A Teeny's Guide To Success A Teeny's Guide To Success

Ok, so today I'm reading of my teeny magazines that I buy ever so frequently for the pictures, and I came across this article, and I found it pathetic, so I decided to share it with you guys. It was originally about BSB but I'm gonna change the BSB parts to NSYNC cuz, well, they're why you're here. My comments will be in parentheses.

Well, you have the tickets that you fought so hard for; tickets to NSYNC's Boys of Summer tour. It's almost time for that big night! If you are wondering exactly what you will need to take with you to this memorable show, you're in luck, because we are here to help!!

First, you will need to figure our just what you are going to wear. (If you wanna meet *NSYNC you better be dressed like Britney cuz that's the only way it's gonna happen, girls.) DON'T wear high heels or an elaborate hairstyle. Yes, we know you are hoping Chris will see you looking your very best(if his vision's that good) but high heels are dangerous(but helpful in fighting off rabid teenys) and hairstyles tend to fall out. Imagine Justin Timberlake beckoning you to come onstage, and as you walk up the stairs, you wobble a little too much on those glamourous shoes and fall over right in front of the dreamiest guys that ever existed!! How would that be for embarassing? Or picture yourself having your picture taken with your fave member of NSYNC, JC maybe, but when the pictures come back you realize that your carefully constructed 'do had melted (melted?!?! WTF) into a pile of tangles. (However, if your favorite NSYNC-er is JC, this may actually be good...he likes girls who don't brush their hair. Check out some pics of Bobbee.) Instead, opt for low-key hair and comfortable, casual clothes. That way, you know you look good without having to worry about it.

Next, you will need a water bottle. You know (you will wanna pour it over that annoying girl next to you, or you have front row seats and you REALLY hate Joey..hehe)you are going to be screaming for the entire two hour period that NSYNC's up there on stage. Don't lose your voice! (If you do how will you beg Steve to stop filming you?) Swig some water every now and again to refresh your vocal powers. (Joey likes vocal women.) Carry your water bottle in one of those handy packs so your hands will be free (and you'll look like an asshole). You want to be able to wave frantically (or be able to easily flash them) whenever one of those hotties looks your way!

Take a sign proclaming your love for NSYNC. (This is the best part). Now, a lot of arenas don't allow people to carry big cardboard signs into the stadium (No, guys, don't cry!! Just listen-)so write it on a T-shirt!! It's wearable art and you have a better chance of being noticed by that special boy (and you give him more reason to laugh at you when the shows over..."Hey did you see that idiot with the "Nsync has got the flow shirt on?"). You'll be the only one wearing their emotions!! (My ass. It's like a teeny bopper law that you HAVE to wear NSYNC somewhere on your body at a concert) This is also a great project for you and your friends to do together-we know that you will be going with your best friend and at least one of your other close friends!! (Hey guys ya ready to make our shirts?!?) Write a continuing message on all the T-shirts and stand in the right order at the concert. For example:write "We Love NSYNC" (or "Joey you're the father of my child") on one shirt, and "Yes Yes Yes Here We Go" ("Oh my God Justin you put my eye out with that thing!") on the next, and on the last one, write "NSYNC has got the flow!! NSYNC forever!!" (I killed Toby.).That will be sure to grab their attention!! (Maybe not Joey and Justin, cuz I'm sure they hear that nightly, but Lance is another story.)

Believe it or not, you might wanna take earplugs. Those concerts are loud, and not because of the music-but the screaming!!! (Especially when Lance breaks a nail onstage.) Don't miss your favorite NSYNC song (Mine's "I Need Love" but they don't play that at concerts) because somebody just deafened you with an ear piercing shriek. Earplugs muffle excess noise, but you will be able to hear evey single note NSYNC sing without any problem. (Thank God. I didn't wanna miss any of Joey's solos.)

Finally, if you are allowed to, take a camera! This is your chance to get shots of NSYNC that no one else has. (Some incriminating girlfriend pics, too, if you're lucky.) Plus, a camera is handy to have around if you just happen to run into one of those mega-hotties. You'll want to record that moment forever. (If Steve's around, that'll be no problem.) Check with the arena first efore bringing a camera though, because some places don't allow them. If they do...take advantage of the opportunity!

And last but not least, don't forget your NSYNCosity-as if you could! This is definitly going to be a night to remember, so make every moment count.

..::by NeEnE :-)::..

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