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Disclaimer: Kat and I do not own NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any
other celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be
very lucky and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men
can't have babies even though us females wish they could.  This is
something that came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So
enjoy the story. It was fun writing it.

Author's Note Ps: Oh the story is now called Cosmic Companions.
Thanks to Fluttergirl for the Title.

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

Email: Since there are two people working on this story it's fair to
email at least both. PLEASE email us :)
Shells: kevinsangel24@a...
Kat: storykath@o...

Cosmic Companions
Chapter 4
Written By: Shell and Kat

It was dark out. A full moon shone above the trees. "I'd like to be a
werewolf," Chris commented when they all were outside. Lance
smiled. "Now that could be fun!"

The car was parked a couple of yards away from Kevin and Nick's home,
making them walk for a couple of minutes.

 Chris and Lance were holding hands, claiming half of the back seat
to themselves. "I can drive," Joey offered with a smile. JC and
Justin looked at each other. "I wonder if we can fit four people in
the back seat," JC asked. "Well, you'll be driving anyway," Justin
said. "So I guess it's up to me and Joey to find out..."

That earned him a smack over the head. "Not at all, curly. You have
to wait to we get back to the hotel." Justin pouted.

Lance leaned over and whispered something in Chris' ear, making him
laugh. "Hi guys!" he called over to them a minute after. "Lance and I
are going to...uhm..walk home. You guys take the car."

"Walk. Yeah, we believe that." Joey smiled at Lance. "I'll see ya in
the morning guys, unless you don't come back from your little "back
to nature"-experience..."

Again Lance blushed. Chris snickered, and JC and Justin looked like
they had gotten an idea. "Oh no, you two," Joey said, seeing their

"We're going back to the hotel. I'm not getting freaky with the two
of you out in the woods and get pine needles and worse stuck up my
butt." Justin opened his mouth. "Don't even go there, J," Joey warned
him. Justin closed his mouth. "We're going back to the hotel. I'm
spending the night in a warm, comfortable bed. care to join me?"

 "Oh yeah,2 JC mumbled. "Where is that damn car??" "A little
impatient, my dear, aren't we?" Joey teased. "Like you're not," JC
snorted, catching up with Joey.

 He let his hand slide down Joey's stomach to his groin, giving it a
nice squeeze. "You're just as impatient as the rest of us," JC
pointed out. "But you won't admit it because you're such a tease."
Not answering Joey grabbed the back of JC's head, bringing their lips
together for a fiery kiss

When Joey let JC go again, the older man had a dazed smile on his
face. "Oh wow," he breathed. Holding on to Joey for support as his
knees felt a little wobbly, JC tossed the keys to the car to
Justin. "You're driving, Justin." "I'll take the front seat," Joey
said innocently, putting JC back on his feet. "Like hell you are," JC
protested. "You're going in the back seat with me. You really think
I'll let you kiss me like that, and then run off

Sighing and pretending that he was making a huge sacrifice, Joey
replied: "Oh all right, I'll sit in the back seat with you." Then we
started walking for their car, leaving a rather frustrated JC behind.
Chris and Lance wasn't anywhere in sight anymore. Joey wondered how
far into the forest they would manage to get before they'd jump each

Justin wasn't all to happy with being stuck up front behind the wheel
while JC and Joey could cuddle all the way home in the back
seat. "I'll drive," he said, "but mind you, if you two start anything
major back there, without me, I'm throwing you out of the car. Then
you'll have to walk home." "I promise," Joey said, and crossed his
heart. "No fooling around without Justin." "A little fooling around
without Justin," JC corrected him. "But only

Justin got into the car. He was going to drive like he had the devil
himself on his heels. Listening to his two lovers make out in the
back seat, got him, if possible, even more turned on. Hoping that all
policemen stayed home tonight or was busy eating doughnuts or
something, Justin pulled out of the parking lot.

 Out on the highway the car sped up. Luckily their hotel wasn't far
away. In the back seat Joey and JC was kissing each other, and from
what Justin could see in the rearview mirror, doing some serious
groping. The car sped up even a little faster. At last, and Justin
welcomed the sight like a long lost friend, could he see the sign
that graced the front of their hotel.

