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Disclaimer: Kat and I do not own NSYNC Nor the Backstreet Boys or any
other celebrities mentioned in the timeline.. If we did than we'll be
very lucky and Joey wouldn't ever come out ever again. :)

Author's Note: This is an alternate universe. Nothing is real. Men
can't have babies even though us females wish they could.  This is
something that came in my sick head and I managed to drag Kat in. So
enjoy the story. It was fun writing it.

Author's Note Ps: Oh the story is now called Cosmic Companions.
Thanks to Fluttergirl for the Title. Lets welcome Jackie to the
story. She has been a big help in contributing to this story. Please
email her and tell her that she's doing a great job.

Thanks to all our readers who sent feedback telling us how wonderful
the story is.  We're having fun writing it as you are reading it.
Thanks again.

Pairing: Chris/Lance, JC/Joey/Justin.

Email: Since there are two people working on this story it's fair to
email at least both. PLEASE email us :)
Shells: kevinsangel24@a...
Kat: storykath@o...
Jackie B: crunkdoll@y...

Cosmic Companions
Chapter 7
Written By: Shell , Kat and Jackie

JC looked up as the sound of Joey's angry voiced reached them from
the other room. "I don't think his family took it well," he said. "I
was afraid of that, his parents are totally over-protective when it
comes to him." His words made Justin look up too. "Well, they'll have
to deal with it now...we have already mated. That can't be changed."

Taking a deep breath, JC answered: "It can be changed, Just. We won't
have any legal right as a couple before we're married. Even if we're
all gonna be daddies. And Joey's parents knows that too." Seeing how
worried JC had become, Justin got to his feet and sat down next to
JC. "You really think they'll try and take Joey away from us?" "I
don't know," JC replied. "But I have a feeling Joe Sr. isn't exactly
thrilled about either of us right no

Hearing his two friends talk quietly together, Chris decided that he
should go see how Joey was doing. Even if he was still on the phone,
he might need some moral support. The two of them had been friends
for a long time, and Chris also knew Joey's parents.

 And know that they always wanted their son's best, but didn't really
stop to think what their son felt about things. As he entered the
living room, he found Joey standing in the middle of the floor,
staring down at the cordless phone on the floor. His brown eyes were
heavy with unshed tears.

Rushing over to his friend, Chris asked softly: "Joey, are you OK?
What happened??" "He wants me to come home," Joey said, still a
little disbelievingly. "And forget about JC and Justin... And he
wants me to have an abortion..." "HE wants you to what!?!" Chris was
the one yelling now. "How can he even say something like that?? Oh my

"I know," Joey said. "Look, I need to think about stuff for a while
right now...Tell the others I'll be back down later." "Are you sure
you should be alone now, Joe?" Chris asked him. "You have to tell JC
and Justin about this." "I will," Joey nodded, getting a faraway look
in his eyes. "Just not right now. I need some time alone, Chris. Tell
JC and Justin that. will you? Please?"

Against better knowledge, Chris agreed. "But they already worry, Joe,
they know that it didn't go well. What shall I tell
them?" "Just...don't," Joey said. "Tell them that I'm going to
explain everything to them later." With that Joey went up the stairs
to the bedroom, leaving a worried Chris back in the living room.

 As Chris re-joined the others he was met by two set of blue
eyes. "Joey OK?" Justin asked softly. "He wanted some time alone to
think," Chris answered truthfully. "Shit," JC said, running his hand
through his short, dark hair. "I can't believe we forgot all about
telling our families..."

"You're not the only one," lance said from where he was
sitting. "Chris and I haven't told ours yet either. "Well," Joey M,
said, getting up. "We better get back. He helped his very pregnant
mate up. "Good luck, guys, I Hope everything will work out OK." "SO
do I," Justin sighed. They all said bye and then Chris, lance, JC and
Joey went into the living room. Picking up the phone Joey had left,
Chris looked to Lance.

