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Disclaimer: Kat and I do not own NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any other
celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be very lucky
and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men can't
have babies even though us females wish they could.  This is something that
came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So enjoy the story. It
was fun writing it.

Author's Note Ps: Oh the story is now called Cosmic Companions. Thanks to
Fluttergirl for the Title. Lets welcome Jackie to the story. She has been a
big help in contributing to this story. Please email her and tell her that
she's doing a great job. Thanks to Pukku for helping me find the wedding

I found the vows at this website.
The vows used here is called When Love Bekons.

WOW Cosmic Companions has been nominated for an award. Thanks to all who's
been reading and making this story so popular. We're having so much fun
writing it as well as reading it. You can see the nomination for our story
and others at: FF Awards 2000.

Thanks to all our readers who sent feedback telling us how wonderful the
story is.  We're having fun writing it as you are reading it. Thanks
again. One More thanks goes to Colleen who edited the last chapters. Thanks
for the help girl. You Rock!

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

Email: Since there are two people working on this story it's fair to email
at least both. PLEASE email us :)

Jackie B:

Cosmic Companions
Chapter 17
Written By: Shell , Kat, Jackie
and Colleen

Joey reached into the bedside table and pulled out the worn list of
names. He scanned down the highlighted piece of paper.

 "Ok Daddy. Jack..."

" Nice." his father replied.

" Ummmm...Jordan..."

" Overused, next."

" Ahhhh," Joey flipped pages of his list," Scott."

" Same, next."

 " Nathan..."

 " Nathan..." his father trailed off.

"Nathan Thomas."

Phil was silent for a moment.

" I like that one. What else do you have?"

" Jude..."

" Jude? Do you really want to name your son Jude. You may as well put a
kick me sign on him."

Joey rolled his eyes at his Daddy's melodramatism.

" Ok Daddy, that was one of Justin's picks anyway."

"I like Jeremy..."

" Ewwww."

Joey could see the look on his Daddy face. He scratched Jeremy off the

" Then there's Hunter. JC liked that one."

" Hunter Fatone Timberlake-Chasez?"

" Daddy we decided to drop my name...." he trailed off

" Drop Fatone?"

" Well, Daddy...I mean I'm not really Joey Fatone anymore..."

 He rushed on hoping his Daddy would understand.

" I only Joey Fatone professionally and we don't want to make the babies
names any longer than they have to be..."

" So we, JC , Justin and I, decided to drop the Fatone."

He nervously twisted his joined wedding band as silence crash in on the
line. Phil sighed.

" Your father is not going to like this." he told his son.

 " Your father is not going to like this." he repeated, making it clear in
his tone that he didn't like it either.

 " I know Daddy. But this is my family. My babies. My choice."

 " What middle name have you chosen for Hunter?"

 "Ummm Braden. That was my idea."

" Hunter Braden Timberlake-Chasez. Ok what else?"

Joey was glad the mini-crisis had been averted.

" Justin thought up Nicholas Anthony."

" I like that one. Well I was just making sure you were staying on top of
things, sweetheart. Call Daddy if you need anything. You or Lance, Ok?"

"Ok Daddy."

" Daddy loves his baby."

" I love you too, Daddy."

 " Bye sweetheart."

 " Bye Daddy."

Joey rested his hands on his stomach wondering if this would be how he
would act with his sons when they got mated and married. He went down

The entire living room was flickering in candlelight.

Chris and Lance were sitting at a table covered in rose petals. JC came
over to Joey offering him the crook of his arm while Justin offered him the

Justin spoke, " We decided instead of trying to get you back, we would just
kill you with kindness. We all figure the reason you two have been pulling
pranks is because you're both bored."

"Yeah," Chris added as Joey sat down at the other table, "So this is our
way of saying we're sorry for not being around all that much lately and
that we love you."

Joey's eyes filled with tears and his lower lip began to pucker.

" I really don't deserve you two," he said.

 " I love you."

 " I love you honey." JC said.

" I love you Joey-bear." Justin said.

 Lance wiped away tears.

" That was just beautiful."

Chris grabbed his hand and smoothed his thumb along the back of Lance's

" I love you Lance."

" Ooooh I love you too Christopher."

 " You fixed us food right? Cause I'm so hungry." Joey told them.

 " Si mangia bene di paga poco." he added.

JC and Justin looked at each other.

 " What's that mean?" Chris asked after a minute.

 " You eat good and pay little. Something Daddy always says."


