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Hey, everyone. It's my first time posting here at Nifty, so be patient
with me. This is only a short story, but more are in the process of being
built. This story is Justin friendly, so if you have a problem with him, or
any of NSYNC for that matter, leave now. I warned you!

Disclamer: No, I don't know Nsync. No, I don't know Justin. No, I'm NOT
implying any of them are gay. I happen to just write them as if they
are. Feedback is very welcome, and flames will be ignored :-) Anyway,



Late Night Snack

Copyright 2000 Ice

 Justin sighed. Rolling over, he thought about his problem. The tour
was starting again soon, and he knew he was going to have to come clean to
the others. *To him* Justin thought and grimaced.
 He was scared to death about telling the other. Especially
HIM. They'd known each other for so long and he was scared of what might
happen if he told him. What if he doesn't want to be friends anymore?
Justin wouldn't be able to live without him in his life. Sure, they were
best friends. But the bond they shared was unlike anything Justin had ever
felt in his life. They knew everything about each other. The others hopes,
embarassments, dreams, fears. Everything.
 *Well, not everything* Justin thought. He let out a a depressed
sigh and rolled over again. No, sleep just wasn't going to pay him a visit
tonight. Especially after what happened earlier, right after dinner. An
ironic grin crossed his mind as he thought about it...


 Justin had just woken up from a nightmare. He told the guys his
secret, and they reacted just how he thought they would. Calling him rude
names, hitting him, and screaming at him. Then HE looked over at him with a
glare in his eyes.
 "Don't ever talk to me again, you faggot." He said and took a step
away from his former best friend.
 Justin woke up then, covered in sweat. The dream had left him very
shaken and cranky. He knew deep in his heart the other guys would never
force him to leave the band, and wouldn't hate him for it. But he couldn't
shake that feeling...
 He got out of bed and stripped down to nothing, grabbing a towel
from the floor and wrapping it around his waist. He walked to the bathroom,
still very sleepy, rubbing his eyes. Too groggy to hear the water. He
pushed open the door and was shocked awake when two things enveloped his
 The first was the cloud of steam that billowed around his thin
frame. The second had his feet frozen to the floor, and his mouth agape.
 It was HIM. Standing there. In the shower. Completely naked. But it
wasn't the sight of the beautiful body that had Justins mouth hanging
open. Oh no.
 He stood in the shower, in all his glory, with his left hand
against the glass shower door and leaned into that hand. His right hand,
however, was furiously jerking at his hardened dick. His head was hanging
down, allowing Justin to see his beautiful profile.
 His eyes were shut tightly, and the look of pleasure on his face
was almost too much for Justin to handle. His mouth was slightly open,
letting small moans and grunts to escape. He was concentrating too hard on
something to notice Justin standing not even five feet away, wearing only a
towel and a shocked expression. The whole image in Justins mind was
 When his feet finally decided they could move again, he slowly
inched backwards. Hoping, PRAYING, he hadn't been seen. Justin froze when
he heard what came out of his mouth next. It was so quiet, and was laced
with a low moan, that he could have been mistaken. It could have been
something entirely different. He continued his way back out the foor, and
shut it slowly. Justin walked back to his room in a daze, with one thing on
his mind. The word HE had let out.


