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Disclaimer: Kat and I do not own NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any other
celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be very lucky
and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men can't
have babies even though us females wish they could.  This is something that
came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So enjoy the story. It
was fun writing it.

Author's Note Ps: Oh the story is now called Cosmic Companions. Thanks to
Fluttergirl for the Title. Lets welcome Jackie to the story. She has been a
big help in contributing to this story. Please email her and tell her that
she's doing a great job. Thanks to Pukku for helping me find the wedding

I found the vows at this website.
The vows used here is called When Love Bekons.

WOW Cosmic Companions has been nominated for an award. Thanks to all who's
been reading and making this story so popular. We're having so much fun
writing it as well as reading it. You can see the nomination for our story
and others at: FF Awards 2000.

Thanks to all our readers who sent feedback telling us how wonderful the
story is.  We're having fun writing it as you are reading it. Thanks
again. One More thanks goes to Colleen who edited the last chapters. Thanks
for the help girl. You Rock!

On a sad Note: Yes my friends Cosmic Companions is coming to a close. It
was So Much Fun writing it as you enjoyed reading it. Thanks to Everyone
Kind words that kept us going. Thanks to the mprov crew whom they got to
preview when I wrote some of it in there. But don't fret Cosmic Companions
isn't finished completely. It's only the beginnning for the guys. Stay
tunned for the sqeual called Cosmic Journeys.

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

Email: Since there are two people working on this story it's fair to email
at least both. PLEASE email us :)

Jackie B:

Cosmic Companions
Chapter 20
Final Chapter
Written By: Shell , Kat, Jackie
and Colleen

Back in the waiting area, JC spotted Chris coming out of a room further up
the hall. "Chris!" he called. "We're over here!"  Smiling and giving them a
little wave, Chris came over.

"Hey you two, I would have imagined Joey had killed you both by now?" he

"He probably would have, if he wasn't too busy having the twins," justin
smiled back. "How's Lance, did you guys...?"

"Yep!" Chris' smile got wider. "A couple of hours ago, I have just been in
his room, I was planning on going to phone our parents now. We have a
perfect baby boy, big and healthy!"

"So do we," JC said, practically shining. "Two of them!"  One huge group
hug later they were all somewhat in the shape that allowed talking. JC
asked how Lance's birth had gone, and Chris told him that it had all been
fine, no major problems.

"How about Joey?" he then asked. "He had it rough?"

"For a while things were bad," Justin said, "but luckily everyhing worked
out fine. They were born just about fifteen minutes ago."

"I'm glad they're ok," Chris said. "And I can imagine what kinda mood he
must have been in..."

"Don't even start," JC said, "next time I'll wear padding."

They had gone outside by now, to be able to use their cellphones. Chris was
calling Lance's dads, Justin was already speaking to his own parents, and
JC was given the honour of calling the Fatone mansion.

Two minutes later he had a very very happy Italian on the line. "My baby
had the babies! Are they all ok? We'll be right over. I can't believe my
baby boy is a daddy now! What hospital are you at?"

Trying to get some answers in, JC gave him the adress. "Both Joey and the
twins are doing fine," he said, going back to beaming. "Joey is resting at
the moment, we're going in to see him in a little while."

"We're coming as soon as possible," Joe sr. promised. "And Josh? I will
probably never say this again, but I am proud of you and Justin. You've
done my boy good."

Then the phone went dead, and JC turned it off. Turning to Justin, he said:
"Joey's dad is very happy, and he is proud of us. But if you ask him about
it, he is probably going to deny it."


Joey was placed in a bed and then left to rest. He rubbed his slim
stomach. He wasn't fat anymore.

"I keep doing that" a tired voice chuckled.

Joey turned and smiled. "Hey Lance. How do you feel?"

"fine to be honest. Tomorrow I'll probably feel it. You?" Lance yawned.

"Tired, sore, and I'm glad it's over" Joey smiled.

"Was it as bad as we thought it would bed?" Lance asked.

"Ten times as worse" Joey chuckled.

"You're right" Lance grinned. "That was horrible, painful, and no drugs."