The house was quiet now, and dark. It was late, the moon had entered the
sky many hours ago and now the stars were joining in, shining down on the
roof of the big villa. Inside the house, four of the five habitants were

Lance was laying beside his husband, who had a way of wrapping himself
around him and still give him place to breath. He wasn't completely sure
why he couldn't sleep, normally he should be out like a light now. But his
mind just wouldn't stop thinking about the night they had had. The
absolutely breathtaking, beautiful night. Sometimes they way they felt
about each other got somehow lost in the all the stress of everyday life,
now even more so, with what had taken place lately. So when they did have
this shiny clear moments of just pure happiness and love, Lance intended to
cherish it. Placing a hand on his stomach, he smiled. It was all almost to
good to be true. So what if the world kept giving them problems and strife,
it was what was here, inside of him, sleeping next to him, that mattered.

The baby moved a little, it wasn't kicking, just turning over. Lance had to
cover his mouth to not start to laugh as Chris did just the same next to
him. Then he put his arm around Lance and snuggled into his side. At his
touch the baby moved again. Silently whispering, Lance put his hand on
Chris' arm. "That was your dad, peanut. But I guess you already knew that,
didn't you? Every time he is near, I can feel you move, like you sense that
he is close. I can't wait for you to be born, you know that? Only two
months left, and then I'll get to see you..."

Lance's whispering voice trailed off as he thought about how his life would
change by that. It wasn't going to be just Chris and him anymore, they
would have another life depending on them, needing them. It was kinda
frightening, but at the same time it was mind-blowing. They had created a
little human being, just the two of them.

Next to him, Chris turned and then opened his eyes a little. "Hey, sweetoe,
you and the baby ok?"

"We're fine," Lance assured him, "I'm just having a sappy moment here,
that's all."

"Sappy is good," Chris said, pulling Lance closer to him. "Unless you start
to cry...are you going to cry?"

"No, I am not!" Lance answered and whacked him in the arm.

"Chris chuckled. "I'm surprised that you have water left in your body at
all and I am just teasing you."

"I do have a lot of water left," Lance sighed. "Unless I am about to have
the largest baby in the world. I mean," he pointed to his stomach, "all of
that can't be baby."

"Not if he's anything like me," Chris agreed. "I was a very small baby."

"That's because you're a little elf," Lance told him, "and you're too hyper
to be any bigger. That would be...catastrophical."

He giggled as Chris quickly tickled his side. "Now who is teasing who?"

"I don't know," Lance answered, putting on a thoughtful face. "Oh yes, that
would be me."

"Dork," Chris said affectionately and ruffled Lance's hair. "Hey, you're
kinda warm, babe, you sure you're feeling ok?"

"I'm doing excellent," Lance sighed, cuddling up with Chris. "I'm just so
happy that I have you and that we're going to have a baby and we're married
now are right, I should take a breath."

"I love it when you go talkative," Chris smiled. "So I take it that you
liked the surprise?"

"IT was great," Lance answered, "It was perfect. I love you so much, baby."

"Love you too, blondie," Chris replied, giving his husband a light
kiss. "Come here, you should get some rest, you look exhausted." Tucking
the covers better around Lance they snuggled up together.


Joey was the one who woke up first. He reached over the side of the bed and
grabbed a book and opened it.

 He turned on the lamp beside him and turned the page. "you know boys your
grandfather read this to me while I was still in the womb and after I was

 "I'm going to read it to you" Joey smiled. "It's called The Little Engine
that could."

 He felt a slight kick and frowned a little. "Hey it's not a bad story. You
liked it last night."

There was another kick from the other twin. He rubbed the spot. "I know
you're tired but I'm not. I can't sleep and you both are doing back flips
in there."

He whimpered as both his boys ganged up on him and kicked him hard. "Ow!"

"Both of you aren't being very nice" Joey pouted. "Okay you don't want a
story, you don't want me to sleep, you two don't want to sleep, what do you
want from me"

Joey felt his stomach rumble. "Food, I should have known. I'm in a mood for
Chinese food with chocolate ice cream."

 He looked at the clock and it read three o'clock in the morning. He was
hungry, the twins demanded food so he punched Justin in the arm.

 "OW!" Justin mumbled

"get up" Joe demanded.

"WHY" Justin whined.

"I want Chinese" Joey said.

"But it's too early!"

"I don't care! I want Chinese food NOW!" Joey said.

"I'm tired!"

 I'm hungry. If you both want to sleep tonight you better get me my food"
Joey growled.

 "Wha..what's going on" JC yawned.

"Joey wants Chinese...I hope he means food," Justin explained. "Of course I
want food," Joey answered, looking at Justin as if he just fell down from
the moon. "The twins are hungry, and I won't be getting any sleep till I
feed the little monsters."

"OK," JC caught on. "Well, there must be some take away Chinese place that
is open at this time of night...what do you want, love?"

"You decide," Joey told him, "and oh, I want chocolate ice-cream too."
"That we have in the freezer," JC said, looking thoughtful. "Justin, go get

"Oh all right!" Justin said, climbing out of bed. "Joey, why is it that you
always get those cravings at these ungodly hours of the night?"

