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Play* Sexy* Britney* Embarassing* Period*

Opening night of Our Town and Justin sat in the wings waiting for the curtain to go up. This play was his baby. After three years of being someone else's lackey, he was finally "Stage Manager". Not "Freshman Props". Not "Second Assistant". And not "Stage Manager in Training". Stage Manager. Finally. And Justin had butterflies as if he were one of the performers.

"Britney, get ready for your cue," he said to the woman who had silently sidled up against him.

"Huh, oh yeah. Thanks," she muttered, barely paying him notice. Britney--another project he had been working towards for the past three years. though his being appointed Stage Manager had become apparent during his sophomore year, there had been no such guarantees in gaining the most coveted position at Memphis High--Boyfriend of Britney Spears. He sighed as she took her place on stage.

"Only she could look sexy as hell in one of Emily's sack dresses."

On stage, Britney turned profile, so that her back was facing Justin's position stage right. She moved her skirt and saw a stain. His eyes widened when he realized what it was.

"Britney please don't turn around, for the love of God, don't show the audience your ass," he whispered, praying for the scene to end.

Thankfully it did, and she had turned to exit the stage gracefully avoiding turning upstage, as if she had heard Justin. she breezed by him when Justin grabbed her arm gently.

"What," she asked, slight annoyance in her tone.

"Um, Britney--I--uh--this is really embarassing... Your, uh, skirt..." Justin stammered, not knowing how to tell Britney about the stain on her dress.

"What is it Justin?"

He motioned for her to lean in. She obliged, and he whispered in her ear.

"I think you have your period."

Britney's face turned as red as the spot as she frantically bunched up the skirt and craned her neck to see the offending mark.

"Oh my god, what am I going to do? I can't go back out there, and I only have this one dress..." Britney rambled on.

Without thinking, Justin quickly unbuttoned his brown, plaid flannel shirt. Removing it, he leaned over and tied it around her waist. Wide-eyed, Britney looked at Justin, now clad in a tank top.

"Justin it's freezing back here." She moced to return the shirt but was stopped by a shaking of Justin's head.

"You need it. Don't worry. I'll be fine," he lied. The backstage was easily 47 degrees, and he shivered slightly.

"Go on. Your cue."

Britney looked from the stage, to the Stage Manager, and smiled.

"You're a life saver," she said. Leaning over she kissed him softly on the lips, then sashayed to her mark.

Justin smiled, and wondered when it got so hot backstage.