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How Was Your Day? Chapter 3: Conveyed Threats

Nick peeked into the bedroom, an hour later, seeing Kindlin curled up in their bed asleep. No doubt she'd cried herself to sleep, half on account of him and his stupidity. He sighed, wanting to go over to her and kiss her cheek, or to hold her, but he had to hurry and get to the school.

He had an appointment with Mrs. Kross.

~ * ~

30 minutes later Nick pulled his car into the preschool's parking lot. Cutting the ignition, he got out and walked into the building, heading straight to Mrs. Kross' room. He walked in to find her at her desk, waiting for him.

"Have a seat, Mr. Carter," she spoke calmly.

Nick sat down across from her, remaining in silence. Tension quickly filled the air. A few minutes later Nick spoke up, icily, "Did you touch my son?"

"Excuse me?!" Mrs. Kross blurted out in complete shock.

Mrs. Kross was a woman around the age of 25. She'd been married for 2 years to a basketball player who was on the road half the time.

"I think you heard me. Did you touch my son?!" Nick rose to his feet, feeling more heated than ever.

"I cannot believe you came to my classroom to ask me that, Mr. Carter! Honestly, I think you're being completely-"

"Oh, don't you DARE pull that innocent act with ME, Mrs. Kross. What would your husband think of this??"

"Don't bring my husband into this. I didn't do anything to your son."

"I swear to God if I find out you so much as laid a finger on him..." Nick trailed off, leaving his threat hanging heavily in the air. He knew she'd gotten the picture.

"You can leave now," she spoke, her voice cold and firm.

"Thank you, I think I will," with that, Nick walked from the classroom to go home.