"I'm hungry," Joey pouted. "And I am pregnant. And it's your fault." "Not
only my fault," Justin tried. "Yes, it is tonight," Joey replied. "Josh is
getting me food, so it isn't his fault tonight."

"I give up," Justin laughed, "you can't argue with Joey-logic. I'll go get
you your ice-cream, angel." "Thank you,2 Joey said sweetly.

 In the end JC found a restaurant that was open and placed their orders. "I
got hungry too," he explained. "And who can refuse Chinese?"

Half an hour later they were all lounging in the bed eating Chinese food
and ice cream.

Joey made a healthy mix of most on the menu, added some ice cream on the
side and started eating. JC looked at him. "I swear, those hormones must
really be messing with your taste-buds." Shrugging, Joey answered: "Why? I
like it this way!"

"What time is it anyway?" Justin wondered, he was laying along the end of
the bed, on his stomach, eating springrolls.

Glancing at the watch, Joey answered: "it's about three, it seems. I'm
tired." "You just said that you were hungry!" Justin protested. "I have
eaten now," Joey said, "sleep good now."

"You only eat the ice-cream," JC said, "Come on love, you need some proper
food too."  "Tomorrow," Joey promised and yawned. "Now I am going to sleep
again." Giving JC his plate he curled up in the bed again.

 One minute later he was sound asleep leaving his confused husbands with a
rapidly melting box of ice-cream and a lot of Chinese food.

"You know, now I am really not that tired anymore," JC admitted. "That's a
first," Justin snorted.

"So, let's have a late night, Chine food pig-out...I can't believe Joey
made us order all this and then he only eats the ice-cream."

Pointing his chopsticks at Justin, JC said: "The doc still thinks he needs
to put on more weight, so I'm going to make sure he eats properly and not
just the ice cream." "That's cravings for you," Justin sighed, "remember
Lance and his chocolate covered just-about-anything's?"

"Only in my nightmares," JC smiled. "I still can't see how he could
possibly eat that, but then Joey has been living on ice-cream for the last
two months, so..."

"So now we're gonna be nutrition experts," Justin replied, "Well, there is
a first time for everything."

***Next Day***

"I don't wanna"

"Joey you have to"

 "But I don't wanna"

 "Don't argue"


 "Eat your veggies Joey. It's good for the twins"

"Uh..but Daddy..I don't wanna"


"Don't make me!" Joey whined.

 "Pouting don't work with me young man. Eat the vegetables now!"


"Now or you won't get no ice cream for desert"

"Fine" Joey grumbled as he took a carrot and started to munch on it.

"That my son in laws is how to get Joey to eat his carrots. He loves his
veggies he really does its just when he has to he doesn't like it" Phil
sighed. "And if you give your husbands any more trouble I will haunt you."

"I'll be good" Joey said in between bites. "Can I have ice cream to?"

"After you eat healthy hon" JC said.



"I'm eating, shesh"

 Lance giggled.

 "You to Lance" Phil said.


 "No Buts" Said Jim Bass. "Eat"

 "Why are we being picked on Joe?" Lance said as he munched on a celery

"Because we're fat, pregnant and huge" Joey pouted.

"Oh yeah"

"After words you need to drink 32 ounces of water" Justin said.

 "WHY" both protested. "We'll have to pee in like ten minutes."

 "Because you have an ultra sound" JC smiled.

 "I hate those" Joey pouted. "They make you drink all this water and wait
an hour before seeing you. By them you're moaning in agony because you have
to pee so bad. Then they take their sweet little time examining you. It's
hell I say."

 "Tell me about it. And when they say you can go but don't let too much
out. How in the hell can you stop peeing. Once you let it out you don't
want it to stop" Lance added. "Nope we're not going."

"We're gonna stay here find some way to clone ourselves so they can have
the babies" Joey said.

"Ooh good idea" Lance grinned.

"I thought so to" Joey chuckled.

"You're both going." Joe Fatone Sr. replied. "You have to think about the
babies growing inside you. It's not gonna kill you to get the check up."


"No buts. You two are going and that's final" Chris said.

"But we're suppose to be off our feet" Joey grinned at his own cleverness.

"Taken care of" Justin grinned. "Whoala"

"Wheelchairs" both said.


"And you want us riding in them" Lance said.

"Yep" Chris said.

"No way"

"No way you're getting us in there" Joey said.


Both Joey and Lance were forced to drink the water. An hour later they were
being pushed to the doctor's office.

"You were saying again Joe?" Lance said.

An hour later two very grumpy and very pregnant men were relaxing in the
doctors office. "At least that is over with," Joey sighed. Lance was
studying the out print of his ultrasound. "It was better this time, I can't
believe how much the baby have grown."