"I don't want to go through that again but I would in a heart beat" Joey
sighed. "holding my babies in my arms. Oh God Lance it felt..It felt.."


"Yes and much more. Roy was right. After you hold your child for the first
time everythign bad that ever happend disappeared" Joey smiled. "I didn't
like it when the nurse took my babies."

"Neither did I" Lance pouted. "Chris said that they'll give him back to

"Yeah" Joey yawned. "Now I'm tired. Lance, this was the best Christmas
Present I've ever gotten."

"Same here. Merry Christmas Joe" Lance smiled.

"Merry Christmas Lance" Joey yawned as he curled into a ball and fell fast

Justin, Jc, and Chris saw the BSB waiting in the waiting room.

"What ar eyou guys doing here?" Chris asked.

"Well we tried calling to see if you wanted to spend the holidays with us
but we got Joe's dad. Charming guy" AJ said.

"Oh in more ways than one" Josh said.

 "He told us that Joey and lance were in labor so we decided to come here"
Kevin smiled.

"Hey Nick..Looking sharp" Justin chuckled.

"God..don't remind me. I'm four months pregnant and still sick as a dog"
Nick moaned.

"So how is being a father like?" Kevin grinned.

 "Ask again in about 18 years" Josh said. "I'm still getting used to that
they're here."

"I can't wait to hold them" Justin said.

 "It's not all fun and games. this is the rest of your life thing. There's
the ungodly hour feedings, the diaper changes, the screaming, the whining,
the messes" Kevin said. "But..ti's all worth it to seethem smile, to know
that they need you and love you unconditonally, No strings attached."

 "Sorry he's been listening to NSA ever since I got pregnant" Nick sighed.

 "And how is that wrong" Chris grinned.

"HE's a BSB" Howie chuckled. "Being a father, it's wonderful."

"We had to listen to Black and Blue for eight months" Chris moaned. "Both
Lance and Joey. You know how embarrassing that is."

 "Oh shut up" Brian smiled.

 "Where are the kids?" Justin asked.

"With my father" Kevin smiled. "Can we see the babies?"

"I think they're in the nursery. Let's go see" Josh grinned with pride.

Guiding them all over to the nursery, Chris had no problem picking out his
son from the rest of the babies. The nurse placed a small bundle with lots
of dark hair and surprisingly sharp green eyes in his arms. "This one is
mine," Chris said, smiling at the baby.

"He is so sweet!" Nick said, letting the baby take hold of a finger. "Can
you believe that I am going to have another one like this one soon?"

Justin was looking lost. "Josh, I can't find our babies? What have they
done to our babies?"

JC looked around. "Our babies aren't here? Where is our babies?"

"Don't worry," a nurse said. "Here they are, all bathed and fresh." As both
JC and Justin rushed up to him, he placed one twin in each set of arms.

Joining the rest of the gang again, they proudly showed off their babies.

 A lot of oooohing and aaahing later, the nurse shooed them out of the
nursery. "You may take the babies with you, but you have to stay right
outside in the hallway. Soon you can go visit the daddies."

 "Will do," Chris promised, and they all filed out in the hallway.

 AJ was standing next to JC, as they were all out. Studying the darker man,
JC asked: "Would you like to hold him?"

 "Can I?" the other asked a little uncertain. "Yeah, I'd love too..."

 Carefully placing his son in AJ's arms, JC smiled. "Of course you can."

Watching the other smile softly at the small baby, JC asked: "Hoe 'bout
you, aren't you going to settle down soon? With your own family?"

 It was a second before AJ answered. "I might. I'd like too... Just gotta
find the right man...and the right time... And all those other things that
need to be right."

 "You'll get there," JC promised. "Maybe sooner than you think."

"Yeah," AJ agreed. "Maybe I will."  AJ smiled. "Man they're so tiny."

 "Yes they are. I can't wait to get them home and place them in their
cribs." Justin smiled.

"Well enjoy the peace while you can. And Josh since we know how much you
love to sleep. Enjoy that to" Brian smiled. 'Cause you're not going to get
any sleep now."

