press. She was a part of him, whether they were legally married yet or not. She had a right to know that he was a father.

"He's mine, Lee."

~ * ~

Leah looked at the piece of paper in her hand. She'd gotten the address from Nick's day-planner and she knew that Nick would kill her if he knew where she was, but she couldn't help it. She needed to talk to Lisa ... needed details ... needed to know why Lisa had shown up the night before they were to get married ... needed to know everything.

Lisa had told Nick that she'd moved upon finding out that she was pregnant. She'd given him her new address the day they'd gotten the paternity tests done at the doctor's office. Nick had shoved it into his pocket and Leah had seen him put it into his day-planner once they'd gotten into the car later that day. She'd only been waiting for a good time to use the information.

Today was perfect. Nick was out for the day, doing promotional work, and Leah had the entire day free. She just hoped Lisa was home.

~ * ~

"Where were you?"

Leah jumped, startled, as she walked through the front door and Nick was immediately in front of her. He stood, breathing deeply, and she realized he looked worried.

"I'm okay, Nick," Leah smiled gently and wrapped him in a hug. "Sorry I didn't call or anything."

Nick sighed and held her close. It was late and he'd been so worried about her, his mind conjuring up all possible scenarios ... she'd been in a car accident, she'd left him, she'd been walking along the ocean and had slipped and fallen in, she'd been abducted by aliens. You name it, Nick had thought it.

Leah laid her head against his shoulder and smiled as she heard him start to hum quietly. She closed her eyes, knowing that if for some reason she died right then and there, she would die happy.

"Lisa didn't know our wedding date."


"She didn't know ... when she came to tell you about Nathan ... she didn't know."

Nick let go of her and looked down into her eyes. How did she know that? "You talked to her?"

"Yeah," Leah bit her lip and nodded.

"Is that where you went?"



Leah sighed and walked into the living room, feeling Nick come up behind her. They sat on the couch together, staring at their hands, at the floor, at the ceiling, at the wall ... anywhere. It was easier than looking into each other's eyes, wondering whether or not they'd really be together forever, like they'd said before, like they had been so close to being. It was a reoccurring thought in both of their minds.

"I just needed to know, Nick."

Nick looked over at her and saw a tear slide down her face. She was so beautiful and he hated the pain that he saw in her eyes. He knew how hard this was on her ... possibly even more so on her than on him. At least he had a beautiful child to watch grow. Leah would forever be cursed with the realization that his child was not her child ... she'd forever be the step-mom ... she'd forever know that they didn't share everything.

"Needed to know what?"

"That she didn't intentionally ruin us."

"We're not ruined."

Leah looked at him as more tears fell, and more, and more. She didn't know what else to say. Maybe they weren't ruined, yet. But "yet" was the key word. The road ahead would be a long and hard one. Could they honestly live through it ... and come out on the other side, together?

Leah stood and reached out to take his hands within her own, pulling him from the couch. They stood, facing each other, staring at each other, knowing that, above all else, they needed each other.

Nick leant down and kissed her mouth gently, longing for the reassurance of her love. He felt her hands wrap around his neck and eventually wind into his hair, and as they broke away from the kiss, they knew that no matter what life threw at them, they could make it. Eventually they'd get there.

They didn't even make it to their bedroom as they sought the affection that they so needed to feel, from the other.

This time, what I want is you There is no one else who can take your place This time, you burn me with your eyes You see past all the lies You take it all away

I've seen it all And it's never enough It keeps leaving me needing you

Take me away Take me away I've got nothing left to say Just take me away

Well, I try to make my way to you, but still I feel so lost I don't know what else I can do

Well, I've seen it all and it's never enough It keeps leaving me needing you

Take me away Take me away I've got nothing left to say Just take me away

Don't give up on me yet Don't forget who I am I know I'm not there yet, but don't let me stay here alone

This time, what I want is you There is no one else who can take your place

I've seen enough and it's never enough It keeps leaving me needing you

Take me away Take me away I've got nothing left to say Just take me away Take me away Take me away I've got nothing left to say Just take me away

-Take Me Away; Lifehouse

(CD: Stanley Climbfall)