Looking over his shoulder, Joey agreed. "Yeah, now you can actually see
what it is."

Shaking his head, Lance laughed. "My god, you do have a way with words."

"Ok, so it was kinda nice this time, and get to see the little
monsters. How JC and Justin reacted freaked me out though. I though they
were going to start crying."

"Well, I could see that Chris felt the same way," Lance answered, running
his finger gently over the black and white picture. "They weren't there for
our last ultrasound, and the babies have developed so much in that time."

"It still freaked me out," Joey admitted. "It was the first time I really
saw how much this is affecting them strongly they feel about the
babies too. I guess I have been focusing just on my side of this lately."

"I have been doing the same thing," Lance said. "I guess very Submissive
do. There just so much stuff going on with your body, that you don't have
much strength to focus on much else."

Lance stopped talking and when Joey looked at him, he looked sick. "You
okay, Lance?"

"Yeah," Lance said, still looking a bit green. "I'm getting morning
sickness in my seventh month, that is not fair."

"That's not morning sickness," Joey said, frowning. "If you get it this
late, you should have had it all along. I had just for the first months."

"If it isn't morning sickness, what is it then?" Lance asked, and Joey
could see the worry in his eyes. At this stage of the pregnancy the babies
were just getting the fine touches and putting on weight.

"I'm sure everything is ok," Joey said, taking lance's hand in his. His
concern grew as he felt the other's hand being much too warm. "But in all
cases you should let the doc check it..."

"I will," Lance answered. "Where is the guy anyway?"

"Right here," their physician said, sitting down next to him. "You know,
you have one emotional bunch of husbands out there?"

That made them both smile.

"Let's see," the doc continued. "Joey, your tests came out very good. You
are still a but under the weight you should be, but not so much
anymore. Just keep off your feet and resting a lot, and there shouldn't be
any trouble with the twins. They seem to be doing just fine."

"Thanks," Joey smiled. "That's great."

"Lance," the doctor started, "I'm afraid your tests didn't come out quite
as good. You're running a fever and your blood sample shoved signs of an
infection. I'm going to set you on antibiotics, but I'm afraid to give you
a very high dosage because of the baby."

"Is my baby going to be ok?" Lance asked, looking scared. The doctor smiled
reassuringly. "Your baby is going to be fine. It's you I am worried about
though. I would like to examine you more thoroughly though. Joey, you can
join the others in the waiting room.

"Thanks," Joey said, giving Lance's hand a squeeze. "You're going to be
just fine, Lance. You want me to say anything to Chris for you?"

"Don't say anything about this," lance said, "he'll just worry. Just tell
him that I love him, ok?"

"Ok," Joey said, then he left the doctor's office.


Joey walked out and sat down with a frown. He was worried about Lance. It
was only a fever and taken care of in a couple of days. Still it he was
still worried.

"Joe" Chris asked.


"What's wrong?"

"Lance loves you" Joey said rubbing his stomach.

"Fuck, something's wrong isn't it" Chris asked.


"Tell me Joey"


"NOW JOE" Chris said irritated.

"I shouldn't"

"IT'S MY KID" Chris said as he grabbed Joey but the collar and lifted him
to his face. "TELL ME"

"BACK OFF" JC said as he pulled Chris away. "Damnit Chris we know you're
worried about Lance. But Lance isn't the only one having a baby."

"Don't stress him out" Justin growled getting in his protectiveness phase.

Joey was shaken up with what Chris done. He was worried about Lance he
could understand that. But he never thought Chris would do that to him. He
shivered. "I'm sorry."

"Oh fuck..I'm sorry Joe. I didn't mean. It's just. I'm scared now" Chris
said. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

'I'm fine" Joey croaked out. "Just shaken up. Lance is sick Chris. He has a
fever. The baby is okay though."

"Will that hurt the baby?" Chris asked.

"No" The nurse smiled. "The baby's fine. It's that the father is sick. It's
natural for a male to get sick. Even pregnant men get sick" the nurse
smiled. "He'll be fine."

"I'm sorry Joey. Justin, Josh I didn't mean it" Chris said.

"it's okay. Just don't take it out on him. I'm sure the doctor is going to
give Lance some medication to take" JC said.

"I hope so" Chris said. He smiled and hugged Lance as he came out of the

"Awe Joe, you told" Lance pouted.

 "He had to" Justin said.

 "Baby, I'm gonna pamper you so bad" Chris said. "Will Lance be fine."

"He has a fever. Nothing more than bed rest, lots of liquids, medication
and he'll be fine. Don't worry it won't harm the baby."

"Thank goodness" Chris said.

"I will see you in two months in the delivery room" Phil smiled as he
shooed his patients out.

"Maybe not" Joey pouted as they went home.