"I guess this is as good a time as any to do tell, babe? What do you
say?" Standing up and taking Chris hand, lance replied: "yeah, let's
call them now. I think my dads are going to be happy...they always
suspected that it was going to be you and me." They all could see
Chris breathe a sign of relief. "Don't think mine's gonna make a fuss
either. They adore you." After hearing that JC couldn't help but feel
a little jealous.

 He wished the three of them, Joey, Justin and him would have an
equally easy time telling their families. They had had too much
problems already. Last thing they needed now was a angry relative out
to get them. And as for Justin and himself, Joey's dads were going to
demand their heads on a plate for going after their precious youngest
one... It wasn't going to be pretty...

Lance dialed a number. He felt Chris wraps his arms around him. He
smiled as the fear left him. The Phone rang three times before
someone picked up.



"James, how's my boy" Jim smiled.

"I'm fine. Dad, I'm going to get straight to the point." Lance

"You and Chris are mates! I hope so. Chris is such a nice young man.
He treats you right. So when am I going to be a granddaddy" Jim

 Lance's jaw dropped in shock.

"Baby" Chris asked.

"Yeah dad" Lance said in surprise.

MATES!" Jim hollered.


"Your father gave his blessings" Jim smiled.

 "Lance, what's going on" Chris replied as he whined.

"Hold on dad" Lance said as he pulled the phone away from his
ears. "Chris, our dads know. They want to know when they're gonna be

"THAT"S GREAT!" Chris grinned as he hugged Lance. He grabbed the
phone. Lance tried to get it back but he kept him at bay. "Hey Jim.
It's Chris, Yeah thanks. Well in six months you should be

"We know but we couldn't wait" Chris chuckled.

Lance slapped Chris in the head and took his phone back. "Yeah Dad,
that yelp it was Chris. Nothing. Yeah we can't wait either. OH JC,
Justin, and Joey are mates too and  Joey's expecting twins. I'm glad
that you approve. Dad, Mr. Fatone isn't taking it very well and JC
and Justin are afraid to talk to their families. Uh huh okay I tell
em. Love you to. Bye."

Lance hanged up. "Well it went well."

"Lucky you" Justin muttered.

"Hey, I got a sneaky feeling your fathers aren't going to be that
bad. Talk to them and tell them how you feel." Lance smiled.

 Justin and JC nodded and took out their cell phones to make the call
to their fathers.

Joey clutched the pillow. How could his father be so fucking mean?
Why couldn't he see that he was happy? Why did he have to have
fucking pride for?

What is he going to do? What if JC and Justin's family hates his
guts? It wasn't fair. He was finally happy but his father had to be
an asshole.

 He picked up the phone and called Kevin.

"Hello, we're in the middle of sex right now if you can wait thirty
minutes and we'll get back to you"


"What we are!?" Kevin pouted.

 "Dom. males I swear" Nick replied as he took the phone from
Kevin. "Hello, ignore my horny husband."


"HEY Joey..KEVIN STOP...oooh...yes..NO! Kevin! It's Jo-JO" Nick

 "It's no big deal I'll call you back when you're done" Joey sighed.

"Well that ruined the mood" Nick replied pushing his husband
away. "Joe, what's wrong?"


"Don't worry about it" Kevin said as he took the other phone.

"I'm sorry."

"Hey Jo-Jo what's wrong" Kevin asked.

"My dad, I told my dad and he..oh god he"  Joey said as he broke into

"Shit that bad" Nick replied.

"He wants me to go home and have an abortion" Joey wailed.

"Fuck" Kevin growled. "Joey listen to me. Are you happy?"

 "Yes" Joey sniffed.

"Then don't listen to him. If he can't see how happy you are than he
don't deserve to be your father" Kevin replied.


 "Joe, as long as your happy it doesn't matter what your father
thinks. Sure it's nice to have him support you but it he doesn't than
screw him. You're over eighteen. It's your life."

