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Sunday* Occasionally* Quota* Upset* Zellweger

"Oh Sunday Sunday. Doo do, doo dee do doo. And I am hungry. Doo do, doo dee do doo." Justin sang loudly from where he lay sprawled out on the couch on the bus.

"Justin, what are you singing," Chris asked, looking up from his copy of Maxim.

"That song, Sunday Sunday. By that group, you know, the one with the chick and the sandwich. Ah! Mommies and Daddies," Justin explained.

Chris looked down at the photo spread of Renee Zellweger and sighed. "Later my dear," he thought, and returned his glance to Justin.

"What's wrong with you," Chris asked seriously.

"What do you mean?"

Chris sighed again. "First of all the song is Monday Monday, and there's nothing about being hungry in it, and it's the Mama's and the Papa's and how could you get everything wrong but still know that Mama Cass died because she choked on a sandwich?" Chris tried not to get upset, but failed, his voice raising.

"Mama who," Justin asked. From the front of the bus Joey laughed.

"Someone's dating themselves," he shouted in a sing song voice, before ducking to avoid the pillow Chris propelled in his direction.

"What's the big deal Chris," Justin asked. "It's just a song."

Chris looked at the younger man and frowned. "Sorry J, I'm just stressed because of Fuman. I mean, I got quotas to fill, new designs to approve and really--- I just need a break," Chris vented, throwing his arms up in frustration.

Justin nodded thoughtfully. "You know what you need," he asked. Chris shook his head. "You need to sing."

Chris crossed his eyes and wondered if Lynn occasionally dropped Justin on his head as a child. "Justin, I sing every damn day. How could that possiblly be helpful?"

"Don't sing for real. Just make up your own words. It's more fun that way," Justin explained, as if the answer were obvious.


Justin sighed and turned on the radio. Faith Hill's Breathe was playing, and at the chorus, Justin sang along. "Cause I can smell your feet. The stench is killing me. And suddenly I'm gasping for some air."

Chris giggled at Justin's lyrics, and the younger man raised his eyebrows as if to say "see".

When the bus pulled into a truck stop in Milwaukee, Justin and Chris had decided that Sarah MacLaughlin was "Building Up Mr. T". Backstreet Boys were lamenting "The Smell of Nick's Farts". Britney was upset because "Oops, I Peed in my Bed," and Joey--- Well, Joey had a headache.