Joey sighed for the millionth time. He was forbidden to go new Lance until
Lance was free from his illness.

It didn't help Joey any because it only made things too boring.

 He flipped through the channels trying to find something to watch. He knew
it wasn't over with the press. They were still attacking his husbands and
Chris. A lot of fans were angered by this. Not the fact that they were
married but how could the press be so stupid. They've gotten a lot of

 He stopped it on MTV when he heard a shocking report.

 "Newflash: Ricky Martin escapes from prison. More at eleven."

He thought things could get better. With two months to go before the babies
were here. Now he had to deal with one ex abusive boyfriend. He sat there
numb trying to figure out what to do.

Lance was back in bed, as he had anticipated. And he was so incredibly
bored. Chris were downstairs with JC and Justin going over some of the work
they had gotten done earlier. They practically had to haul him away from
Lance's side, and Lance knew he would be away for long.

But still he was bored. Getting up his cell-phone, he called Joey's
cell-phone. That was the only way they were allowed to talk to each
other. If Joey caught whatever bug lance had got, it could prove really
dangerous. So for once, both of them listened to what they were told.

The phone rang quite a few times before Joey picked up. "Hello," he
answered, flatly, sounding like he was far away.

"Joey? You ok?" Lance asked, getting worried from Joey's tone of
voice. "Anything happen? You're not getting sick too, are you?"

"Depends," Joey answered, "what kind of sick you mean... Did you se the

Clicking the TV back on Lance flipped through channels to find a news
update. "What happened, are... Oh my God, that can't be true."

"Believe me, it's true," Joey's voice had now gotten an icy edge. "And he
didn't pull that off alone..somebody helped him. And I think we all know
who that fuck is."

"Johnny," Lance stated. "I wish I knew what the hell happened that day..who
those guys in the car as, they must have been working with him all along.2

"Probably," Joey answered, taking a deep breath.

"You sure you're all right?" Lance asked. "Why don't you get Justin and JC
up and tell them?

"I'm doing fine," Joey assured him. "I'm just pissed off right now and the
twins don't take me getting much of anything very lightly these days. And I
will tell JC and Justin. I just had to let it sink in first, I thought we
had gotten rid of the guys a long time ago."

"I hoped so too," Lance told him. "But I'm sure he isn't going to show up
again. Last time he ended up in jail. This time your daddy is going to
wring his neck if he even shows up within state borders."

At the mention of his parents, Joey cringed. He was expecting a rabid phone
call from either one of his dads any moment, and then the house and
neighborhood would be swarming with mobsters. Oh joy...

One of the babies kicked him hard in the side, reminding him that he had to
calm down.

Then the door to his room was pushed open and he was simultaneously hugged
by his two very upset husbands. "Lance, gotta go," Joey managed to say into
his phone. "I'm being hugged to death here..."

Lance had to laugh a little. "Ok, I have a huggable husband here
too... Talk to you soon."

As Justin and JC had released him enough so he could both breathe and
speak, Joey asked: "How did you guys know? Did you se it on the news?"

"No,2 Justin shook his head. "The police called. They think he might be
heading this way. Ow!" He sent JC a look. "Don't kick me. We made a deal,
remember? No more sheltering, from now on we discuss stuff."

"What he said," Joey answered, and raised an eyebrow at JC. "Were you
really going to keep this from me?"

 "I was going to tell you, love," JC sighed, sitting down next to him. "But
I wanted to make sure that it didn't upset you...ok, I know you would be
upset anyway. I was just trying to run damage control."

"It's ok," Joey said, taking his hand. "So they really think he might be
coming back here?" He really didn't like the sound of that.

"They found a diary of sorts laying behind," JC explained, putting his arm
around Joey and Joey rested his head on JC's shoulder. "apparently he has
gone quite a little obsessed here... He is determined to get you back."

Joey liked the sound of that even less.

"Just great..Damnit to hell" Joey cursed. "What are we going to do?"

 "First of all your dad called. He was speaking Italian half the time
that's all I know" Justin shrugged.

"That's not good" Joey said softly.

JC rubbed his shoulders. "Don't worry Joe. It'll work out."

"What if they come..What if they" Joey trailed off.

"They won't do shit cause your dad is trying to find them right this
minute" Justin said.

"Joy" Joey sighed.

"Well we'll look out for you and Lance as much as we can. But for now let's
just live life" JC smiled.

"I like that" Joey said. "Hey shouldn't we get candy for the kids

"Oh that's right it's Halloween" Justin smiled. "Of course."

JC thought of something. They just got Kevin back. What if they found out
that Ricky escaped along with Johnny. He hoped Kevin will be okay.

"Lay down Joey" JC said.

"Oooh We're gonna get freaky..but I won't be able to see anything" Joey
pouted. "My stomach is in the way."