 But that wasn't unusual, right? Don't all guys get curious like
that? Think of other guys, even sometimes friends? *Besides,* Justin
thought to himself. *There's no way in HELL that he's...* He stopped
himself. He threw back his covers. Swinging his legs off the bed he dropped
his head into his hands and let out a frustrated sigh. If he can't even
THINK the world, how could he say it out loud? Especially to four people
who meant the world to him. Especially to HIM...
 Justin stood up and glanced over at himself in the mirror. The mere
THOUGHT of him had his dick hard and aching for release. He rubbed a hand
over his stomach absently. His hair was a huge mass of unruly curls, with a
lovely dash of bed head. He had shed the beater earlier, so his smooth
chest was exposed. All that was left was the Calvin Klein pajama pants,
covering something that was dying to be let out.
 Justin shook his head at himself, deciding not to. He swallowed as
he look at the bottom of the mirror at the picture held there. It was taken
back during the early days of *NSYNC, when Justin was only 15. They had
their arms thrown around each other, and their cheeks were pushed together,
both giving goofy grins to the cameraman, who was another bandmate. He
remembered that hug. Oh he remembered it. He didn't want to let go.
 Again, Justin sighed and walked over to the door. He might as well
get a cold drink, or a late night snack. It was hot as hell in that
house. Shutting his light off, he opened the door and walked out into the
blackness. He made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen easily
 He walked across the tile floor over to a cabinet. After grabbing a
glass, he padded his way over to the fridge. He opened the door, bathing
himself in light, and cool air. He grabbed the gallon of orange juice, and
poured himself a huge glass. He put the oj back, and kept the door open
while he chugged down more than half the glass, cooling his hot body
off. He backed away and let the door close. Turning around he walked a few
steps over to the sink, where he gulped down the last of his juice. He
dragged one hand across his mouth, and sighed.
 "Thirsty?" A voice in the dark whispered. Justin nearly dropped his
glass. He spun around quickly and squinted into the darkness, hoping his
eyes would adjust faster.
 "Who...?" Justin started to ask, then he noticed the outling of the
profile next to the fridge. Only one person in Justins eyes had a profile
that beautiful. He shook off the thought.
 "You fuckin scared the shit out of me!" Justin let out, turning
around and putting his glass in the sink. He turned back around to face
him, and leaned on the counter behind him.
 "Oh, sorry bout that." the other guy apologized. "I just couldn't
sleep. I've got some stuff on my mind." He explained.
 He moved so he was standing directly in front of Justin, leaning
against the fridge door.
 "Care to share?" Justin raised an eyebrow and unconsciously
readjusted his rock hard cock. Thank God it was dark in there.
 "Nah, it's just stupid stuff. So what brings you down here at
almost 3:30 AM?" He tried to change the subject.
 "You said it already genius," Justin smirked. "I was thirsty." His
eyes were adjusting more now.
 "Yeah, sorry again." He muttered. He turned around and opened the
fridge door, bending over slightly to look inside, while Justin stood
transfixed behind him.
 There he was. In just a pair of boxers. Justin caught his breath as
he watched the back muscles ripple when he moved down a little
further. Then his stomach growled. The other man laughed.
 "Hungry?" He asked. *Not for food...* Justin thought without
answering. "There's some leftover pasta from earlier. Here." He said and
without turning around, stuck his hand out offering the container to Justin
 Justin moved forward to grab the plastic. That's when it happened.
 The older man backed up and step and closed the door with his other
hand. Backed up right into Justin. Justin let out a small gasp as his
throbbing dick was lightly rubbed by the other man's ass, just as he got
ahold of the container that the other man still held right over his
 Neither of them moved. They couldn't. They were both to mesmerized
by the rush the mere touch of the other brought them. Finally, Justin
pulled back the container with the food in it and placed it on the counter
behind him, not moving the rest of his body.
 The older man let his hand drop and slightly turned his head to the
left. They were so close, Justins lips almost touched his ear. He shuddered
at the feeling of Justins hot breath on his earlobe.
 "Justin..." He let out a strangled whisper. Justin placed his hands
on the others hips. Immediately his hands came up to cover Justins, not
letting them leave his body. Justin leaned forward grazing his lips over
his ear. He brushed them back and forth, enjoying the quiet moan he
