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Yes, I Will:

Chapter 5: A Visit From Dad

Nick looked down at the top of Leah's head, nestled comfortably against his shoulder. He smiled and wrapped his arms further around her body, placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head. Leah squirmed as his fingers dropped from her hair to her face, tickling her skin.

"Ticklish, baby?" Nick smirked when he saw her eyes fluttering and knew that she was awake.

Leah opened her eyes against his chest, looking up to him slowly. "You shouldn't wake a girl from her sleep. It makes her very, very grumpy."

Nick smiled at her pout, moving to hover over her. "I love you," he whispered before leaning down and kissing her gently.

Leah saw him hesitate, about to say something but stopping himself. "What is it, baby?" She smiled softly as he shook his head and lowered his gaze, sheepishly. "Wanna go see Nate today?"

Nick looked up to her, amazed at how well she knew him. "Think we could do that?"

"Yeah, Nicky." She smiled, lifting up to kiss him again. She never could get enough of him in the morning. The tousled, bed-head look just worked way too well for him. "We'll just call Lisa and see if it'll work for her."

Nick nodded, giving her his beautiful smile. "You make me so happy. Thank you for everything, Lee."

"No need to thank me. I love you."

~ * ~

"How are you feeling?" Leah took Nick's hand in her own as they made their way up Lisa's driveway.


"Don't be."

Nick laughed. "How can I not be? I'm about to go spend an afternoon with my girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, and son. Kind of a strange combination, don't you think?"

"Even so." Leah shrugged and stopped him at the front door. "You're here for your son. You're not spending a day with your girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, and son ... this is just about Nate. I'm only here for support."

Nick smiled and squeezed her hand within his own. "Thanks."

"Stop thanking me." Leah reached out and rang the doorbell with a steady hand. It wasn't that she had nothing to be nervous about; she did, but she knew that Nick needed her to be strong. He was a wreck ... she was there to hold his hand, not be a wreck right along with him.

A minute or so passed before the door was opened and Lisa was standing in front of the couple. She smiled, said a quiet "hello," and let them inside. The door closed behind them and Nick sighed. There was no turning back now.

~ * ~

"It means a lot that you came to spend time with him, Nick," Lisa spoke quietly, much like she had been all day.

Nick remembered her as a very outgoing, businesslike woman who did whatever she felt like doing. The woman Nick had been seeing the last few days was an entirely different person. But still, he wasn't falling for whatever act she was trying to pull ... he didn't trust her in the least.

"Well, he's my son ... I'm here for him."

"Of course."

They were silent as they watched Leah building a tower made of blocks with Nate across the room. The clear meaning of Nick's last statement hung heavy in the air. Nick was here for Nate ... not as any sort of favor for Lisa.

It was understood, and to Lisa it made no difference at all, as long as he was willing to take responsibility for their son. Nothing else mattered to her, no matter what Nick thought.

The rest of the afternoon was spent with very little conversation. Nick and Leah played with Nate, while Lisa took advantage of the free time and got some house-cleaning done. At eight that evening, Nick and Leah decided it would probably be a good time to leave; Nate would be going to bed in half an hour, and though Nick was ready to leave, he felt lonely as he and Leah made their way outside to their car.

Leah squeezed his hand in hers as they drove back home and Nick couldn't help but smile at her. Sure, it would be hard having a son; sure, it would get even harder the closer Nick grew to Nate, knowing he would miss, and had already missed, a lot of his son growing up. It wasn't going to be easy in the least, but Nick knew how much good would also come from Nathan's life. He'd already seen a portion of the good ... he'd gotten to spend time with Nate in his own, natural surroundings and he'd enjoyed watching how carefree his son was.

Nick looked at Leah and smiled as they reached a stop light. He leaned over and kissed her gently.

Leah stared at him wearily, knowing that he was going to say, once again, what she'd told him not to. "You're welcome," she cut to the chase with a wry smile that caused Nick to grin.