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Disclaimer: Kat and I do not own NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any
other celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be
very lucky and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men
can't have babies even though us females wish they could.  This is
something that came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So
enjoy the story. It was fun writing it.

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

Chapter 2
Written By: Shell and Kat

The hours passed by. A sound Justin was sure he wasn't supposed to
hear, managed to wake him up even so. He recognized the voices
easily. "Where are they?" Lance asked, it sounded like the where
right outside. "I have no idea," Chris answered. "But I hope they
sorted things out. If looks could kill, AJ would have been dead two
times over."

There was a silence, then some noises which made Justin raise an
eyebrow. "Well," he thought, "I guess that makes it official. I wish
it was that easy between us." Thoughtfully he looked down at the two
other sleeping persons in the bunk.

 JC was over by the wall, Joey was using him as a pillow, both
sleeping happily on. Justin himself had been curled up to Joey's back
before he had woken up.

The noises intensified, and Justin began to wonder if Chris and Lance
intended to have sex right outside there door. That was really the
last thing he needed right now. Not while the three of them piled up
in the bunk like this. "Tomorrow night," he reminded himself.

"Maybe we ought to get back into bed," Chris suggested as Justin
could hear a light thump against the wall. "We should," lance
agreed. "But right here works for me." "Get back to bed, you two!
Justin called quietly through  the thin wall, "I do not want to
listen to the two of you getting it on."

"Awww, Joey is till not giving in to you and JC?" Lance teased. "Joey
is right here with me,2 Justin answered. "Both him and JC are
sleeping, so go be freaky another place, 'kay?"

Chris whispered something to lance that set him giggling
again. "We'll take it somewhere else," Chris then said.

"And Justin?" "Yeah?" Justin answered. "Good Luck!" Chris exclaimed,
then Justin could hear the two of them collapse in a fit of giggles.

"Tomorrow night!" Justin sighed to himself. "I have to hold out till
then. And still I have to listen to those two who obviously get
mighty gigglish from getting laid."

Chris and lance finally went back to wherever they came from and it
all fell quiet again..

 JC turned in his sleep, ending up with wrapping himself around Joey,
the sight made Justin smile. He loved them both so much, thank god he
would never be forced to choose.

Curling up to the tangle of arms and legs his two mates made out,
Justin closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

*****>new Scene

 Joey spent the next couple of hours talking to Lance. He wanted this
night to be special, perfect, a mind shattering orgasmic evening. he

"Can't wait huh?" Lance giggled.

 "No. I want this night to be awesome" Joey replied.

"It will. Man, Chris is so fucking amazing..." Lance sighed.

"You two?"

"Mates" Lance grinned.

"Where? I didn't hear you?" Joey asked.

"When we got to the hotel. I've just left the room?" Lance smiled

"Can I ask how was it?" Joey smiled.

"Oh god Joey, it makes sex that much more better when it's with your
mate. God Chris has the most talented tongue and dick I've ever
felt." Lance smiled.

Joey squirmed. "Damn hard on."

Lance laughed. "And the hard on goes away, but in your case."

"I know when both my mates to be has their wicked way with me" Joey

 Both were giggling as JC and Justin walked out of their
room. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing" Both laughed.

"Joey" JC whispered.

"Damn horn dogs" Joey teased. He wanted more badly than he ever had

"It's the anticipation" Lance whispered in Joey's ear. "I nearly
killed Chris when we got to the room. I was that bad off."

"Um, maybe you should start looking for new mates for me" Joey

 "We heard that" Just said as he dropped to his knees and Kissed Joey
passionately on the lips.

 Joey moaned at the intense feeling that a mere kiss could do. It
wasn't like the times when JC and Justin kissed him. This was more
meaningful, more bonding type kisss. he wanted more.

 Justin breathed as he pulled away. "Hot damn."

"Hot damn is right" Joey said as he got up. "Excuse me lance but I
need to be fucked hard."

"Whoa.." JC exclaimed.

"He's ready" Chris chuckled. "New mates are like that horny as hell.
Have fun. He'll wear you out before you can ware him out."

Lance merely smiled." Well we're the ones with all the hormones. What
did you expect?"

Chris wiggled his eyebrows. "oh try to hit his prostate. that really
gets him going."

"Let's go Joey" JC and Justin said at the same time as they pulled
him to a room and placed a DO NOT DISTRUB sign on the knob as they
shut the door.

 ------>new scene

 Joey looked at his soon to be mates with desire, love and lust in
his eyes. He had to have them NOW!

 "Looks like we're not the only ones who become horny bastards"
Justin chuckled.

"Watch it. I'm the one who's gonna be having your kid" Joey winked.

"Joey, let's make love" JC smiled.

Joey only nodded as he started to strip his clothes. That's what he
wanted was for them to make love but it got harder and harder to
think that the more he got turned on. "Please before this turns into
a sex feast."

 He noticed that JC and Justin were already naked. "Damn, how you do

"Hey when you're about to mate you can do some pretty amazing things"
Justin breathed. "Come lover it's time to have fun."

"I like fun" Joey breathed as he was enveloped by both males.

 JC led both to the bed as Justin lay Joey on his back. "Who goes

Joey propped onto his elbows grinning. "Ooh Cat fight, cat fight."

"Let's see you're older you go first. Besides I have my eyes on
something hard, long to suck on" Justin smiled as he licked his lips

"Oh god" Joey moaned as Justin's words made his cock twitch.

 "Okay" JC agreed with him. "let's get him into position."

"What am I a race car or something?" Joey teased.

 "Yes" both chuckled.

Justin went up and kissed Joey on the lips. "Tonight baby, you're in
for the ride of your life."