produced from the other mans mouth.
 Suddenly he turned around so he was facing Justin. Their faces were
so close their noses were slightly bumping. Justins hands were still
resting on the others hips, and his hands were now on Justins forearms.
 They both stood there, afraid to move. Dying to move. Not
breathing. Just gazing at each other, waiting for the other to move. As if
in slow motion, they both inched forward. Then their lips lightly touched
 Next thing they knew they were in each others arms, lips pressed
together passionately. Justin parted his lips and let the older guys tongue
enter his mouth, where it met his own. Their bodies melted together as they
explored each other with their hands. Justins hands had long left the hips
they were resting at, and were running up and down the other mans back,
feeling the silky smooth skin beneath his fingertips.
 The older man brought his hands to Justins face. They held Justins
cheeks stroking lightly, then moved, one hand to Justin's neck to pull him
closer, the other he let run through Justins mass of curls.
 When their mouths broke apart neither could tell if they stood
there for five minutes or an hour. They still held each other tightly,
refusing to let go. The other man leaned in and brushed his lips against
Justins lightly, silently asking if it was ok. Justin responded by trailing
his hands down the other back and hesitantly cupping his ass through the
thin fabric of the dark green boxers, squeezing lightly.
 The other man moaned out his appreciation and covered Justins mouth
with his again. Their tongues danced a fiery durl in their mouths as the
older man pushed his body against Justins, their erections erotically
grinding together. This time it was justin who moaned.
 "Maybe we should stop." Just managed to get out through his
panting. Even as he said it he let his hands slip under the waistband of
his boxers and squeezed the soft skin of the others asscheeks.
 "I can't stop," was the reply he got, as he lowered his head to
kiss Justins neck, then brought his head back up so he could look into his
eyes. "I've wanted this for too long." He said seriously. With that, he
leaned forward and placed a kiss on Justins lips. It was different than the
others they just shared. This kiss was pure, soft, and full of raw emotion.
 That was all Justin needed. He removed his hands from the other
mans boxers and brought them up to his face. He held his face in his hands
as he returned the gentle kiss. He then let his lips travel across his
cheek to the mans ear, which he lightly kissed. He moved to down to his
neck and began to kiss it gently, over and over.
 "Me too," The Justin whispered into his neck. He brought Justins
face back up to his and kissed him softly. "I was too afraid to try."
Justin said so quietly, he wasn't even sure if he said it out loud or not.
 Again, they leaned forward into each other. This time as their kiss
got more heated Justin moved his hands down his back and into the man's
boxers without hesitating. He squeezed and kneaded his ass over and over,
until he had to have more.
 Without taking his hands out, Justin moved them around the others
body, gently taking his long hardened cock into his hand. He pulled back to
he could see his expression, but the older man had a look of pure ecstasy
on his face. Justin leaned back into his neck and his tongue darted out to
get a taste of his skin. Liking what he tasted Justin eagerly latched his
lips to his neck, sucking and lightly biting.
 He stood there, his mind reeling from the feeling Justin was giving
him. When Justins hand began to stroke, it had almost been too much. Then
Justin reached down and took his balls into his hand and lightly rubbed.
 His knees wobbled, and he had to lean back against the fridge to
hold himself up, bringing Justin along with him. He pulled Justins hands
out of his boxers roughly. Justin pulled back from his neck and looked at
him confused.
 "Do you want this to be over before it starts?" He asked Justin
hoarsely. He leaned in and kissed him, letting his hands travel up Justins
cut arms as Justins tongue pushed it's way into his mouth. He gladly
accepted it as he ran his hands down his smooth chest. He stopped to play
with Justins nipples for a second, then continued down to the waistband of
Justins pajama pants. He pulled back and looked into Justins eyes.
 "I... Justin, I..." He started. He cupped Justins packed and
massaged it, making Justin moan. "I need to have you. Now. Because I don't
think I can go any longer without you." His voice broke. Justin leaned in
and feverently kissed him. Then he pulled Justins pajama pants down above
his knees and ran his fingers up Justins thighs.
 Justin let out a cry of pleasure into his mouth as he found Justins
penis and sensously stroked it's thickness. Justin ran his hands down his
back and back into the other mans boxers.
