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How Was Your Day? Chapter 6: You're Just A Coward

Nick stared aimlessly at the TV screen, the TV being the only object providing light in the living room. The news was on, but he wasn't paying much attention to it. He was hungry, but he didn't feel like cooking. He was tired, but he didn't feel like sleeping. Kindlin had gone out with Leighanne for the evening, leaving him to "fend for himself." It was 15 minutes until the news was to be over when they flashed a picture of Mrs. Kross. Nick leaned forward, intently, staring at the screen as a continual knot formed in his stomach.

"Another couple came forward, last night, accusing this Tampa, Florida pre-school teacher of molesting their son. Five more parents have called in, since then. The 25 year old teacher was arrested this morning and is being held in a Tampa prison, until her trial."

Nick ran his hands through his hair, a sigh escaping from his mouth as tears fell from his eyes. This was proof - this had to be proof - she'd molested his son.

~ * ~ 3 miles away ~ * ~

"Jake, you're a coward!" Jenny screamed at her husband, slamming her hand down on the kitchen counter, angrily.

"Look, there's already others coming forward about Wendy. Why do we have to?! She'll be put in jail anyways, Jen."

"That's not the point, Jake. You're afraid of embarassing yourself in front of your 'wonderful' peers. Well, get over it! She hurt our DAUGHTER for heaven's sake! Everyone else is coming out about their sons. We have a different story. Why are you being such a prick?! You walked in on her touching our little girl!! That didn't serve as enough to help put that woman in prison?!"

"Shut up, Jenny!" Jake yelled, not wanting to hear any more. "Just shut UP, I don't want to hear you talk about this AGAIN, do you understand me?!"

Jenny glared at him, hate burning in her eyes, before she stomped from the room and from the house.

~ * ~ Kin and Leigh ~ * ~

Kindlin pulled her jacket tighter around her body as her and Leigh stepped from the movie theater.

"Did you like it?" Leigh asked, pulling her keys out of her purse as they drew near her car.

"It was too sad. Other than that, I liked it," Kin said about the movie, while getting in the passenger seat.

"Yeah, I agree with that. How's Nick?" Leigh reversed from her parking spot and headed out of the parking lot.

Kin smiled, "He's good. We're both a little stressed, of course."

"Speaking of that, how is Alex?"

"He seems fine. Quiet though. We're gonna get him into counseling though."

Leigh nodded, "Brian and I were so sick when you told us. I'm so sorry, Kin. How are you handling all this?"

"Um," Kin sighed. "Fine, I guess? Having Nick helps, of course."

"Gosh, you guys have been through so much."

~ * ~ Next Day ~ * ~

Kindlin was at the gym, running on a treadmill, the news playing on the TV above her. The young woman next to her, on another machine, Kindlin had seen many times before at the gym, but today she seemed upset or bothered about something.

"There have been no further developments with the case against Wendy Kross, the pre-school teacher who has been accused of molesting students. The police are still urging you to contact them if you know anything further..."

Kindlin looked down, as she ran. She hated hearing about it on the news, on the radio... she hated thinking about it. Yet it was the only thing that possessed her mind. She looked up when the woman next to her ran from her machine and hurried quickly into the bathroom. Kindlin, wanting to make sure that she was okay, turned her treadmill off, and walked into the bathroom, where she heard somebody vommitting. "Hello?" she called, apprehensively.

She was followed by the sound of more purging. Opening the unlocked stall door, slowly, she saw the girl that had been next to her, working out, now kneeling on the floor, throwing up. "Are you okay?" she asked quietly, worry in her voice.

The girl's head whipped around, tears coursing down her face. "I-I... I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing? Are you sick??" Kindlin knelt down next to her.

"No... I um... just hate seeing things like that on the news."

Kin looked down, tears growing in her own eyes, "Yeah, I know how you feel... but is that all that's bothering you? I mean, I don't mean to pry... I know you don't know me but... well, I'm Kindlin," she held out her hand.

Jenny smiled, "I'm Jenny... you can call me Jen."

"Are you okay?"

"No... I um... well, you're probably not going to believe me, but my daughter was a student of Mrs. Kross. She-she molested her... my husband walked in on it, but he won't come forward about it," she looked down, a fresh batch of tears flowing down her face.

Kindlin's eyes were wide, "Oh, Jen... I'm so sorry. I know this is going to sound really weird - and maybe it's just a coincidence - but she did the same to my son, Alex. My husband and I were the first to come foward about Wendy. I didn't know that she was hurting little girls too. I think I'm going to be sick."

Jenny looked up, her eyes innocent and child-like, "Y-Your husband let you tell people?"

Kin looked down at her, with sadness in her own eyes, "Yeah... he did. Um, Jenny do you know why your husband isn't wanting anybody to know?"

"Yes..." Jen looked away, ashamed. "He doesn't want to ruin his reputation."

"Ah," Kin nodded. "I see. I know you don't know me very well, and you don't know my husband at all... but do you think you and your husband would like to come over for dinner tonight? Maybe Nick, my husband, can talk to yours."

"I-I don't know," Jen looked away again, hesitation in her voice. "Jake's not very warm to new people..." When she looked up at Kindlin as saw the sincerity on her face, she smiled, "Well, alright..."