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A Promise ch. 1

Well Here it is ch. 1 I hope you like it, Have any questions or comments e-mail me at
Disclaimer: I do not know any one of the people mentioned here and hereby regaurd this story as FICTION as in not real. I will not be held responsible for anything dealing with minors, IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 GET OUT! OR READ AT YOUR OWN CAUTION! If you dont like homosexual fiction or anythin I suggest you leave. Otherwise ENJOY!

A Scene; Moorfield, England-June 3, 1624

A man. Another man. Passion. Music. Earth. Stars. Warmth. Love.

A battelfield. Blood. Yelling. Screaming. Blood. Loss. Life. Goodbyes.

Jarahmiya stood on the bloody ground fighting off the enemy. He swerved his sword and blocked the man from getting him. Block, woosh, block. Jarahmiya slashed his sword and slashed the man in the stomach.

John watched Jerahmiya fight off another one. He quickly fought the man in front of him. Block, Block, Jab, Blood. John turned around and looked for another enemy. He quickly saw Jerahmiya fighting off another one, but something in his heart hurt and in an instant he knew something was terribly wrong.  To his horror he watched as the sword wooshed to Jerahmiya's side and seemed to stop and gash Jerahmiya.Red, Loss, Blood, Time, Heartache, Pain.

John watched Jerahmiya crumpel and fall to the ground. He felt as if time had stoped. He fell to his knees beside Jerahmiya and watched Jerahmiya's look into his. He stred back and barely felt the hot tears on his face. He gently put Jerahmiya's head in his lap.

Jerahmiya looked at John and smiled. He felt at peice and could care less what happened to him as long as he could look into John's eyes forever.

"I Love You."

"No." John whispered in horror.

"You can't go Jerahmiya, I Love You and our time isn't up yet." John sobbed.

"I have to, I'm going home."

"I Love You."

"I Love You too, Please don't go......... please." John whispered.

"I Love You and always have, I promise we will be together again when the time is ours."

John ran his hands through Jerahmiya's curly hair and leaned down. Lips, Passion, Shock, Kiss, Love.

With that John began to sing:

"And I will take you in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
`Til the day my life is through
 This I promise you
This I promise you
I've loved you forever
In lifetimes before
And I promise you never
Will you hurt anymore
I give you my word
I give you my heart
This is a battle we've won
And with this vow
Forever has now begun
 Just close your eyes
Each lovin' day
And know this feeling won't go away
`til the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you "
"I Love You Jerahmiya, with all my heart."

"Goodbye John, I Love you." Jerahmiya then closed his blue eyes and fell limp in John's arms.

Pain. Loss. Pain. Heartache. Pain. Love. Pain. Heartbreak. Pain.

John screamed unto the ends of the Eart he cried. The world for that minute felt his pain as his scream rang out through the air. The fighting stopped and John fell limply over Jerahmiya's body and cried. With the only thought of being with his lost love John reached for his sword. John picked up his sword and placed it over his heart.

"Goodbye my love, I will soon be with you." With the last words grazing his lips John closed his eyes and pushed the smord through the place in him that only belonged to one man, and that man was gone. Now in his final seconds John whispered a single phrase.

"I Promise."

Another Scene; Berlin, Germany-August 18, 1942

A man. Another man. Passion. Music. Earth. Stars. Warmth. Love.

A battelground. Blood. Yelling. Screaming. Blood. Loss. Life. Goodbyes.

Jonathon stood on the bloody ground shooting at the enemy. He swerved a bullet and fired another bullet at the man infront of him. swerve, fire, duck. Jonathon  fired and hit the man in the stomach.

James watched Jerahmiya fight off another one. He quickly fought the man in front of him. duck, fire, shoot, Blood. James turned around and looked for another enemy. He quickly saw Jonathon fighting off another one, but something in his heart hurt and in an instant he knew something was terribly wrong.  To his horror he watched as a bullet wooshed to Jonathon's side and seemed to stop and gash Jonathon. Red, Loss, Blood, Time, Heartache, Pain.

James watched Jonathon crumpel and fall to the ground. He felt as if time had stoped. He fell to his knees beside Jonathon and watched Jonathon's look into his. He stred back and barely felt the hot tears on his face. He gently put Jonathon's head in his lap.

Jonathon looked at James and smiled. He felt at peice and could care less what happened to him as long as he could look into James' eyes forever.

"I Love You."

"No." James whispered in horror.

"You can't go Jonathon, I Love You and our time isn't up yet." James sobbed.

"I have to, I'm going home."

"I Love You."

"I Love You too, Please don't go......... please." James whispered.

"I Love You and always have, I promise we will be together again when the time is ours."

James ran his hands through Jonathon's dark brown hair and leaned down. Lips, Passion, Shock, Kiss, Love.

With that James began to sing:

"And I will take you in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
`Til the day my life is through
 This I promise you
This I promise you
I've loved you forever
In lifetimes before
And I promise you never
Will you hurt anymore
I give you my word
I give you my heart
This is a battle we've won
And with this vow
Forever has now begun
 Just close your eyes
Each lovin' day
And know this feeling won't go away
`til the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you "
"I Love You Jonathon, with all my heart."

"Goodbye James, I Love you." Jonathon then closed his blue eyes and fell limp in James' arms.

Pain. Loss. Pain. Heartache. Pain. Love. Pain. Heartbreak. Pain.

James screamed unto the ends of the Eart he cried. The world for that minute felt his pain as his scream rang out through the air. The fighting stopped and James fell limply over Jonathon's body and cried. With the only thought of being with his lost love James reached for his sword. James picked up his sword and placed it over his heart.

"Goodbye my love, I will soon be with you." With the last words grazing his lips James closed his eyes and pushed the smord through the place in him that only belonged to one man, and that man was gone. Now in his final seconds James whispered a single phrase.

"I Promise."

Justin sat up in a cold sweat and looked wildly around the room. It was just him in his room. The ceiling fan turned in place and made a small squeak. He quietly slipped out of bed and downstairs to the kitchen. He rummaged through the fridge and found nothing. Sighing he walked back upstairs to try and salvage a little sleep. There was only one problem, one thing kept echoing through his mind...

"I Promise."

JC sat up in bed in a cold sweat and looked around. He started to slowly come to and saw nothing. He wondered what that dream was about and why It was him and Justin as the two people in each scene. He got out of bed and changed into boxers and a new t-shirt and slipped under the covers. As he lay thinking he wondered why he had had that dream and uttered two words as he fell asleep.

"I promise."

Well thats all for this ch. talk to ya later E-mail me. I will put out 2 chapters and unless I get feedback there will be no 3rd so see ya later. NO HATE MAIL PLEASE!