"Nick's right Joe. You have to do what makes you happy" Kevin said

 Joey smiled. "Thanks. I won't let my dad bully me. Thanks guys."

"Hey Come over tomorrow" Nick smiled. "I wanna see how big you are."


"But I do!" Nick whined.

"Forgive him" Kevin sighed.

"it's okay" Joey chuckled.

"Yeah Brian and Howie are gonna bring their new baby." Kevin smiled.

 "Cool, I'll bring the others. Thanks Kev, Thanks nick. Now go back
and have freaky sex" Joey chuckled as he hung up.

After talking to Kevin and Nick, Joey felt a lot better. He curled up
in the bed, and placed an arm protectively around his stomach. Things
were going to be OK, they had to be. Justin, JC and him were meant to
be together.

"I'm going to go upstairs to check on Joey, JC said, "he has been up
there for a long time now." "I'll come with you," Justin said. "I
know he said he wanted to be alone for a little, but we need to
discuss this.

Justin and JC both were postponing their phone calls to their
families. One set of angry dads was enough for one day.

"I think you may be right," Chris agreed, sitting on the couch. Lance
was next to him, his head on Chris' shoulder. "He was really out of

 Justin and JC walked up the stairs together. "Do you think your
family are going to be cool with this?" JC asked his younger
friend. "I'm not sure," Justin had to admit. "My parents adore both
you and Joey, but I think they still see me as a little young to

"I really think mine are going to be pleased," JC said as they were
getting closed to the door of the bedroom. It was closed. "But I'm
not all sure, and I hate to bring another set of displeased parents
into this."

 Justin silently opened the door, and looked inside. He saw a figure
laying on the bed, in deep sleep. "He's sleeping," Justin said,
sounding both relieved and amused. "I'm guessing he called Kevin and
Nick, the three of them always turn to each other when they feel bad."

"I really wish he would come to us," JC said. "We're his family now.
We need to talk about stuff like this." "Jealous, Josh?" Justin
mused. "You know that Kev and Joey especially depend a lot on each
other. But we just have to give Joey time, he'll come to us when he's

Quietly JC went over to the bed and sat down next to Joey. Tenderly
he reached out and let his fingers touch Joey's calm face. The faint
remains of tears were still visible.

"We need to fix this in some way," JC told Justin. " And I also think
we should get married as soon as possible. That way we all stand
stronger." After studying JC's face for a while, Justin finally
answered. "You really think Joey's parents are going to try

"I don't know, Just. But I've heard some rumors, and some stuff
Joey's mentioned has made me think. His family is Italian...and
they're supposed to be mafia-cennected. Don't know if it's true, but
I just think we should all watch out a little. Just to be safe."

"Ohmigosh," Justin said. "So now we're going to have a pissed off
mobster on our tail, 'cos we stole away his youngest son? Ouch. We
better get married ASAP, before Joey gets shipped back to Italy or
whatever." JC had to laugh. "It can't be that bad, curly. Joey's
parents just need some time to calm down, I'm sure."

"My parents are Italian," a sleepy voice interrupted them. "They
haven't been calm, either one of them, for as long as I have known
them. And right now I think they're about getting ready to send me to
a convent or something."

"Hi baby," JC smiled down at Joey. "Did you have a good rest?" "I
did," Joey said, rolling over a little, so he was laying close to
JC. "And I heard what you guys said about getting married. I like the
sound of that." "So do I," JC agreed, playing with Joey's hair.
Justin sat down next to JC. "We got a lot of stuff to take care of
then. Finding the minister, the church, caterers..." This time JC
placed his hand over Justin's mouth.

"I promise you, Justin, that you can take care of everything. I just
want to be married to the two of you, never mind where or how it
happens, as long as it does happen." When he removed his hand, Justin
made a face at him, but couldn't keep from smiling.

