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Well hey, here's a little shortie from me.  For Always isn't going
anywhere, I just got the urge to write this so I did!  Anyways, CHARGE!

Disclaimer:  Hmmm, if this is real, color me surprised!

 Five guys walked into a club.  Almost immediately, they split up.Two brunettes went off together, laughing at a private joke with one of their hands resting discreetly on the small of the others back.  A blonde gave the other two men a smirk and wondered off to the dance floor.
    The older man left with the curly haired youth stared at the back of the recently departed blonde with his face set in a tight frown before turning to seek comfort with his friend Jack Daniels at the bar.
    The blonde, now left alone, stared wistfully at the back of his friend that was hunched over a bar stool before turning to glare at the slightly older blonde now locked in a tight embrace with a young girl on
the dance floor.  The young Adonis sighed as he looked again at his older friend before wondering off outside to think.
    The brunette at the bar stared into the glass in front of him, almost willing it to talk to him.  Picking it up, he gulped down half of the amber liquid, relishing in the happy burn in his throat.  After a good
fifteen minutes and another conversation with Jack, the depressed man turned around.  Ignoring the hungry stare the girl sitting a few seats over had trained on him, he looked around the room.
    The techno beat and the smoke in the air gave the club a hazy atmosphere.  Blue eyes traveled aimlessly over the bodies on the dance floor.  The gaze stopped on a couple dancing so closely it looked like they were one.  The brunette watched as the blonde man trailed his hands down a young girl's arms coming to rest on her hands.  Angrily the brunette tore his eyes away and looked further into the room.
    His eyes were caught by another pair of blue ones, their owner sitting on a couch against the wall opposite the bar all the way across the club.  The darkened blue eyes lit up slightly at the sight of the other intense ones and lips unconsciously curled into a smile.  The brunette held his breath as the intense blue eyes bored into his.  He turned around and focused again on the empty glass in front of him.
    After a minute or two, a familiar smell filled his senses and an arm reached around him to hold onto the bar.
 "Can I get two shots of vodka?"  The deep voice boomed into his ear.  The bartender smiled at the blonde and quickly produced two shots for the young man.  After handing one of them over to a curvy redhead, the blonde turned around to clap his hand on the brunette's shoulder.
 "Hey man," He said grinning like the devil.  "Having fun?"  He took in the silence from the brunette for a full minute and turned back around to leave with the redhead.
    Across the room, blue eyes burned holes into the back of the blonde head walking outside with the young girl and turned sadly to the brunette's slightly shaking form. The brunette cried silently as he thought of his ex-lover walking out the door with his goddamn jade eyes on someone else.

*I thought that you'd be loving me
I thought you were the one who'd stay forever
But now forever's come and gone
And I'm still here alone*

 Eyes watering, the brunette let his thoughts wonder to the words thrown in his direction only days before that still haven't left his mind.

 ["You KNOW this wasn't meant to be anything more!"
 "I don't want a relationship!"
 "Fuck, I'm not in love with you."
 "This was only a damn fling, and now it's over."]

 The tears spilled over as he thought of those last two words. /It's over.\ He thought in his mind. A hand fell softly on his arm and from the gentle touch it could only be one person.  Another hand found his chin and pulled his face up. Sad eyes met tearful ones.  No words were spoken as the young blonde led his friend away from the bar and outside. Inside one of the two limos used to take the boys to the club, the blonde held his friend and stroked his hair as he sobbed quietly.
 "So what if it wasn't love?"  He sobbed into his friend's shoulder. "It still hurts."
 "God, I'm sorry."  The blonde apologized holding his crying friend.
"I'm so sorry."  He said weakly pulling his friend tighter.
 After a few minutes, the now sniffling brunette gazed up at the intense blue eyes focused on him.
 "Thank you."  He choked out.  "So much.  I don't know what I'd do if you..."  He trailed off as he lost himself in the deep blue eyes.
"Shhh."  The blonde directed to his friend.  "Do you wanna go back to the hotel?"  He asked gently.  The brunette nodded and buried his head into the blonde's neck.
    The blonde picked up the phone from the side of the limo and directed the driver to take them to the hotel.  Once the limo was in motion, the blonde instructed his upset friend to lie down.
    Placing his head in his friend's lap, the dark haired man closed his eyes, deep in thought.