"Ooh Justin" Joey moaned as Justin kissed his lips, his neck and made
way down to his nipples. Slowly Justin licked around the nipple,
which was begging for attention. He heard Joey whine about just suck
it already but only smiled. Soon he took the sensitive knob of flesh
in his mouth and softly sucked it.

JC was aroused by what Justin was doing. He saw Joey starting to
thrash on the bed. He placed the well toned legs over his shoulders
and slowly sank to his knees. he spread Joey's ass checks apart and
then stuck his tongue in Joey's sensitive hole.

 "Oh HAVE MERCY" Joey screamed out. His body was so sensitive that
the simple touches that JC and Justin were doing was driving him mad.
he couldn't wait until he felt JC's large member in him and Justin's
mouth on him.

 "Like that" Justin chuckled.

 "Oh fuck yes" Joey breathed. "Please, I won't last long."

 "You'll have numerous orgasms lover" JC said as he pulled from the
lubricated Hole. "Ready Justin."

 "Ready JC" Justin said as he was now over Joey's member.

 JC placed the tip at Joey's entrance. "On three Justin."

 "Three" Both said as JC pushed his dick in Joey's hole and as Justin
went down on Joey's member.

"Oh holy FUCK!" Joey called out. He was caught off guard while
waiting for the One two three. But they cheated. They went straight
to three. He didn't mind though. His body felt good. Being with his
mates felt good. He wanted more. "More...damnit..I want more..."

 Justin pulled off and grinned. "Greedy bastard isn't he."

 "Very" JC moaned as his dick was surrounded by tight warmth. "Oh
shit Joey..'

 Justin went back down on Joey's member making sure that Joey felt
extreme pleasure.

 JC started to pound Joey hard. He couldn't help it. Joey was so
fucking tight and it was hard to remain calm and go slow. He felt
every inch of Joey on his hot cock and loved every minute. He pushed
harder as Joey whimpered loudly every time he hit his prostate.

 "YES JC YES OH YES RAM INTO ME HARD!" Joey screamed as he thrashed
on the bed. Truth be told he wasn't going to last long. But they had
all night to make up for it. "JUSTIN SUCK IT BABY!"

 Justin came on the bed as he squeezed Joey's' dick hard in his
mouth. Hearing the dirty talk set him off as he was more determined
to make Joey come.

 JC grunted and sweat as he pushed in and out of Joey's ass

 "DO IT BABY! OH FUCK!" Joey screamed as he came in Justin's mouth
and squeezed his ass hard on JC's rod.

 "OH SHIT!" JC screamed as he shot his load in Joey's ass producing
not only semen but also a scent letting others know that Joey was now

 "I Love you to" Joey panted as he collapsed on his back.

 Soon JC and Justin pulled off of Joey and smiled. "That was awesome."

 "Oh god..That was so fucking amazing want more..I need to be
fulfilled. Satisfy me please" Joey begged still hard.

Joey smiled and was going to enjoy this for a very long time.

 ---------> new paragraph <---------

 The room was dark and quiet, lance was resting comfortably against
Chris' chest, feeling satisfied and drowsy.

 "You think it went ok with rest of the guys?" He asked, enjoying the
feeling of Chris' fingers running gently through his hair. "I hope
so, " Chris answered. "But I guess it did, they're supposed to be

 "Like us," Lance commented, still a bit in awe over the whole being
somebody's mate-issue.

"lance?" Chris asked, still playing with lance's soft, blonde
hair. "Does you sometimes think about the whole forever-thing in
this? I mean, we will be together for the rest of our lives."

 "I like the forever-part," lance said, feeling a little
scared. "Chris, are you trying to tell me something here?"

 Sensing what lance as feeling, Chris hugged him tighter to
him. "God, no!!!" he answered. "I love you, lance, don't ever doubt
that. I was just wondering what you thought about it."

Now the frown on lance's face was traded for a smile. " Don't think
you're getting away from me now, Christopher." "I wouldn't want to
either," Chris answered, lacing his fingers with Lance's. "This is
forever, sweetheart."

"So, now we'll be living together," lance continued, "and having
kids..." Lance still wasn't all comfortable with, and he knew he
needed to talk to Chris about it. They were all so busy, did they
have the time to have children just yet?

"What are you thinking about, baby?" Chris asked as lance went a bit
quite. "About children," lance answered truthfully. "We are so busy
right now, Chris, should we wait? I know you want children, so do I,
but I just feel that it wouldn't be fair to them if we're both too
busy to be there for them...and..."

"Lance, please take a breath, darling, before you hyperventilate!"
Chris had to say. "I wouldn't dream about forcing you into having
kids before you're ready, be fore we're both ready. We just became
mates, I think we need some us-time first."

 Snuggling closer to Chris, Lance sighed. "Us-time sounds good. I
want to have it all, Chris, but I want to be able to enjoy us being
together just the two of us too."

 Lance turned around so he was facing Chris. Then he wrapped his arms
around his mate's waist and rested his head on Chris' chest. "I love
you," he told him, "and I'm so happy we finally did this."

 That made Chris laugh. "I'm VERY happy we did this, I don't think I
could have taken any more of your teasing." "But it was so fun to
tease you!" lance pouted. His face lit up in another smile. "But I
bet I can think of other ways to tease ya."

 "Hmm, and just what would that be?" Chris asked, smiling
back. "Well," lance started, "I know I'm the submissive and all...and
I'm the one who's having the kids and all...but there's just
something I want to try even so..."

 He lifted his eyes and looked Chris right in the eyes. "I want us to
switch places. I want to make love to you too."

To be continued