 "We're here!" he announced. "Good!" Joey giggled. Quickly moving
away from JC, he opened the turn and was out of the car in an
instant. Without waiting for the other two, he ran to the entrance of
the hotel, disappearing inside.

"What are we going to do with him?" JC sighed from the back seat.
Justin couldn't help but laugh. "I don't know, but I don't want to
change him that much. He may be insane and the word's biggest tease,
but he's ours."

That made JC laugh too. "Let's go, Just, I'll race ya to the room."


Lance did everything he could to keep his composure. Damn he was
beyond hot and horny. He needed to be fucked like now. he thought it
was bad when it was just mating but now this is different. His
hormones are working overtime telling him he needs to be fucked. That
it's time to have a child. Lance looked at the sky. He needed relief.

"We're almost there baby" Chris replied in a low voice as he could
muster. The way his body's been acting his voice would be in the
Chipmunk range. Oh that's romantic if he's making love to Lance he
could just imagine saying OH Yes Lance in Alvin's voice.

Lance couldn't wait anymore. The time was now. He knew that Chris
wouldn't stop fucking him until he was impregnated. He moaned with
the thought of Chris pounding away at his ass all night. The strange
thing was they would have the energy to do it.

 He jumped Chris and both tumbled to the ground. Lance was sitting on
Chris's chest tearing off his clothes kissing him passionately.

"Oh god.." Chris moaned as he felt Lance's unbearable hard erection
into his hips. He started trembling as his mate released an
aphrodisiac. He helped Lance rid his clothes and rolled over. "Baby,
you sure you want to now."

"Chris if we have a baby it was because we wanted it. Yes I want to
have a baby. Do you? I mean holding Dustin in my arms just created
feelings in me. I'm ready if you are" Lance breathed huskily.

 "Of course I'm ready. I'm 29 years old. I thought I would never mate
or have children' Chris sighed. "I've been ready for a long time."

 Lance smiled wickedly and looked at his lover's body. "Mmmm you are
gorgeous. Let's hope we don't get caught by the police or every
station is gonna have us butt naked on TV."

 "Hey it might help with record sales" Chris chuckled.

 "CHRIS" Lance chuckled.

 Chris couldn't say a word as Lance's scent got stronger making him
go wild with desire. He kissed Lance on the lips as he entered his
lover. "Oh God Lance.."

 Lance's body burned with desire. He needed Chris and he needed Chris
now. "Oh baby please I can't stand it any longer..."

 Chris started to move in Lance knowing that they had all the time of
the world. But each thrust he did caused Lance to groan louder with
more desire. He fastened his pace of thrusting in and out of Lance.
He bent down to kiss him.

 "YES CHRIS YES" Lance screamed out and lifted his hips to meet
Chris's thrust. It felt so good to have Chris in him. Filling him to
the brim with love and ecstasy.

 For hours on end Lance and Chris were rolling around on the leaves
covering their sweat stained bodies still moving in and out of each
other. neither tired until Lance ended up pregnant with Chris's child.

"YES! OF FUCK YES CHRIS HARDER! Lance cried out knowing he was close
to his final orgasm.

"OH SHIT LANCE OH DAMN!" Chris cried out as he pushed his hips hard
into Lance's ass.

"OH MY GOD!" both screamed out as the most intensive, passionate,
orgasm they had ever had.

 Chris couldn't speak as he released his final load into his lover
before pulling out. There he lay on his back completely spent and
exhausted. He pulled Lance to him and kissed his damp forehead. "oh
god..oh god..oh god.."
 Lance was breathing. He was still flushed after that earth
shattering orgasm. his body still tingled with pleasure. He kissed
his lover. "Oh Chris that was so out of this world."

 "I can't move" Chris complained.

 "Neither can I. Let's stay here until we can" Lance replied.

Lance snuggled up closely to Chris. "That was so amazing, love, now I
feel like staying here forever." "I'd like that too, sweet stuff,
just you and me and the moon and stars..." "And our child," lance
thought, letting his hand touch his stomach. He knew that their
firstborn child had been conceived right there and then.

 And it made him so happy, happy in the giddy, giggling and euphoric
way that made your eyes tear up because you couldn't think of
anything that could be better. Every little detail was just perfect.