"NO I wish we could but doctors orders were NO SEX" Justin said in a
dramatic tone.

"Damn" Joey pouted

"Just relax honey" JC said as he gently rubbed Joey's belly. "Hello in
there. How are you doing? You two being good."

"Please be good" Justin begged. "Then Daddy won't hurt us."

Joey sighed dreamily. The rub was feeling good. "Ooh I like that."

Justin hummed.

<center><i>The Visions surround you bring tears to your eyes and all that
surrounds you are secret and lies.

I'll be your strength
 I'll be your hope
 keeping your faith when it's gone The one you should call was standing
here all alone.</center></i>

Joey smiled. He loved that song. "that's right...sleep my little ones.."

<center><i>"And I will take You in my arms And hold you right where you
belong Till' the day my life is through This I promise you This I promise
you "

JC continued to rub as he started to sing.

<center><i>I've loved you forever In lifetimes before and I promise you
never Will you hurt anymore I give you my word I give you my heart This is
the battle we've won And with this vow Forever has now begun</center></i>

Both JC and Justin smiled lovingly at they're soon to be family and sang
together causing Joey to yawn.

<center><i>And I will take You in my arms And hold you right where you
belong Till' the day my life is through This I promise you This I promise

Just close your eyes Each lovin' day And know this feeling won't go away
Till' the day my life is through This I promise you This I promise you

Over and over I fall When I hear you call Without you in my life, baby I
just wouldn't be living at all And I will take You in my arms And hold you
right where you belong Till' the day my life is through This I promise you
This I promise you

And I will take you in my arms And hold you right where you belong 'Til the
day my life is through This I promise you, baby Just close your eyes Each
lovin' day And know this feeling won't go away Every word I say is true
This I promise you Every word I say is true This I promise you I promise
you </center></i>

As they finished singing to Joey and the twins, Josh pushed a hair back and
kissed Joey's forehead softly. "Don't worry baby he'll never hurt you


"Justin, I want to buy a gun."

"You sure about that?" Justin said, frowning.

 "For protection," JC explained. "What if that maniac shows up again? And
he brings some friends too?"

"I know," Justin nodded, keeping his voice low, to not wake Joey. "I even
agree with you, it's just that I've never thought about this before...I
have never felt in need of a gun before."

Going over to the window to check that the lock was on, JC led Justin out
of the bedroom. "Let's discuss this another place. This is something Joey
does not need to know about."

 "But," Justin started. JC held up his hand.

"I know what you're going to say, and we both know what Joey's going to
say. So I'll get one, and we'll both learn to use it. Chris should too."

 "Ok," Justin answered. "You wanna do this the regular way, or should we
just ask Joey's dad?"

"We run more to him with our problems than we do with our own fathers," JC
remarked, almost smiling. "And I think that would be a good idea. He can
get it fast, and with no question. Hell, he'll even teach us how to use it

"So he would," Justin agreed. "I wonder how many of his men that's already
watching the house?

"A lot, I expect," JC replied, casting a look out the window. "They'll
probably stay back to not alarm any of our neighbors. And I do actually
think that they are waiting for Mr. Martin to make a move, so they can
catch his sorry ass."

"Now I wish he would show up," Justin admitted, going over to the window,
"so they could catch him, put him back in jail or do whatever they see

"I don't think he'll make it to jail this time," JC said slowly. "not of
Mr. Fatone's men get to him before the cops do. hen I think we have seen
the last of Ricky martin."

Justin followed JC around as the older man made sure all doors were locked
and the alarm set. "Could you check that the windows upstairs are closed
and locked, Just?" JC asked. "And make sure that Chris and Lance keep their
windows locked tonight."

Justin went back upstairs to do what JC had requested. Turning the
air-condition up a bit, so it wouldn't be so warm, he methodically checked
all the windows and locked them.

Poking his head into Chris and lance's room , he found the two of them
laying in bed, talking. "Hey," he said, "keep the windows locked tonight,
just in case, ok?"

"I already locked them" Chris replied, "why take any chances? How is Joey

"Sleeping at the moment," Justin told him. "But he was very upset, of
course. I know we all tell him not to worry, but I think it's possible not

"You can't expect him not to worry," Lance said, snuggled up in Chris'
arms. "And if I know Joey correctly, he is feeling in some way that this is
his fault."

"But that is ridiculous!" Justin protested. "He can't help that that guy is
after him?"

"Think about it," Lance told him. "Ricky is his former boyfriend, he is
coming after Joey, not any of us, But we might get hurt in the process. I
know I would be going crazy by now. Even if he doesn't tell you, he going
through a lot of different emotions over this."

