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How Was Your Day? Chapter 2: Tremble

The next week, Alex plopped himself down on a stool on the other side of the kitchen island, across from Kindlin. Kindlin looked up from wiping the counters down with a cloth.

"Hey, sweetie. What's up?" she smiled over at her son.

"Mommy?" his voice held the innocence that only a child had.

A lump formed in her throat, but she swallowed it quickly, "Yeah..."

"When daddy touches you, do you ever get a funny feeling in your tummy?"

Her breathing grew irregular as she placed her hands down on the counter, her palms pressing hard into the marble, "A-Alex... why are you asking?"

"No reason," he said quietly. "When Mrs. Kross touches me, I get dis funny feeling in my tummy. Nevermind though!" he chirped, before running off to go play with Ashley and Aisya in the back yard.

It was a half an hour later when Nick walked into the kitchen, coming up behind Kindlin, who still stood in the same place, and kissing the top of her head, before setting his keys down on the counter. "K, baby, did you realize that Aaron's crying in his crib?"

When he got no response, and noticed her dazed expresson - lips barely parted, eyes wide and staring - he grabbed her by the shoulders gently, pulling her into his arms, "Kin, what's wrong?"

Kindlin stood silent, for a while, before she whispered, with tears in her eyes, "She touched our baby, Nick."


"Mrs. Kross ... she's molesting our baby."

Nick's arms fell from around her body, "What? Who? Alex?! Kindlin, where the hell did you come up with that!"

Kindlin's nostrils flared as she stood angrily in front of him, trying to contain her sobs, "He told me himself!!"

"A preschooler, Kindlin?! A preschooler told you 'My teacher's molesting me'?! He doesn't even know what the word means!!"

"YOU JUST DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE IT! WELL, I DIDN'T EITHER... BUT FACE IT, NICK!" tears cascaded down her face, as she whispered, "He said it in so many words. He asked me if when you touch me, if I get a 'funny feeling in my tummy'," Kin sniffled, holding her stomach as she began to feel nauseas. "I asked him what he meant... and he told me that... Mrs. Kross touched him and he felt funny."


Kindlin's jaw dropped, "F*CK YOU!! Why in the HELL would I make that up?!" she screamed, just as Aaron began to cry at the top of his lungs from his crib.

She ran from the room to go get her baby, and to get away from her husband.