 Letting his fingers trail over Chris warm, damp skin, Lance casually
remarked: "I guess we should start thinking about names then..." His
green eyes widened. "We need to buy a house!" he stated.

"What?" Chris asked, still a little dazed and out of it. "We need a
house," Lance repeated , rolling over to one side so he could lean in
over Chris. "Neither of our flats will do to raise a family in. I
want a house outside town, with a large garden, lotsa trees, and we
can get a dog, and..." he was silenced by Chris' finger placed gently
on his lips. "You know sex makes you talk a lot?"

 Lance bit his finger. "Yes, I do." Looking hurt he asked
Chris: "Don't you want to live with me? I'll be a single parent, you
know. And that isn't good for the kid, and..." This time Chris kissed

"Of course I want to live with you," he mumbled against Lance's soft
lips. "I'll buy you whatever house you want, and a garden with trees
too, and all the dogs you want..." "You know you get talkative after
sex too?" Lance giggled, pulling himself on top of Chris

 Chris embraced his lover. "As soon as we get back, we go house-
hunting, 'kay?" "'Kay," lance sighed happily, placing his head on
Chris' shoulder. "Love ya, shorty."

 "Shorty, huh?" Chris said, hugging lance to him. You know you're the
only one in the whole world who can call me that and live? But I love
you too, blondie."

 "Blondie?" Lance asked. "Chris, I..." "Face it, sweetheart," Chris
chuckled. "You're blond, head to toe."

"Hmmm," Lance answered, "I guess I can live with that, shorty."
Suddenly Chris felt teeth nipping at his ear. "I'm blonde, you're
short. We'll have weird kids. But I wouldn't want it any other way."

 "Me neither," Chris replied. Their lips found each other again as
they melted together in a soft and loving kiss. Over them the moon
started on it's decent.

 It was almost morning. They had spent the entire night in the woods,
making love out the most unbelievable kind. "Think about the story we
can tell our kid about how he was conceived," Lance said as they were
cuddled up nice and close again.

"Night's not over yet," Chris grinned, running his hand through
Lance's spiky hair. "You know you look so damn sexy all naked and
sweaty with green stuff sticking to you all over." "Oh, that's a
romantic image!" Lance teased. "You're going on bottom now, I
probably have half the forest sticking to my back."

"You always did look good in green," Chris remarked, making Lance
laugh. "And I like green," he continued. "Green as in your eyes... I
hope our baby gets your eyes."

 Lance looked down at Chris. "I love you," he said, loosing himself
in his mate's dark eyes. "Love you too," Chris answered.

The kissed again as the first sunshine danced through the branches,
coating their bodies in liquid gold. Neither of them noticed, too
taken with each other and the moment.

Joey giggled to himself as he watched JC and Justin burst into the
room and started stripping. He found it mildly amusing it was turning
him on. Man you think they were in heat or something.

 ait he is in heat...Actually it's his body telling him that he can
have kids now.

 Babies. He wants to have a baby but having an Alpha Male and a Beta
Male for mates isn't exactly a good thing.

 Especially when it came to reproducing. The Beta Male has to wait
till the Alpha male is done mating with their mate. Then the Beta
Male can have a turn. But until then the Beta would have to watch the
Alpha male. He wasn't allowed to touch his mate until it was his turn
to offer his seed.

He hoped to god it wasn't like that with Justin and JC. He loved the
way Justin would suck him off as JC rammed him good. He knew he was
going to have a child from each and that was gonna hurt when it came
time to give birth.

 Watching the two confused Dominants search for their beloved it made
all doubts wash from his mind and soul. He wanted them badly. He was
already naked and could hardly wait until the hot session would
begin. But he wasn't going to give in that easy. Turning he stepped
into the Jacuzzi and moaned as the hot water relaxed his over
sensitive flesh. Hopefully the two sex-driven mates of his would
follow his scent.


"Damnit where is he" JC growled. He was hard, horny and needed his
mate now. The drive to reproduce was making him animalistic. If he
didn't touch Joey he felt like he was going to explode.

"Hiding as usual" Justin chuckled as he pulled off his boxers. His
erection pointing forward trying to tell him that Joey was in the

"Horny aren't you" JC grinned eyeing his mate's body.