Lance's words had given Justin a great deal to think about. Coming into the
living room upstairs, he checked and closed the windows. Standing by the
shelves, he saw Chris and Lance's wedding picture. The happy faces of the
photograph made him smile. Looking around for the picture usually standing
right next to it, he couldn't find it. JC, Joey and his wedding picture was

Justin found his heart beating fast. He looked on the ground to make sure
it didn't fell.


"I can't find my wedding picture. It was here next to yours" Justin

"maybe Joey has it?" Lance suggested.

"I don't want to disturb him. But what if Joey doesn't have it" Justin
asked. "What if that bastard has it?"

"I would like to know how he got past the security" Chris said.

 "Same way the press did"

"We live in a gated home Just. We would know if someone broke in." Chris
assured the frightened young man.

"Just Check Joey" Chris said as he yawned.

"All right" Justin said as he rushed upstairs.

"Please let Joey have the picture" Chris said softly as he made way to his


Justin walked in and saw Joey laying on his side holding something in his
arms. He sat next to him and saw the picture of all three of them and
sighed with relief. They had to find Johnny and Ricky and put them away

 He gently took the framed picture and saw water marks on it. He looked and
frowned at his husband's tear stained cheeks. He gently rubbed the tear
marks away.

He didn't want the gun in the house but if it is to protect Joey and Lance
than to hell with it. He'll do it. He and the others were going to have to
talk about this.

Justin found JC downstairs, along with Chris. "Lance is sleeping," the
dark-haired man said. "Josh said that you two wanted to talk to me about

 "We do," JC replied, "or at least I do... Justin doesn't completely agree
with me on this...but I think it is necessary."

 "What's going on?" Chris asked, "is there another problem?"

"I want us to by a gun, for protection," JC said straight out. "And we're
going to need to know hoe to use it properly"

"I have thought about it too," Chris admitted. "If he could get in here
that day, he might get in another time." He turned to Justin, "I know, I
just told you upstairs that there was a very little chance of it. But still
there is a chance, and I don't like that."

 "At least we'll have some sort of protection," JC said. "I'm not too
thrilled about getting a gun into this house, but I would feel safer
knowing that it was here."

 Hesitating a little, he added: "I am going to Joey's dad for help
though. I don't want this to leak to the press. They would see it as an
excuse to crawl all over us again."

"I wonder how it all died down so fast when Ricky first got arrested,"
Justin wondered. "I would have suspected that they were going to give us
all hell for that for months!"

"That was because Joey's dad phoned very editor of every newspaper, TV
channel, radio channel, Internet site, anything, and told them that if they
made a big deal out of it, he would personally show up in their office with
a really big gun."

"He probably did that all over again this time," Chris said, "I haven't
seen any reporters around lately."

JC smiled. "So you're ok with this, Chris? It would probably be best if you
didn't tell Lance. I am not going to tell Joey. It is just going to make
him think that we really expect Ricky to come back, or any other baddie for
that sake, and I don't want him to worry more than he already does."

"I know how Lance feels about guns, so he'll be better off not knowing,"
Chris said slowly.


Lance rolled over in the bed and woke up when he found the bed empty.

looking around he couldn't see Chris anywhere. Trying to sit up, he made a
face at his large belly. "Let's speed things up a little, what do you say?"
he smiled, patting his stomach. "And you come out, and I'll get un-fat

"Not to mention able to move again," he added in his thoughts.

Realizing that he had left his soda over at the dresser, he sighed. Getting
as drink meant moving, and that wasn't what he did best lately. But he was
really thirsty.

Contemplating to get to his feet and going to get his soda, Lance finally
managed to sit up straight. Just when he was swinging his legs over the
edge of the bed, Chris came back in.

"Honey, you are supposed to stay in bed!" Chris told him.

"But I am thirsty!" Lance complained.

"Then I will get you something to drink!" Chris told him. "So get back in
bed, love."

 Bringing Lance his soda, Chris sat down next to him. "How are you feeling,

"I'm feeling ok," Lance answered. "Don't think this was a very determined

"I hope not," Chris smiled. He put his hand to Lance's forehead. "You're
not so warm anymore, I think your fever is going away."

"I hope so!" Lance said, putting his empty glass away. "Being sick is

"Poor baby," Chris replied, hugging Lance close to him. "I hope you get all
better soon too."

 Snuggling up to his husband, Lance agreed.


Joey sighed as he was on the couch all alone again. Lance was still in bed
getting over his fever.


there was no answer.


 "SO AM I!" the other voice replied.



 "I'm GONNA DIE OVER HERE!" Joey screamed back.

"What's the shouting for" a voice replied.

 "Dad we're bored. My butt hurts, there's nothing on TV, my butt hurts and
did I mention I was bored" Joey whined.

"Joe, it'll be okay. There's over eight hours left before bedtime" Phil

 "OH that makes me Feel So much better" Joey said as he rolled his eyes.

