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Good Vibration: the second story in the "Beautiful Whore" series
Copyright November 4, 2000 by Matthew Haldeman-Time

Rating: NC-17 for adult sexual situations

Pairing: Nick Carter/Kevin Richardson

Disclaimer: The young men who comprise the Backstreet Boys are their own people.  The author has not met anyone here described, nor does the author mean to suggest that these people act this way in real life.  This writing is a work of fiction.  I make no money from this venture.

Dedication: This slashfic is for Ewan McGregor, the Savage Garden slashers, and David.

Wherein Nick tries out a new toy, Kevin tries out a new toy, and the new toy tries out Kevin.

Notice: Second in a series.  David's fault.

        Nick had spent the night.  They had an early rise, and Nick headed straight for the shower without more of a "good morning" than a pat on Kevin's hip.  Kevin took the shower next, going through his quick morning routine.  When he stepped out of the bathroom, towel around his waist, heading for his clothes, he stopped short.  Nick was sitting on the bed, dressed and ready to go, holding something.  He looked to Nick's face for a clue; Nick's eyes beckoned him.
        He walked over to the bed, apprehensive but trying not to show it.  Nick rose and moved behind him, a hand on his spine urging him forward as Nick said, "Lean over."  He obeyed, resting his hands on the mattress, feet flat on the floor.  Nick's foot nudged his ankles so he spread his legs.  A slick finger pressed into his body.  "You're too tight," Nick's voice said behind him.  "Every time I get inside of you I have to work.  I shouldn't have to work.  You should be open and ready for me."

        But he was, he tried.  He did everything he could, lubing and working the muscle whenever he thought Nick might want him.  What else could he do?

        "I'm going to fix that problem."

        Nick's fingers felt good, stroked him in just the right places, made him so hard so fast.  Nick never finger-fucked him to get his body ready for Nick's cock, but Nick did do it for other reasons.  To make him hard and hot and begging, to prove how much power Nick had over his body, to make him come by that stimulation alone.  Which he could, now.  Nick liked to torture him.  And that was why Nick promising to fix a problem did not fill him with any hope.

        "Let's see what your tight little ass thinks about this."  Nick held him open, and there was something, something there something - - his mind screamed "No no no no no no" and his muscles contracted, trying to close it out, but Nick held him open and the way was slick and then it was in and he tried to push it out and Nick pulled it out and then the world spun, and he was on his knees in front of Nick, Nick's hand painful in his hair, Nick yanking his head back and glaring down at him.  "If you can't get your ass ready for me I'll do it myself.  Now either you wear this or you learn to like your fingers because they're all you'll ever get."

        Nick's ultimatums always, always worked with him.  Either he did what Nick wanted, or Nick would leave him.

        "Do you want this or not?"

        He stared up into Nick's eyes, scalp on fire, knee bruised, knowing that Nick wanted to shove some plastic thing up his ass.  "Yes, please."

        Nick released him roughly.  "Get up.  We don't have time for your shit today."  So he got up and resumed the position.  He felt the intrusion again, and this time he tried to relax, tried to accept it.  It wasn't as long or as wide as Nick's cock.  He wanted to look at it, to see what was being put into his body.  Once it was in, he felt a strange tugging.

        "Stand up."  He stood.  "There's a chain here at the end," Nick said, and he felt a tiny sliver of cold brush against the very top of his thigh; the chain, presumably.  "When I want it out, I'll pull it out."  A hand on his neck, closing around his throat, pulling his body back against Nick's, his head on Nick's shoulder.  "When I want it out," Nick repeated, "I'll pull it out."  Nick's voice was a dangerous whisper in his ear.  He shuddered, feeling Nick's hand strong on his throat.  "If I think that you need to be reminded of exactly who owns your ass," he felt Nick's fingers brush his ass and then there was this buzzing, vibrating sensation in his ass.  Not only did the low-grade humming make his muscles flutter and spasm but it also pulsed against his prostate, sending pleasure-pleasure-pleasure through his body.  Nick's fingers touched him there again and the vibration stopped, leaving him in a state of shock.

        "Did you like that?" Nick asked him.


        "Get dressed."  Nick's hand left his throat; he straightened and went to find his clothes.  The hand that had applied the lubricant had not been the hand to grab his hair or his throat, which was good since he didn't have the time to wash his hair again.

        He wanted to take out the plug, to see what it looked like.  His ass kept clenching around it, closing in on it.  Sometimes he was tempted to try to push it out, and sometimes he tried to pull it in farther.  He wanted to wrap his fingers around the thin silver chain and pull, pull it out slowly, draw it out of himself, and learn what this thing was that Nick was doing to him.

