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How Was Your Day? Chapter 4: Flowers and Decisions

Nick came into the house an hour later and smelled food cooking in the kitchen. He walked in to see Kindlin cooking beef for tacos. Maybe now would be a good time to get the flowers that he'd bought for her, out of the car. Kindlin barely looking up from her frying pan. Nick sighed and walked to the fridge to get a drink. The silence was unbearable as he sat at the counter, drinking a Coke. He stood up and placed his glass in the sink, before walking up behind her and placing his hands on her hips and his chin on her shoulder.

"Sweetie," Nick spoke quietly, when she made no attempt to acknowledge his presence, let alone his touch.

She didn't answer, instead she just kept making dinner. Nick straightened up and walked from the room, heading into the garage. Kindlin looked up from the beef to the doorway that Nick had just left through, and sighed.

He came back a few minutes later and handed her the bouquet of her favorite flowers. Kindlin looked down at the wonderfully smelling arrangement, that had just been shoved in her face, and couldn't help but laugh. Nick sighed in relief.

"Nickolas Carter, you haven't brought home flowers in a long time," she smiled up at him. "I'm letting you off too easy."

"Nuh uh. what about if I told you that I went to Mrs. Kross' room and talked with her?"

Kin looked at him skeptically, not knowing if that was a good or bad thing. She sighed, "Do you believe me, baby?"

Nick looked down at her, his eyes watering at the thought of what he was about to say, "Yes." He'd just admitted, out loud, for the first time, that it was true: his son's teacher had touched his son. He felt like vomitting.

Kindlin sighed, before looking down at the stove again... she didn't want to cry anymore. "What do we do?"



"I don't know, Kin. I don't know why, but I just feel that right now we should just wait. I doubt that after I confronted her about it she'll be... doing anything more to him. But more parents may come forward."

Kindlin sighed, "So we just keeping sending our son to that bitch??"

"Please, Kin. I know it sounds horrible. But please just trust me on this one."

"Okay... I trust you."