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How Was Your Day? Epilogue

Kindlin began to cry tears of relief, months later, as she jumped up on Nick, her legs wrapping around his waist and her arms around his neck. He supported her with his arms wrapped tightly around her back in a secure embrace.

"It's over, Nicky!" she whispered, happily. "It's finally over!"

The whole court was conversing, most agreeing with the sentence that Wendi Kross had received, but a few not. Kindlin paid no attention to anybody though. She couldn't concentrate - her mind was all over the place. It'd been a long proccess, but it was all finally over! She'd never been so happy in her life!

All of a sudden she began to laugh... and it was all downhill from then on. Nick couldn't help but begin to laugh along with her, as she grew hysterical. He'd never seen her high, but he imagined this is how she would act if she were.

It was over.

Kindlin jumped down from Nick's arms as she saw Jen and Jake hugging across the courtroom. She looked up at Nick and smiled when he gave her an encouraging nod. She slowly released her hands from his and walked, steadily, over to Jen. She hadn't talked to her since the night she'd come to her house, but the next day when they'd walked into the courtroom Kindlin was shocked to see Jake there. And even more shocked when he stepped up to the witness stand.

"Jen?" she tapped her on the shoulder.

Jen pulled away from Jake and turned around, "Oh Kin!"

They wrapped their arms around each other. They held each other in a tight embrace. And they cried together.

It was over.

An hour later, Nick and Kindlin finally left the courtroom for the last time. They got in the car, buckled their seat belts, and sat in a comfortable - and wanted - silence. After a while, they turned to each other. Kindlin gave him that smile he loved so much, that smile he hadn't seen in so long. Reaching over, he kissed her lovingly. After pulling away, he started the car, and they began their drive home, hand in hand.

It was over.