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My Other Identity

Hello, and welcome!

This page explores the non-Backstreet side of me.


Some of my other fiction:


Here are few Tribute Pages I've created:
Never Forgotten A Tribute for 9/11/01

Tribute to Kevin Smith

A Night Remembered
This is my tribute to the RMS Titanic

Some other things I'm interested in:
Native American

Fairies and Elementals

Here There Be Dragons

The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan

More pages are coming soon, so come back again!
Thanks for stopping by!


Email for me? Aww, shucks...

To go Back, please click on the dolphins, and they'll take you back to the Index page.

Or do you want to check out my Backstreet Boys page?
Bonedaddy Fan Fics

Or would you like to visit my Vin Diesel page?
Tas's Xander Zone

This page under reconstruction!

Thanks for being patient!