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Yes, I Will:

Chapter 9: Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me

"Are you sure this is what you guys should be doing right now? You told me yourself that you two aren't all that stable lately."

Leah gave AJ her best annoyed look, but she couldn't keep a small smile from her face. He was concerned... she couldn't hold that against him. "Of course I'm not sure."

"What?! Are you insane?!"

She cut him off before he could even begin to ramble. He was good at that and she didn't have the time. "Yeah, maybe I am insane, J. But I love Nick and if we don't get married now, I don't think we ever will."

AJ shut his open mouth. She was a stubborn girl and nothing he could say would change her mind now that it was made up.

Nick took the stairs two at a time and barely even paused at the doorway upon hearing AJ and Leah talking inside. "Leah, you ready, baby?" He poked his head inside her bedroom and suddenly felt the air sucked from his lungs. "My gosh, Lee, you look... amazing."

Leah grinned at him from across the room, glancing down at her white, thigh-high sun dress. "Thanks, Nicky." She slapped AJ's hands away, as he tried to fix her hair once again, and made her way to Nick.

Nick smiled even bigger once she was in his arms, her slightly protruding belly pressed against his own stomach. "We gotta be at the Justice of the Peace in thirty minutes or we lose our spot."

"Okay, just give me one kiss." She squeezed her eyes shut tight and gave an exaggerated pucker.

Nick laughed and looked at AJ, rolling his eyes. "Okay, baby, just calm down." He placed his thumbs on her cheeks and massaged them gently to loosen her pucker.

She giggled as he leaned down and kissed her so softly it felt like a butterfly kiss. She hadn't felt so happy in quite a while.

"Okay, you two!" AJ shouted, putting his head in-between their faces. "Plenty of time for that later tonight. Let's get this show on the road!"

There was always something... or someone... that had to ruin the moment.

* * *

Hold me, hold me Never let me go until you've told me, told me what I want to know And then just hold me, hold me Make me tell you I'm in love with you

Thrill me, thrill me Walk me down the lane where shadows will be, will be Hiding lovers just the same as we'll be, we'll be when you make me tell you I love you

They told me "be sensible with your new love Don't be fooled thinking this is the last you'll find" But they never stood in the dark with you, girl When you take me into your arms and drive me slowly out of my mind

Kiss me, kiss me When you do I know that you will miss me, miss me if we ever say adieu So kiss me, kiss me Make me tell you I'm in love with you

Kiss me, kiss me When you do I know that you will miss me, miss me if we ever say adieu So kiss me, kiss me Make me tell you I'm in love with you

Never, never, never let me go

Never, never, never let me go

Never, never, never let me go

-Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me; Clay Aiken

(American Idol performance)

Leah looked over Nick's shoulder with a frustrated sigh. "Just let me do it."

"No, no, I got it."

"Nick," Leah laughed and grabbed the hotel keycard from his hand, sliding it into the door and quickly pulling it back out. "Ta-da. Seriously, Nicky, where would you be without me?"

Nick rolled his eyes and walked slowly behind Leah into the hotel suite. He smiled when he heard her sharp intake of breath.

"Nicky, this room is mammoth! It's amazing," she breathed with wide eyes, moving around the room in amazement. She'd never seen anything like it, though she was sure Nick had. After all, he'd probably done these sorts of things for girlfriends before.

"Only the best for my wife."

Leah closed her eyes and grinned, her back to Nick as she stood behind the huge picture window. His wife. It didn't matter if he'd had girlfriends. She was his wife. There had been none of those before her. And if her future went as planned, there would be none to follow.

"What are you thinkin'?" Nick asked quietly and suddenly he was behind her, his hands warm against her bare shoulders.

"How much I love you, Nick Carter," Leah whispered as she turned beneath his hands to face him. She smiled as she watched the breath catch in his throat when she looked up into his eyes. Before she knew it her tank top and bra were gone, followed quickly by her jeans. "I forgot an extra pair of underwear to change into after the wedding and our bags were already packed in the car," she murmured against his skin before he could ask why she was "going commando," as he would have called it.

She'd been planning to talk to him about how sweet it had been that the Boys had thrown them a barbecue reception after they'd returned from the Justice of the Peace; she'd wanted to mention taking a possible trip to Mexico with Nathan and their baby the following summer; she'd been wondering how Nick's dogs would deal with the intrusion of a baby once the baby was born. But all those things could wait. The world could wait.

This was so much better.