"What died and landed on his head?"

Top Ten Coolest *NSYNC Related Things My Mother Has Ever Said

10. Me: "What I wouldn't do to JC!!"
Mom: "Alli, would you say that in front of their mothers?"
Me: "No."
Mom: "Then why say it in front of me?!?"
Me: "Cause you're thinking the same thing about Lance!!"
Mom: "Go watch this upstairs!!"

9. Me: "Mom, wouldn't you be happy if I brought JC home one day for dinner?"
Mom: "I'd be even happier if he cooked dinner. Nevermind, I'll make it, you make him eat it. Does he have an eating disorder?"

8. In Aruba:
Mom: "Alli, what did you do to your hair?"
Me: "I went into town and got it braided!!"
Mom: "You better be careful not to pull it up."
Me: "Why?"
Mom: "You'll be mobbed by little girls, who want your autograph. Come on Allison, doesn't one of your *NSYNC boys have braids?"
Me: "Like last year..."
Mom: "You're more mad at me for forgetting that they don't have braids anymore, than for me telling you that you resemble a boy...Get your priorities straight!!"

7. At the dinner table:
Me: "Mom, can you name all the members of *NSYNC?"
Mom: "Well, there's Lance. He's my favorite."
Me: "Very good, who else?"
Mom: "Of course Justin. ::In a teeny bopper voice:: He's so dreamy!!"
Me: "Uh huh, keep going..."
Mom: "That one you like, what's his name, like TJ or something. I don't know."
Me: "Or JC, who else?"
Mom: "No that's it."
Me: "No there's more."
Mom: "No there's not. They quit, sorry, I forgot to tell you. They are going by the symbol on TJ's necklace now."

6. "Alli, I think it's time you get a new obsession. Go out and join a Britney fan club." - Mom on my *NSYNC obsession.

5. "Lance looks like he's a nice boy, and Ray calls him Skippy. Maybe that should be his stage name." - Mom on Ray Romano on Lance on Regis. (Did you follow that?)

4. "He's 28?!? Does he know that statutory rape is illegal?" - Mom on Chris.

3. Mom: "Alli, go out. See a movie, get some air. You're holed up in your room watching *NSYNC videos all day, enjoy your summer vacation."
Me: "Pay for me to see *NSYNC in concert?"
Mom: "Stay inside. You want something to drink?"

2. "What died and landed on his head?" - Mom on Justin's fro.

1. Me: "I frigen hate Bobbi!! She's nothing but a gold digger, I can't believe JC goes out with her."
Mom: "Well, Alli, you know what they say about Hollywood, and the music business. 'It's not who ya know, it's who ya blow'"
Me: ::fallin off of the couch laughin my ass off::

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