 Joey was drifting back to sleep. "Stay?" he asked his two lovers. "I
don't want to be alone." "Of course, sweetie," Justin answered for
both JC and him. He laid down on the bed, as did JC. Cuddling close
together all three of them, the bedroom soon fell quiet as the three
men all fell asleep


The Next Day

Joey and Lance watched as their mates getting breakfast. They gave
each other a secretive smile.

"We should get pregnant more often" Lance chuckled.

"I know that way we can get out of doing the chores" Joey giggled. "I
just hope they don't burn the food. I'm starving.".

Lance laughed. "I know. I talked to Nick and he said he'll have
plenty of food for just the two of us."

"All right FOOD!" Joey cheered.

"Cheering about food love" Justin smiled as he sat a tray in front of
Joey. On it was two glasses of orange juice and their prenatal

"Hey I'm eating for three. I have the right" Joey said as he stuck
out his tongue.

"Don't stick it out unless you plan to use it" Justin said in a stern

 Joey growled. "Oh trust me tonight I'm gonna use my tongue."

Justin squirmed a little. "Horny honey."

"Very" Joey purred. "tonight you can have my ass all you want."

"YES!" Justin whooped and ran out of the room.

"Joey that's bad" Lance grinned.

"Hey I'm horny as hell" Joey shrugged.

"But he has the worse case of hormones" Lance grinned.

"I know that's why it's fun to tease him" Joey laughed.

"I can't wait for tonight either. This house is gonna be rocking with
grunts, moans, and fuck yes and harder."

 Joey spit out his orange juice and laughed. "That is SO true."

"Joe, everything's gonna work out" Lance replied.

"I'm still worried Lance. My dads they can be very pig-headed at
times. I just wish they would treat me like an adult instead of a

Joey sighed.

Lance hugged him. "Joe, no matter what he does true love conquers all
including asshole fathers."

Joey smiled. "Thanks Lance. You'll always manage to cheer me up."

"Hey I have a pregnant partner. I feel better" lance grinned. "So is
Howie and Brian coming over to Kev's and Nick."

"Yeah, and they're bringing their son. I can't wait to see him."

"Me either" Lance replied.

"So you two ready to go" JC asked.

"Sure" Lance chuckled as Chris helped him up.

"Man if this is what it's like at three months. Wait till six. Then
Joey's gonna be as huge as a whale" Justin said innocently.

Joey's lips began to tremble.

"Justin look at what you started" JC replied.

"Oops. Joey I didn't mean it like that. Honestly. I'm stupid please
don't cry" Justin begged.

"I knew it! I'm fat! I'm ugly and I'm gonna be a WHALE!" Joey wailed
as he got up and ran to the bedroom locking himself in. He grabbed a
box from under the bed and started to eat the chocolate he had hidden


JC was looking very sternly at Justin. "WILL you ever learn to think
before you speak?" "I'm sorry," Justin said, looking sad. "do you
want me to go talk to him." "God, no!" JC replied, "then he'll
probably stay up there forever. lance, could you...?"

"I'll talk to him," Lance said. He left them and started walking up
the stairs.

 Since he was going through the same as Joey was, he was thinking
maybe they both could lock themselves in the bedroom and stay there
and sulk. Lance wasn't really sure what he should be sulking about,
but he was sure he could come up with something.

 But then again, he really wanted to see his friends and Brian and
Howie's son, so he decided to talk Joey out of his room and back
downstairs. Then he could help him get back at Justin later.

Justin was still looking like Eyore when lance and Joey finally came
back downstairs. Joey knew that JC probably had let Justin have it
big time when he was up stairs, but didn't intend to let him of the
hook that easily. He was definitely going to let Justin work to make
it up to him.

OK," Lance sighed. "All here and accounted for in some way or
another...let.s go all?" "Let's go," JC agreed.

"PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" Justin begged Joey as they got in the car.

"No" Joey pouted.