 This time, when Justins hands got there, he did something he hadn't
done yet. He spread his ass cheeks apart lightly, and let his middle finger
on his right hand rub the tight hold he found there. The other man moaned,
sucking on Justins tongue. Slowly, Justin pushed his finger all the way
in. He then let go of Justins mouth and threw his head back in pleasure.
 Justin brought his mouth back to his neck and sucked on a different
spot, a hickey already forming from a few minutes earlier. He slowly
brought his finger almost completely out, before replacing it, a little
harder this time. He wiggled his finger around a little, finding a little
"button" and rubbing it lightly. The other man tried to suppress a grunt at
this new intoxicating feeling.
 Justin pulled his hands out of his boxers and ripped them down. The
other man turned around leaning his hands against the counter next to the
 Justin stood behing him, admiring the view. He rubbed the precum
leaking out of his dick onto his shaft. Then he spread the ass cheeks
again, and touched his cock to the other mans ass.
 Justin slightly pushed forward, letting his head enter the tight
cave first. The other man hissed at the pain and Justin stopped.
 "Are you alright?" He asked quickly, bringing his hands to the
others shoulders, rubbing them lightly. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked
sincerely. If he was in pain, then Justin was not going to continue.
 "No, don't stop," The older man cried out. He lifted his left hand
off the counter and covered Justins, lacing their fingers
together. "Please, don't stop now."
 Justin felt the tight ass muscles relax some, and gently pushed a
little more. Half his dick was in now, locked in the tight confines of the
older man's ass. He moaned at the incredible feeling he got. It was so
 The other man relaxed a little more, and Justin slipped all the way
in. He laid his chest onto his back, both of them not moving for a full
minute. Just getting used to the feeling. Justin kissed the back of his
 "You feel so good," The older guy moaned out
quietly. "Please... Keep going." He begged.
 With that, Justin slowly pulled out, then pushed back in. Again,
staying slow. He didn't want to be too rough. His hands traveled up and
down the others back as he slid in and out of the tight hole. His hands
came to a stop at his hips where he steadied himself.
 He continued, pushing and pulling in and out of the older man's
ass. He couldn't believe this was happening, but the moans of pleasure he
heard coming from the man he had secretly lusted over for too long
convinced him of how real it was.
 The man cluthed at the counter, ecstasy running through his body
with every push Justin made. Justins dick was rubing against his prostate,
a completely new feeling for him.
 No words were spoken as Justin repeatedly thrust in and out of
him. None were needed. An occasional moan was all that was heard over the
panting, over the ragged breath coming from the both of them.
 Then Justin picked up his pace, thrusting faster as he felt his
release very close. He felt the older man pushing back every time his dick
was completely enveloped in his ass. Justin closed his eyes as he ran his
hands up his sweaty back to his shoulders. He thrusted harder and faster,
sweat pouring down his chest from holding himself back, trying his hardest
to bring the other man to the point where he was at. Waiting for him. Then
Justin reached around and found his dick. He grabbed it and yanked lightly.
 The other man bit his lip so he could hold back the scream he
wanted to let out, as he came all over Justins hand and the cabinets. His
ass muscles tightened around Justin and with a quiet cry, Justin finally
let go. He slowly thrust in once. Twice. With a final push, he came inside
the man, letting his juices fill him inside. He collapsed onto his lovers
back, wrapping his arms around him.
 The older man put his head on the cool counter, letting one arm
drop over his head to lay flat against the counter. Justins arms came up
then. His right arm covered the one he had just laid down, and his left
wrapped under his arm around to the front of his shoulder. The other man
covered Justin's left hand with his own. Justin rested his sweaty forehead
against the side of his head, panting into his ear which he lightly kissed.
 "I love you Justin." The older man whispered into the dark. His
eyes were closed and he swallowed hard.
 Justin nuzzled the man's neck with his face, squeezing his left
hand tightly.
 "I love you too, JC."


  Okay, okay. Let me know what you think. Good. Bad. Was it awesome. Was it
completely shitty. WHATEVER! I must know. I'll post a serial story soon
enough, but I have a few more Justin/JC friendly stories (they're just so
cute together) I want to put up, so I'll wait and see the reaction I get
from this ( )

Thanx for readin.