 "Maybe they'll be good boys and sleep" JC grinned hopefully.

 "Let's see there's Chris's baby and then Justin's. Nope you're not gonna
get any sleep" Nick chuckled.

 "HEY" Both Justin and Chris protested.

"Shush" the nurse said. "You'll wake your sons along as the others. It's
time to bring them back in."

"Oh man" JC, Justin and CHris pouted.

"They need to be feed" The nurse smiled. "They're going straight to their
daddies. So I suggest the fathers go see their husbands."

 "We got to get home. I'm sure your fathers would love to see their
grandsons" Kevin chuckled. "Take care."

"Thanks for coming guys. Merry Christmas" All three said as AJ handed the
nurse one of the twins and the BSB left.

 "Go..I'll be by with the children in a minute" the nurse smiled and took
the babies back in.

 JC, Justin and Chris smiled as they walked over to their husbands' room
and knocked.


 Lance opened his eyes. "come in."

 The door opened as three figures walked in. "Hey how are you baby."

"Tired" Lance said. "How's our son?"

 "Beautiful" Chris said as he kissed Lance.

 "Hey Joe" JC said kissing his husband. "You did great in there."

 "Thanks I had help" Joey smiled. "The doctor was a really great coach."

"Hey" Both said.

"What you both were screaming when I was pushing?" Joey said. "That wasn't
any help."

 "You were screaming? Chris asked.

 "He grabbed our crotches at the time" JC said. "What woudl you have done."



"You three are bad"

 "Hey..I have three demanding little ones who would like to say hello" the
nurse said as he brought the three newborns to the room.  The nurse gently
placed the babies in the arms of their daddies. Joey hadn't really gotten a
really good look at his sons right after the birth, and couldn't believe
that the two small bundles in light blue blankets really were his.

Justin and JC were aitting on each side of the bed, also looking at the
twins. They weren't identical, as far as any of them could see. The darkest
one was a little big bigger than his brother, who already had a head full
of curls.

The room was silent was both set of parents were admiring their newborns,
too taken with the moment to notice anything else.

 Stealing a look over at the other bed, JC could see Chris and Lance,
tightly together, smiling at their son. All he could see of the baby was
two waving arms, apparentely he had inherited Chris' energy. Lance was
certainly going to be busy. Turning back to his own little family, JC
silently studied his husbands for a minute.

 Justin still looked stunned, JC was just waiting for another ecstatic
outburst when the news of him being a father finally sunk in. As for Joey,
JC wasn't sure...

There was something different about him, still he was the same. Holding the
twins safely in his arms, he just looked different. If he looked for it, JC
could see the same change in Lance.

One of the twins made a little noise, and he smiled. They hadn't decided
which twin was to be named what yet. They seemed to be sleeping at the
moment, one little face forming into a frown that even this early reminded
him of Joey. If they both had his pout and eyes, he was sold already.

 As he was thinking that, the baby opened it's eyes, and revealed, just as
JC suspected, a pair of dark brown eyes. Still unfocused, he decided that
he didn't like the light and started to cry.

 The sound woke the other baby too, and in a second they were doing a duet.

"Poor darlings," Joey said, cuddling them to him. Soon the crying stopped
and they quieted, but didn't go back to sleep. Now JC could see that they
both had brown eyes. "Maybe they're hungry," he said quietly, carefully
touching a soft cheek.

"It usually takes some hours for them to get hungry," Joey answered, with a
certainess that JC found amusing. "It's a bit early yet. It's the light
that makes them cry, they aren't used to it yet."

"Man, I can't believe these little things are ours," Justin sighed. "That
we actually made them!"

"I know the feeling," Joey answered. "I had them inside of me for nine I am holding them... It's so amazing."

Justin smiled over the sight of five tiny fingers curling around one of his
fingers. "He's got one hell of a grip," he laughed, "he must get it from

 "Hopefully he won't get your ego too," JC teased. "one of them is already
stuck with a head full of your curls."

"They're his curls," Justin corrected him, "all my own curls, except for
what Joey feels compelled to cut off, are on my own head."