*'Cause you were only playing
You were only playing with my heart
I was never waiting
I was never waiting for the tears to start*

 Looking down at the sad friend 'sleeping' in his lap, the blonde began to softly stroke his hair wistfully.  When the brunette sighed, the blonde took the initiative to lean down and gently kiss his friend's
"I love you."  The blonde whispered, pulling away and letting his hand wonder away from the silky hair in favor of trailing down a soft cheek.
    The brunette stirred in sleep and turned his face to the blonde's stomach, burying his face in the soft material of the gray sweater, remaining that way for the rest of the trip.
    As the limo pulled up to the hotel, the blonde gently shook his friend to wake him up.  The brunette slowly got up and followed his younger friend out the door.  The blonde instructed the limo driver to go back to the club and wait for the rest of the guys, then guided his friend into the hotel and then elevator.
    Inside the room, the blonde covered the brunette with the blanket and stood up to leave.  Once inside his own, he let his own tears fall.
    Feeling incredibly sorry for himself, the blonde reached down to pull his sweater off, and found the material was damp.  He looked down and saw two big wet marks and sighed aloud.  Thinking of the blonde man he wanted to castrate, the blonde jerked his sweater over his head and yanked
his jeans off.
    Laying down in the bed, the blonde thought of the crying man in the room next to his and fell into a restless sleep.
    In the room next to his, tearful blue eyes were wide open, thinking: of the words from days ago that pierced his heart.

*It was you who put the clouds around me
It was you who made the tears fall down
It was you who broke my heart in pieces
It was you, it was you who made my blue eyes blue
Oh, I never should have trusted you*

 Thinking of the green eyes that only threw glares at him recently. His thoughts shifted to the intense blue ones that held his gaze tonight, the hands that burned his skin, the words uttered in the limo that he
wasn't meant to hear.  He fell into a fitful sleep, his dreams filled with those burning blue eyes facing off against dull green ones.

*I thought that I'd be all you need
In your eyes I thought I saw my heaven
And now my heaven's gone away
And I'm out in the cold*

 The next morning, five guys met together in the hotel restaurant. The brunette watched as the green eyed man finished his breakfast quickly before picking up his call and running out the door with it.  A hand fell
on his knee under the table and he looked over to see his curly haired friend looking at him with those burning blue eyes.  He looked over his shoulder at the retreating blonde he before turning around and sighing and placing his hand over the one on his knee and squeezing it.  And he didn't let go.

*It was you who put the clouds around me
It was you who made the tears fall down
It was you who broke my heart in pieces
It was you, it was you who made my blue eyes blue
Oh, I never should have trusted you*

 [One Year Later]

    Five guys walked into a room.  Almost immediately, two brunettes found a sofa and sat together, laughing at a private joke with one of their hands resting discreetly on the others knee.  A blonde gave the other two men a smile and wondered off to the dance floor.
    The brunette and blonde left standing there walked together to the owner of the house, a young girl with blonde hair, a pierced belly button and big brown eyes. They greeted the singer with hugs and walked together to the kitchen.
    Two short hours later, the brunette gathered his coat getting ready to leave.  He glanced briefly around the room at all his friends before he left, his eyes lingering on one in particular.
 The brunette smiled at the blonde and nodded.

*It was you who put the clouds around me
It was you*

 Clutching the hand of a curly haired blonde, the brunette looked over his shoulder at the blonde man with his arms around a young blonde girl and shook his head.

*Oh, I never should have trusted you.*

 "C'mon baby," The brunette's young lover tugged lightly at his hand.
"Let's go home."
    The blue eyed beauty turned to the blonde angel standing next to him and kissed the pouty full lips softly.
 "Alright Justin, let's go home."

 So hey, didja like it?  I know, a shortie from me without smut... ::gasp:: Well if you liked it, TELL ME!