"I'm not the only one" Justin smirked.

JC felt his body trembles as his senses picked up the scent. Both
looked at each other. "Bathroom."

Both walked in to find Joey just relaxing in the tub.

"Took you two long enough" Joey purred as he splashed at them.

"enough talk Sex now" JC growled.

Oh that's so romantic and Crude" Joey replied.

"He's alpha he's gonna be crude. You know how Alpha males are" Justin
chuckled as he sat in the chair.

JC climbed in the water and started to stroke Joey's hard
member. "That's not nice teasing me you know."

Joey whimpered. "JC, oh man...Justin join.."

JC turned and smiled. "I'm not that kind of Alpha Male love. Come
join us."

Justin smiled and climbed in. He kissed JC and then Joey. He was so
lucky to find such wonderful mates.

JC kissed Joey as he spread his lover's legs. "Get ready for a ride
of the lifetime."

 "You said that when we mated Josh" Joey chuckled.

"I know but I can't help saying it again" JC smiled as he sucked on
Joey's Neck as he entered him.

Joey moaned as he felt JC enter him. He closed his eyes and raked his
fingers across JC's hot back. "OH Josh oh god that feels so good."

"Oh fuck Joey" JC moaned as he started to thrust in and out of Joey.

Justin moaned as he positioned himself behind JC. If he was gonna
have some ass he was going to start with Josh. he spread his mates
cheeks apart and nibbled on his neck. "two can play at this game."

JC moaned as Justin thrust his rod into JC's ass. he grunted as he
set the pace for all three of them.

Joey groaned as his mates were making him feel incredibly good and
hot. He couldn't move much since Justin decided to fuck JC. He lift
his head and bit JC's nipple. "Harder."

 JC groaned and stared moving in Joey as fast as he could. His body
told him he needed to release his seed over and over again. He moaned
as it felt good making love to his mate and being fucked by his other
mate. "oh fuck yes..."

"Oh god Josh" Justin grunted as he pounded hard in Josh's ass. He
couldn't wait until he released his seed into Joey. He needed to mate
with him bad.
A couple hours have passed and they weren't cold from the water as it
was close for JC to finish filling his mate with his seed. He grunted
and groaned as he pushed himself harder and faster into Joey. "OH god
Joey. OH shit I'm gonna..."

"Do It' Joey groaned as his body let lose a scream of relief as a
powerful orgasm  hit him sending shock waves into his lover.

"Oh God" JC grunted as he shot his last load into Joey. Being fucked
from behind and doing the fucking made him happy and sated. He lay on
top of Joey as he finished his load.

 "OH JC" Justin screamed as he orgasm in JC's ass. He continued to
fill his lover before he was done and pulled out. "Oh god that was so
fucking hot."

 "Yes" JC breathed. "That was too hot but i'm tired.."

 "Spoil sport" Both Justin and Joey chuckled.

"Well I am." Josh smiled as he kissed his family. "Join me when
you're done."

"You're not gonna fuck me" Justin mock pouted.

"I don't have the energy left" JC grinned. "Besides I think Joey will
handle you."

"Geez, thanks I think" Joey replied.

Justin smiled. "Tired."

"Nope, you?"

"Oh hell now" Justin smiled as he helped Joey up. "But I think you
need to be in a more comfortable position.

"Oh please my back is killing me" Joey smiled.

Justin laughed and messaged his back and sat him on the edge of the
tub. "Have you ever fucked sitting up?"

"Someone's been reading sex books again" Joey sang.

 Justin grinned as he spread his lover's cheeks and then entered him
moaning out loud. "Oh god Joey, you're so damn hot and tight."

"Oh My vocal Justin" Joey chuckled and moaned. "I don't think JC is
gonna get any sleep tonight."

"Nope" Justin smiled as he started to fuck Joey for a couple of hours.

Justin helped Joey to the bedroom. JC was reading a book smiling as
his exhausted lovers walked in. "How did it go?"

"Very hot" Joey yawned as he slipped into boxers. "I'm tired."

 "Same here" Justin yawned as he crawled into bed.

"I love you both" Joey smiled as he cuddled with his husbands.

To Be Continued