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Yes, I Will:


Leah glanced around the verandah, her sunglasses resting fashionably on the bridge of her nose and a cold glass of lemonade in her hand. She smiled at her daughter sitting next to her, sipping from her own glass. She looked like Leah's Mini Me.

"Think Daddy and Hayden will be home soon?"

"I hope so," Nicolea sighed dramatically. She was four going on twenty. "They're taking forever."

Leah smiled and looked back down toward the pool. They were finally, over three years later, on their Mexican family vacation. Unfortunately, Lisa hadn't wanted Nate to go with them and Nick hadn't wanted to rock the boat, so it was just Nick and Leah and their two children, Nicolea and two-year-old Hayden.

Leah heard the door open and looked through the sliding glass doors into the resort suite. "They're home, Nicci."

"Yay! I can't wait to show Daddy my new braids! And I think Hayden would like to go to the pool with me. And..."

The two girls set their lemonade on the table in front of them, slid their sunglasses to the tops of their heads, and headed inside to meet their two favorite boys. Life was good.