 "Don't roll your eyes at me young man" Phil said.

 "Where's Justin and JC. I need to torture them" Joey said.

"Joseph, you've switched their boxers, cut Justin's hair, dyed their hair
green. Don't you think that's enough" Phil said.

 "You forgot that I shaved JC's legs and crotch" Joey grinned.


 Joey grinned. "Well that's what they get for knocking me up in the first
place. I have NO patience."

"that's for sure" Phil sighed.

"Let's see..maybe I could put ice cream in their bed" Joey said.

 "it's your bed too sweetie" Phil said. "Why don't you do a puzzle?"

 "cause I would throw it against the way screaming insanity" Joey smiled.

"there's video games?"

"Makes me nauseous. the twins don't like it when I play video games." Joey
pouted as he looked at his stomach.

the phone rang as Joey answered. "Hello welcome to the world of
insanity. Joey Speaking."


 "What's going...What" Joey's face became stoic.

"Really now. And Dad is doing what? Great..They're gonna end up shooting
off their balls. Thanks Jeff. Love you to bye."

Joey frowned as he hung up the phone.

 "Hon?" Phil asked.

"You know what My idiotic husbands as well as lance's is doing" Joey said.

"Oh no"

"They've bought a gun from dad" Joey growled. "A FUCKIN GUN."

Joey grabbed the intercom and pushed it. "lance Our stupid, idiotic
husbands of ours have bought a gun."


"A Gun. Jeff told me he heard them speaking to my father. Something about
protection." Joey said.

"I don't want a gun in this house"

"Neither do I. What if one of the kids finds it. I'm scared he might do
something stupid. Not to mention they're gonna kill themselves with it."

"Oh..Mr. Kirkpatrick thought he was tricky..Well he's in for a nice
surprise" Lance said

 "Same with JC and Justin. I hear them now. talk to you later." Joey said
as he cut Lance off. "Not one word daddy."

"Believe me. Joe and I are gonna have words about this" Phil replied as the
door opened.

Continuing their conversation by their cell-phones, They discussed what to
do about the entire issue. "I can see why they did it," Lance pointed
out. "It's for protection. And they did it because of us."

"I know," Joey answered, "and I also see why they didn't discuss this with
us first either..."

"They didn't want us to be upset," Lance told him, "you know that."

"I know that too," Joey sighed. "But still... Like the gun is going to do
them any good... Neither of them can use it."

"Well, Chris does, actually," Lance said. "His dad taught him. He is a
colonel, you know. So he taught Chris, just in case. You know that there
would be guns in their house. So he is an excellent marksman."

"Chris?" Joey said, surprised, "our little Chris, with pink hair? That is
one thing I can't picture. But that's good really, because the two klutzes
I married will shoot away something vital if ever trying to fire a gun."

 "So what are we going to say when they get back home?" Lance asked, "They
don't know that we know."

"I think we should not tell them," Joey decided. "That wouldn't be any
fun. Let them feel guilty about it for a few days. If we act awfully nice
to them for a while, they will feel even worse."

"They should feel bad," Lance agreed. "And I like your plan."

 "They'll be home any minute now," Joey said, "time to make them suffer a
bit. I hate it when they do something like this, and they promised me that
it wasn't going to happen again. So this time I am not letting them get
away that easily."

"Just don't run away again," Lance warned him. "The state you left Justin
and JC in last time was painful to watch."

"I won't," Joey promised. "I can't move anyway, how the hell am I supposed
to run any where??

"I miss moving," Lance answered, "I miss being able to get out of the bed
by myself, well, I miss a lot of stuff. Being able to actually see my feet
is one of them."

"Just a couple of more months now," Joey replied, "then it's over. You
know, in some strange way I am going to miss this..."

"Me too," Lance admitted. "But I still don't think I'll be doing it again
for at least a year. Imagine having two little ones running around."

"Excuse me?" Joey said, "having twins here, remember?"

"That is true, and no, I haven't forgotten," Lance told him. "But they
don't have Chris for a dad... My kid is going to be hyper. He could
probably use an extra set of parents to wear out."

Laughing, Joey replied: "I wonder who the twins are going to take
after. Hopefully JC and they'll sleep a lot."

"I really can't see any children of yours being nice and sleep a lot,"
Lance said dryly. "They are going to get in trouble from the day they're

 "They are going to be perfectly well-behaved," Joey claimed. "They are so
not!" Lance answered.

The sound of the front door opening made them both stop. "They're here,"
Joey said, "now, remember, you don't know anything." "Yes, I know," lance
said. "I'm blond."

"You don't know anything about the gun," Joey told him.

"Oh," Lance said. "No of course not. What gun?"

 "I do hope you're joking," Joey answered. "Talk to you later."

End of Chapter 17