 "God help the poor kids," Joey sighed, not able to keep his smile from
showing. "If you two are going to be like this all during their growing

"Hey!" Justin called softly over to Lance. "How come your baby isn't

"Because he is too well-behaved," Chris retorted. Then he smiled. "Actually
he is listening... Think Lance's sympathy mood swings rubbed off. When your
litle ones started crying, he just got this look on his face, as he was
preparing to cry too. Then when they stopped, he stopped."

 "I assume you're talking about the baby, not Lance?" JC mused. Lance threw
a pillow at him.

"My baby is perfect!" he declared, beaming with paternal pride. "And so's
my husband!" Chris kissed him, which put an ever bigger smile on Lance's
face. Then they cuddled up again, admiring their little son.

"I can't believe we're a family" Justin said as he watched his son. "I mean
I thought we would have a while yet."

 "You call Nine months not long" Joey said.

 "Not really. We're going to have eighteeen years and more with our kids"
Justin said. "Nine months isn't that bad."

 "This coming from a Dom" Lance said. "You try being pregnant for nine

 "I've seen you've two No thanks" Justin declined.

"Thought so" Lance said as he and Joey giggled.

 "So we know what Lance's baby's name is. Why don't choose who gets to be
which" Josh said.

 "How botu Nickolas Anthony for mine and Hunter Braden for yours" Justin
said. "Mine looks like a Nickolas"

 "Why because he's blonde" Joey chuckled.

 "Shut up"

 "I like that" Josh smiled. "Hunter Braden Timberlake-Chasez"

"That's cool" Chris said.

 Lance held his baby to him when the baby started to cry.  "Oh angel what's
wrong" Lance said as he tried to sooth the baby.

 Joey looked at his twins and then at lance's son who was crying and then
back again. "Uh oh."


 Just then the duo went off.

"That Uh oh"

 "Thanks Lance"

 "Don't blame our baby" Chris said.

"He started it" Justin said.

 "Wait you three before you start fighting and get kicked out. We're gonna
have to deal with this for two to three years. they're hungry" Joey smiled.

 "Where's joey and what have you done with him" Justin asked.

 "I had babies" Joey answered as the nurse came in with three bottles.

 "Ah I see your children demand food"

 "Demand they're screaming for it" Chris said.

 "JC would you take hunter and feed him. I only have one set of arms" Joey

"Sure" JC said as he tooked the baby out of Joey's arms. "Hey, Hunter. Im
your daddy yes I am."

"Here" The nurse said as he handed JC the bottle.  JC tested it ont his
wrist and then slipped the bottle into Hunter's mouth.

As the feeding session started the babies quieted down again, concentrated
on the bottles. Chris and justin, the only baby-less males in the room was
still admiring their little sons, who was now getting past hungry and
getting back to sleepy again.

 A silent knock on the door made them all look up. In the doorway a large
group of people was standing. Five sets of grandparents.

"Should we let them in?" Joey whispered, amused, to JC.

"I think so," JC smiled, "or else your parents are going to throw a
fit. Your dad is already going crazy over his grandsons."

 A second later their room was filled with people. Both daddies proudly
showed off their babies, and the dads stood by their beds, equally beaming
of pride and happiness.

"Lifting one half of his twin grandsons," Joe Sr, smiled. "My first
grandchildren! By my youngest son... I should have expected this from you,
Joseph, you always had to be first." Joey simply made a face at his
father. "But they are both perfect," his father sighed. "And i do see a lot
of all three of you in them."

By the other bed, Lance was beginning to feel slightly crowded. His son was
the first grandchild to both sets of parents and the attention given was
according to that.

But it was nice too. He still couldn't believe that it was over, he was
holding his child in his arms. Even though he would enver admit it, he
kinda missed the feeling of being pregnant. Oh well, he probably would
admit it...just not right now.

 A while later the same nurse that had brought the babies shooed all of
them out. "Visiting hours are over!" he stated. "Daddies and babies needs
to rest. Dads can come back tomorrow morning. Other wise the regular
visiting hours apply."

