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5 Guys 1 Group 'N Sync


Hey everyone!

The new year is well under way, and it's gonna be a great one for 'N Sync! I hope everyone saw the Super Bowl halftime show, cuz it was off the hook! I can't wait til Gramy night!!! :)

P.S. - See the animation up top? I made that, and I need to work on my ani's a little, but it's not too bad (I hope!)

NOTE: MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! WE DID IT 'N SYNC FANS!!! I am happy to say that the Backstreet Boys didn't break 'N Sync sales record! They only sold like, 1.4 million. I mean, that's a good opening week sales, but still around 800,000 behind 'N Sync's 2.1 in a week! YEAH! Congrats you guys ::Pats everyone on the back:: We did it!