"Damn, you two become stubborn when we try to apologize" Chris said
to his lover.

Lance chuckled. "Well you three have to be more sensitive to our

 "We try" JC said as he sat in the front with Lance and Chris.

"Yeah Right" Lance replied as he looked in the mirror to see Justin
trying to beg for forgiveness.

"I'm a complete insensitive bastard that deserves to be castrated"
Justin pleaded.

Joey smiled. "What else?"

"That' you're very beautiful and I love you" Justin said giving Joey
the puppy eyes.


"That you are the most gorgeous one of the group" Justin added.


Justin smiled as he slipped from his seat and spread Joey's legs.

 "Justin" Joey squeaked out. His hormones have been flaring and the
mere touch from Justin was making him hot.

 "Please" Justin said in a seductive voice as his hand crepe up on
Joey's thighs.
"I..I..ohhhh.." Joey moaned.

"Justin what are you doing?" JC asked.

"Nothing" Justin smiled as he unzipped Joey's pants.

"Joey is he behaving?" Chris asked.

"Yes" Joey said as normally as he could

Justin managed to get Joey's pants from his waist and pulled his
boxers down. Justin licked his lips at the sight of the hard erection
staring at his face.

Joey's breathing became labored as Justin breathed gently on his hard
cock. He was going to scream if Justin didn't take him in his
mouth. "Curly, please.."

"do you forgive me?" Justin asked as he kissed the tip of Joey's head.

"Yes" Joey moaned softly trying not to bring attention to the back
shell> "I love you" Justin moaned as he took his lover in his mouth
and began to suck.

"oh god" Joey moaned as his member was surrounded by hot warmth.

"Joey" JC asked as he looked in the mirror. "Baby, you okay?
Nothing's wrong with the twins."

 "I'm fine" Joey squeaked out as Justin sucked harder as his fingers
messaged Joey's balls.

"Okay" JC said as he turned around. He had a sneaky suspicion that
Justin was doing something to Joey.

Joey laid back in the seat and closed his eyes. He was so close and
wouldn't last long. His body was so sensitive ever since he became
pregnant. And with Justin's mouth on his member. He knew he was going
to explode soon.

Justin loved the way Joey taste. He loved running his tongue on the
nice hard shaft feeling every vain, ridge, and soft spots. He loved
sticking his tongue in Joey's slit just to make him scream. He
enjoyed making Joey feel so good.

Joey thrust in Justin's mouth. It just became to great as the
pleasure took over his senses. He ran his fingers through the curls
and bit his lip as he came.

Justin tried hard to keep it quiet. He let out a small moan as Joey
came hard in his mouth. He continued to suck Joey until his lover
stopped shooting his seed in his mouth. He pulled off and licked the
cum that was dripping on his cheek. He then pulled up Joey's pants
and sat next to him.

Joey was flushed. He brought Justin over to him and kissed
him. "Thank you."

"No thank you love" Justin smiled as he rubbed Joey's growing belly.

Justin looked to the front seat again and met JC's eyes. By the look
in them he knew that JC knew all about what he had just done.

Chris and lance was too busy with each other to really notice, but
the gleam in JC's blue eyes told Justin that the other man had heard
all those little moans and gasps Justin had tried to hide, and he
liked it too. "Getting a little eager, Just?" he asked softly. "Save
some for tonight, hon." Joey couldn't help but laugh, and Justin

As Justin leaned back into the seat, Joey cuddled up to him, and
placed his head on Justin's shoulder. "You were amazing, lover. I
can't wait for tonight." "Me neither," Justin answered, as Joey's
closeness started to do pleasant things to his body. "Me neither."

"Now Chris and Lance had finally broken what had to be the world's
longest kiss and came up for air, both a little breathless. "Mmmm,
that was a nice one," Lance giggled, fastening his arms around Chris'

In the back seat Justin had started to squirm just a little bit. The
cause of that was Joey's hand slowly making it's way down is chest,
making the fabric of the shirt he had on brush against his nipples in
feather-like touches.