Giving the dads a couple of extra minutes to say goodnight, two little beds
was placed in the room alongside Joey's and Lance's beds. Lance sighed

"I thought they were going to put him back in the nursery for the night!"

"I asked them not too," Joey replied. "I don't mind if they wake me up, I
want them in here with me."

 Placing his son gently in the crib, Lance smiled. "We'll be going home in
a few days, can you imagine that? We're coming home with the babies... The
nursery is going to be used for the first time..."

The light was dimmed and they both got ready for bed. In five minutes they
all were asleep.

JC opened the door and let Joey, Lance and Justin walk in. Chris and JC
were last to enter their home.


"Wha..Oh man" Joey sniffled.

 "We wanted to welcome the future NSYNC JR's home." Kevin smiled.

"you guys are too much" Lance sniffled as well.

"Let me so those babies" roy said.

"Dad" JC chuckled.

Justin's father took his baby out of his arms while Joey's fathers took the
other one from him.

"Hey" Joey protested.

 Lance joined Joey on the couch. "My Dads took my baby from me to."

 "This sucks" Joey said. "They ga ga over the babies. We had them. Do we
get something out of this?"


"Damn right we dont'" Joey frowned.

"New baby or babies" Lance said. "Hey while they're at it maybe we can
sneak off."

"Why Lance" Joey said. "I didn't think you were that kind of guy."

"Oh hush" Lance said as he gently pushed Joey to the side. "I meant so we
can take a nap."

"I know what you mean. My body still aches for pushing those little babies
out. I'm tired. But Hey I can move now and see my feet" Joey grinned.

"I agree with you there" Lance said. "But I want my baby."

"So do I" Joey pouted.

"Hey what are you two doing over here" Nick said.

 "Fathers, babies" Both Joey and Lance said.

 "Ah. I get it. They took your children and ran off with them" Nick smiled.

"Yep and we want them back" Joey said.

 "I went through that when Dustin was born" Nick smiled.

 "so how does it feel. Horney?" Joey asked.

 "All the freakin time" Nick said.

 "I miss that part" Lance laughed.

"I miss sex" Joey admitted.

"Wait for awhile you dont' want to get pregnant again do you" Nick asked.

"Not right now" Lance said.

"At least two years from now" Joey said.

"It's good to wait. Come let's get to the party. You'll soon have the rest
of your lives to spend with the kids" Nick smiled as he led the daddies to
the party.


Lance and Joey put the boys in their cribs.

"I can't believe this. They're actually here and asleep" Lance said as he
leaned into Chris.

 Chris smiled as he placed the blanket over Trent. "I know. Look at him so
calm, so peaceful. Not a care in the world."

 Lance touched his baby's head. "I love you Trent Christopher Kirkpatrick."

JC, Joey and Justin were admiring their sons.

"How many hours do you think we'll sleep?" Joey asked.

"Hopefully eight" JC grinned.

"Dream on man" Justin said. "Newborns hopefully at least four. When they
get older even less than that."

"I'm going to cherrish every minute of it" Joey said. "Nine months in the
womb and the rest of their lives out of it. They need us, depend on us to
make the right decisions. I want to be a good father."

"You will be an excellant father Joe" Justin said. "You're my angel. You
did good these past nine months."

"For all it's worth if I had to do it all over again. I would" Joey
said. "Every single minute because I know that this was done out of love."

Chris and Lance Joined Joey, Jc, Justin at the door. "Well guys after all
that we've been through I think it's time for bed."

"You're old Chris"

"Shut up Justin I still can take you on"

"guys the babies are sleeping. Quiet" JC said.


"Well a new chapter in our lives have just opened up" Joey said. "And our
children are going to be the ones to fill it to."

 "Here's to a new Journey guys. To Fatherhood" JC said as he clasped his
family's hands.

 "To Family" The all said as they shut off the light and went to bed.


P.S. Thanks to Everyone who Read this story and kept us going. Don't worry
it may be the end of Cosmic Companions but stay tuned for the squeal called
Cosmic Journeys. It's only the Beginning. Thanks to all of you one again.

                  ~From the Authors of Cosmic Companions~