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How Was Your Day? Chapter 1: She Seems Nice

Nick picked Alex up and set him down on his knee, "Hey, buddy. What's up?"

Alex grinned up at his father, "Nothin' much, pops."

Nick laughed, "Well, that's cool, I guess. How was school?"

"Fine," he chirped, before sliding from Nick's knee and running off to find Ashley so they could go in the backyard and play on the swing set.

Nick looked up to entrance of the living room to see Kindlin looking at him, expectantly. When Nick didn't say anything, she sighed, walking further into the room.

"Nick, do you see what I mean??"

"Kin, like I said, he's in preschool."

She looked at him for a second, before turning and leaving the room.

~ * ~

Leaning against the window sill in their bedroom, Kindlin looked outside, watching Alex and Ashley play around in the backyard. She jumped slightly when someone's hands landed, gently, on her shoulders. Then she realized it was Nick.

Nick wrapped his arms around her waist, from behind her, and rested his chin against her shoulder, "Kin... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be insensitive. I know you're worried, but I honestly don't think anything's abnormal."

"Nick, you don't understand!" Kindlin turned around to face him, with tears in her eyes. "Everytime..." she paused, softening her voice. "Everytime I see his teacher, I get the strangest feeling in my stomach. Something's not right, Nick. I don't know what it is, but something's weird about her."

"I know that there's all that motherly instinct in every mom, but we met with Mrs. Kross before Alex started school, and you didn't mention feeling weird about her then," Nick rationalized. "What could possibly be wrong with her? She seems really nice."

Kin sighed, "Maybe you're right. I don't know, I just..." she stopped talking, not knowing what more to say.

Pulling Nick's face down towards hers, she kissed him lovingly. Soon Nick's hands were moving up and down her back, her shirt moving with his hands. Kindlin moaned, and just as Nick was about to take her shirt off the door opened.


They broke from their kiss and Nick rested his forehead against Kindlin's, with a sigh.

"Yeah, Aisya?" Kindlin closed her eyes, wishing for once that there were no kids in the house to interrupt them.

"I gots to go potty."

Nick released Kindlin from his grasp.

She gave him a quick kiss, "I'll be right back," she whispered, running from the room.

He sighed, before falling onto the bed, to wait for her.