The warm hand dipped further down, Justin nearly giggled at the
tickling sensation as Joey walked his fingers over Justin's stomach.
The he reached the waistband of Justin's pants. And Justin knew he
should stop, but by God, there wasn't an ounce of fiber of him that
could find the energy to stop.

Biting his lip to keep from moaning or saying something he would have
a hard time explaining to the three in the front seat, Justin watched
Joey's hand go even a little lower.

 Moving a little to the left, Joey squeezed his thigh playfully, then
he went back to the center, letting his hand get the first full feel.

 At the first direct touch Justin felt his body go tense, he had to
force himself to not move. Joey didn't say anything, just kept his
head and Justin's shoulder, leaning onto him. From the front all they
could see was Joey sitting very close to Justin and Justin's face
which he was sure had to be a  sight. Joey's hand kept stroking him,
kneading him and Justin thought he would go mad from the exquisite

 Letting out a deep, shivering breath, Justin leaned his head on the
back of the seat. "You OK back there, Justin?" JC asked, not taking
his eyes from the road. "I'm fiiiine," Justin stuttered out as Joey's
fingers became more demanding, "I'm...oh my God....just fine."

"I'll take care of him," Joey promised. "Yeah," JC stifled a
laugh. "You go ahead and do that, baby."

"Oh, believe me, I will!" Joey answered. Before Justin could say a
word in protest, Joey had opened his pants and snuck his hand inside
Justin's baby-blue boxers. Now Justin inhaled, sucking in air as if
he had been deprived it for years.

 Moving his face closer to Justin's neck, Joey whispered: "Careful,
sweetheart, or you'll hyperventilate..." He started moving his hand,
encircling Justin's erection, making the other man gasp for air.

Moving his face closer to Justin's neck, Joey whispered: "Careful,
sweetheart, or you'll hyperventilate..." He started moving his hand,
encircling Justin's erection, making the other man gasp for air.

Now Justin knew he had to say something, or he'd show up at his
friends' house with a decorative, but embarrassing stain on his
pants. "Baby," he breathed, "that feels so amazing, but we're
visiting people...I'm so close...and I..." As his mind wrapped itself
around the pleasure Joey was bringing him, Justin had no clue how to
form comprehensible sentences anymore.

Now kissing and licking Justin's sensitive neck, Joey
murmured: "don't worry, I'll help you out..."

In the front seat JC almost couldn't hold back a laugh as Joey ducked
out of sight and Justin's face took on a priceless look of pleasure-
filled surprise.

Scanning the scenery outside the car frantically, Justin realized
that they had yet another ten minutes before they were there. Joey's
mouth felt heavenly around him, Justin let out a groan, trying his
very best to keep all the noises in. He nearly succeeded.

Joey thought about stopping, teasing Justin just a bit more, and
really getting back at him for earlier that day... But he found
himself unable to. Knowing that he caused the torrent of desire on
Justin right now, was more than good enough. So he intensified his
actions and heard a small yelp from Justin. "You know, you don't
sound OK back there," JC teased. "I'm...very...OK," Justin panted
out. "Just...oh holy Christ...fine!"
(Btw we have some hot scenes in this chapter. Enjoy)

The rush of the awaiting bliss surged through Justin's body. letting
one hand brush through Joey's dark hair, he bit his lip again,
desperately, to not let out a single sound.

Fireworks went off inside him, Justin gripped the seat net to him and
held on for dear life as his climax rocked through him, leaving his
exhausted and breathless. A little while later, after tucking Justin
still nice and clean back in his boxers and zipping up his pants
again, Joey sat up.

"You..." Justin started. "You're aware that I'll never let you leave
the bedroom again, right?" "Hmm," Joey said, leaning his head back
onto Justin's shoulder. "I just might like that."

Chapter 7