What Would They Say?

If you were to IM a real *NSYNC member, and not a poser. What would their away messages say? Would it really end with "bye, bye, bye?" Probably not, but these are some humorous attempts at what the away messages would really say.
Justin's Away Messages:

Auto Repsonse from OhNoDeresNoFro: Yo !! I ain't here, cause I'm out trying to reassure mahself dat ah'm still da best looking member of *NSYNC, even wit no fro. So I'll hit cha back later. PEACE !!

Auto Repsonse from AhmBritzBitch: Hey this is Britney !! J is too busy listening to all his voice mails on his cell phone. Guess who left all of those ? Maybe he'll IM you back when he's done. Fun Breeze !!

Auto Repsonse from WhosDaHottOne: Ahm fly, and you're not. Especially if you're a Backstreet Boy, so you ain't worth mah time. BOUNCE !!

Auto Repsonse from MomazBoy13181: Ah is on da phone wit mah Moma. Leave a message, this may take awhile *smack* Sorry Mom ! Now she's mad at me. Bye.

JC's Messages:

Auto Repsonse from IAmTheGlue: Hello, I am busy right now recording with 2-bit girl groups to try and further my career. When I'm done ruining my reputation I'll IM you back.

Auto Repsonse from DomesticViolenceStinks: Hey I'm getting beat right now, by my lovely girlfriend Bobbi. She's saying something about how I haven't bought her enough white tank tops or something, and that I've been eating too much lately. She's hard to understand when she's bashing your head against a wall. So whenever she's done, I'll try to IM you back. Have I mentioned that I love Bobbi with all of my heart ?

Auto Repsonse from ImNoTaNaDdIcTbAby: I'm in the bathroom right now. I'll be busy for a little while. I'm...umm...in the shower. Yeah, that's it, when I'm done I'll try to IM you back if I can.

Auto Repsonse from FreakyClothesHorse: I'm out shopping right now. Probably buying more white tank tops for Bobbi, or buying different fur coats, so I can wear them to award shows. I know you guys love my fur coats, so I'm going buy more. Leave me a message, I probably won't get back to you, cause I'm too busy, but that's what being in *NSYNC is all about !!

Joey's Messages

Auto Repsonse from ILuvTwinkies: Eatin. Leave a massage.

Auto Repsonse from ILuvPurtyGurlies: Is got me self to gurls in to diferent rooms. i is a pimp daddie. leve a massage !!

Auto Repsonse from DancerFace: U no u want sum of dis fly flow. (I let Justin write that one for me) Leave me a message and the stone cold pimp will get back to you. And I don't mean Kid Rock.

Auto Repsonse from FAT0ne128: Can I check your tag? Oh, I thought that you were made in heaven. There's more where that can from. Leave a message and find out.

Chris' Messages:

Auto Repsonse from CaptainCrazyKirkpatrick: HEY HEY HEY !! I'm crazy crazy crazy !! I'm out doing the craziest stuff that my hip replacement will allow me to do. That basically is walk at a REALLY CRAZY fast pace. So when that tires me out, which will be within 5 minutes, I'll be back to talk.

Auto Repsonse from BustazMahDawg: I'm out walking the B-Man !! That's mah little dawg yo !! He's the one with the real, "pug appeal!!" HAHAHAHA !! I made fun of JC! Oh well, leave a message !!

Auto Repsonse from PhilosopicalBitch: Sometimes I wonder: Why am I 29 and in a "boyband?" I'm a MAN !! If you can answer this leave the answer here.

Auto Repsonse from SometimesIDo: I used to have dreads. Then I didn't. Then I had make shift dreads. What do I have now? Why don't you answer that?

Lance's Messages

Auto Repsonse from NoNotThatShade: I'm still trying to get that stuff off of my face from the "IGBM" video shoot. That stuff completely ruined my skin. Mary Kay can't even help. If anyone has any suggestions, leave a message.

Auto Repsonse from Not4The Girlies: Believe me, I did not learn that to thrust for Bev or Danielle. Only Joey knows for who. *wink* Leave a message.

Auto Repsonse from ILuvGarth: If anyone knows Garth Brooks' screen name, leave a massage.

Auto Repsonse from NoAvonForMe: Checking out the latest Mary Kay shades. This should be a while. Leave a message.

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