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Alright, it's about time we got this ish up. Neither of us are good at descriptions so you're on your own. But all of these sites are fabulous. Trust us, if it's been written, it's been read. Now go you silly things...

*Akane's stuff...Vein Open Voice

*Bobbi's stuff...Walking in the Clouds

*Bohemia's stuff...Rapture

*China Doll's stuff... India Ink

*Dani's stuff...Backstreet Escapes

*Destiny's stuff...*NSync Pop Fic (non-slash) *NSync Shadows (slash)

*Em's stuff...Smoke and Mirrors

*Gretchen's stuff... Loves Desires

*Helen (etc.)'s stuff...Puppies In A Box

*Jericho's stuff...Pop Slash

*Kat's stuff...The Kat's Meow

*Lois's stuff...Hobbies Odd

*Mojoe's stuff...Mojoe

*Salem's stuff...Forever

*Sylvia & Alicia's stuff...So Many Intentions

*Whitney's stuff...The Perfect Fan's Fan Fiction

...more to come....

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