        All day, hour after hour, he lived with it.  He wore it on a nationally televised German morning news program.  When they got to the concert venue, he slipped into a bathroom and locked himself in a stall, pulling down his pants.  He reached back and explored.

        Okay.  It was plastic, and very firm, but not hard.  And there was a tiny switch.  He flicked it and got that delicious vibration.  Then he flicked it again and was treated to a devastating, constant, deep vibration, so good he felt it in his bones.  His cock reacted predictably and his fingers shook so hard he almost couldn't turn the thing off again.  When it went still, he leaned against the chilled tile wall for support.  Oh god.

        What was he going to do?  He had an incredible hard-on and he was supposed to be in front of several thousand people.  He needed to jerk off and then get this thing out of his ass, but he couldn't.

        "Kevin?"  One of the security guys.  "They need you out here."

        Oh god, oh god, oh god, why in hell had he ever let himself get mixed up with some spoiled blonde brat eight years younger than he was?  Why couldn't he have a good lover, who'd come in here and suck him off so he could go onstage?  No, he had to have some-

        "Kevin, you okay?" Nick's voice asked.  "I got it," presumably to the security guy.  "Hey, Kev."  He heard the door close.  "What are you doing in there?"

        He knew from Nick's tone of voice, overly patient and not quite threatening, that they were alone.  "I found the other setting."

        "Open the door."

        He fumbled with the latch and the door swung wide, revealing him in his humiliation.  Nick's eyes ran over him noncommittally and he burned with shame.

        Nick stepped forward and said, looking right into his eyes, "You little bitch, you get your act together now because I will not let you humiliate all of us in front of ten thousand German fans.  This is our job, this is our life, and if you're too busy playing with your dick to focus on your work, you let me know right now.  Now go change your clothes and hit the stage and act like a professional if you can manage it."  Nick walked away from him.

        He shoved his cock back in his pants and went to do his job.

        When he got to his hotel room, he stripped and got into bed, afraid Nick wouldn't come, afraid Nick might come.  Just when he'd given up hope, Nick walked in and came over to him.  He sat up, swallowing, ready to accept whatever punishment Nick offered.  Nick's hand came under his butt and then the low-grade trembling started and Nick left, turning out the light, closing the door.

        He tried to ignore it.  He tried to ease his muscles around it.  He found himself clenching rhythmically, hips rising and falling.  He tried sitting and standing and lying on his back and lying on his stomach.  How was he supposed to sleep?

        After hours and hours of torture, he pulled on a hotel robe and left his room, locking it, going down to Nick's room.  He waited, waited, and finally knocked.

        The door opened.  He'd wakened Nick, who was sleepy and naked.  Nick let him in, locked the door, pushed at the robe until he dropped it on the floor, and said, "Come on."  He followed Nick to the bed, laid down, and Nick spooned up behind him.  Then fingers touched him and the plug in his ass started the deep heavy vibration, and his entire body shook with it, and he hated it, he hated that thing, he hated Nick, and it didn't feel good, it wasn't fun, it was torture, it was hell, every second was a miniature orgasm, he didn't even want to come anymore, he just wanted to rip and claw that thing out of his body.

        An hour passed.  It was exactly an hour, because it was 3:34 when Nick flicked the switch and 4:34 when Nick moved again.  Nick moved away and rolled him to his back.  Nick reached between his legs and tugged at the thin chain.

        His muscles clutched the plug.

        Nick pulled.

        He held on tight.

        Nick pulled and it started to move, he could feel it slipping out of his body, and he shook his head, pushing his hips back into the mattress, ass gripping the plastic.  "Finally found something you like?" Nick asked.  "You're such a whore you'll do anything to get fucked 24-7.  You must be loving this."  Nick pulled and he howled and it was free.  Nick turned it off and dropped it on his chest.

        He picked it up, looked at it.  Black, soft plastic, with two flared ends, one to push him open and one to prop him open.  Too small, but when he turned it on again the vibration was powerful.

        "You'll waste the batteries."  Nick took it from him and tossed it toward Nick's suitcase.  "Go to sleep."

        He felt empty now, gapingly empty.  His cock throbbed, his ass ached, and Nick rolled him to his side and spooned up behind him and went to sleep.  He pressed his ass back against Nick a little.  Nick started to get hard, and Nick felt so hard and full back there, Nick knew how to give him a bone-deep vibration without plastic.  But Nick was asleep, and he had to wake up too soon, so he tried to sleep.  Maybe tomorrow Nick would fuck him.