Justins Rumors

Welcome to the rumors page! Here's where
you'll find the hottest gossip about Justin and the guys!!

Ok... let me think of some good rumors to
tell. You know, I kinda feel bad doing this cuz
it's not nice to spread rumors, is it? But I'm
not like saying all of this is true...I'm just
telling you what I hear, you know? So, just to
make that clear to y'all!!

Well, if you've already read both of my
interviews you'll see that one of them talks about
Justin having a girlfriend named Angie. I have no
idea if that is true. I don't know when the
interview took place, so please don't ask me that!!
That's just an interview that someone sent me!

Hmmm... Did you know that Justin wears blue
contacts and his eyes aren't really blue? I
didn't know that until recently!! I know... for being
such a Justin fanatic that's pretty bad....

Also, Justin grew his hair out to his
shoulders when he was 14, but he didn't like it (thank
god!) so he cut it.

I think that's all I know really right now
as far as rumors go... I probably could think of
more but I'm pretty tired right now so if I think
of any I'll let ya know! :)

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